Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Baby it's cold outside

I don't like the idea of whining about the cold in my blog, but as most of my readers are enjoying warm west coast weather, I thought you should be aware of what I have to endure. (I am also known to get a bit depressed in February, so I consider this a good way of dealing with it)

It is 27 degrees right now. But that doesn't factor in the wind chill. 20MPH gusts of freezing air in your face is no fun at all! I wear layers upon layers every day. However, my office is really, REALLY toasty, so I'm usually dying of heat in the afternoon.

-as I write this on the train, someone smells like a bacon cheeseburger- YUM!-
Anyways, the heat in my office just makes me want to curl up for a nap after lunch.
In other sad news I lost a glove today. A very special glove.
When I moved to New York I had a pair of black, fingerless, Volcom gloves. They had a cute bow tie on the sides of them. About two years ago I came home from work and my old roomie Erin said, "Did you lose a glove?" I reached into my pocket to realize that I certainly did. She informed me that she found it on the street about three blocks away from our apartment. She immediately recognized it as mine and picked it up for me! So I was wearing these special gloves on this bitterly cold day today and when I transferred trains on my way to work I took them off to put my hair up. I shoved the gloves into my pocket and fixed my hair up. Then I read my book while the train took me to my stop. I got to my building and I was in line to order some oatmeal when I reached into my pocket only to find the left glove missing!! It is now on the V train making its way to Queens. Sad times :(
I feel like it might make its way back to me... then I could call it The Parable of the Lost Glove.
I'd hate to leave you on a sad note, so I will fill you in on all the fun things going on.

-I loved the Oscars this year! (yay for Kate Winslet and Slumdog Millionaire)
-My ballot won. I picked out most of the winners
-A couple weeks ago my two friends and I went up to Cornell University for a Church YSA conference. We had a really nice time! And took cheesy pictures, like this Abbey Road one...
-I am taking a class at NYU that starts tomorrow (an HR course on employment law)
-I ended up going out for a burger for dinner (Thank you Mr. Bacon Cheeseburger on the train)
-And I need to give a shout out to my sister from another mister, Miss Brittany Warnock. Her birthday is Thursday. Happy Birthday!

This is a pic from when she came to visit me in November. We are at the movies waiting for Twilight to start. It was probably around 11:45PM that this photo was taken.

I will try to be a better blogger and keep you up to speed on my life. I feel like there are a lot of good and blogworthy things on the horizon... TTFN