Thursday, March 19, 2009

Late Night

Most nights I'm safely tucked in bed by 10:30pm. I don't really consider myself a night owl these days, but last Friday I defied the old lady in me and stayed out late and had the best time!

Friday the 13th...

My night began with the taping of the Jimmy Fallon show. I met my friends at 30 Rockefeller Plaza (yes, THAT 30 Rock). While waiting for them to show up, I saw two guys dressed as the Joker from The Dark Knight, in the Lobby. I thought it was completely bizarre, but I learned later that they were part of a skit on SNL!

Eventually my friends all showed up and the adorable NBC pages filed us in to the studio. While waiting for the show to start we got to listen to the house band perform, the band Roots, and they were AMAZING! We are already energized when Jimmy Fallon came on and (attempted) to deliver his funny monologue.

Then came the "Shared Experience". The idea was to have a bunch of people do something at the same time to create this shared experience. The audience all had warhead candies and we ate them at the same time, on camera. Lucky for you, you can see our reactions. I made it on national T.V. (woot, woot) Not so lucky for me, as my sour face is not the cutest... oh well!

The second "Shared Experience" of the night, and arguably the best, was when they asked us to reach under our chairs and take out our prize. It was the official blanket with sleeves, the SNUGGIE!!! We all put them on and snuggled up for the rest of the show. Little did I know that this blanket with sleeves would change my life. If you don't have one, ORDER ONE NOW! (I believe you also get a free reading light.) You don't think you need one, but you do. Even as I sit on my floor, laptop on my lap, blogging the night away, I'm covered in soft, thick, luxurious fleece, yet my hands are free to reach out to all of you!! I'm losing my train of thought... oh yeah! Jimmy. So Tracy Morgan was on the show, and he was hysterical. Then this funny animal guy with all of these neat animals. And then Trace Adkin performed. It was a great show and so much fun. You can watch it here:

Here we are in our snuggies at 30 Rock, posing with Jimmy

But my night didn't end here. We were four girls with the city at our disposal. Next stop. Dinner in Brooklyn...

We went to a favorite place in the DUMBO neighborhood called Superfine, and it was just that. We were all still so obsessed with our snuggies that we couldn't just ignore them. So we put them on! On the train, in the restaurant, at the bar, at the pool table... And we weren't the only ones obsessed. "Is that a snuggie?" "Can I touch it?" were the frequent requests from strangers.

Next stop on our journey was a hair dying party. We had to make some stops on the way, pick up a car, pick up the bleach, take it to our friends apartment. By this point the show came on, (12:30) and we watched it . We screamed when we saw ourselves on the screen, it was pretty funny. My friend Sara has a DVR so we watched the episode several more times during the evening while we streaked our hair. Here are some pics of our dying mania!

The finished product. Well, almost. We added another chunk of blond to my bangs.

Wow! It was a fun night. I didn't get home until 4:30am!

Anyways, my old lady bedtime is approaching so I'm calling it a night. Peace!

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Getting Older

In good news the weather has finally warmed up!!! After a crazy snowstorm on Monday, it's finally getting warmer. Today was 68 degrees :) and I couldn't be happier. We went out for a lovely brunch at this Mexican restaurant and we sat outside in the sunshine. I felt like I was in L.A. or something. Then we went to the park where I rode around on my bicycle. Now I am sitting in my apartment with all the windows open, and I may or may not be watching a Harry Potter movie marathon... (okay, I am!)

I had to tell you about my concert experience last night. Now I love going to see concerts, in fact, back in Vegas my friends and I would go all the time! So when I heard that Missy Higgins was playing in Manhattan, I promptly purchased my ticket. I met my friends Amber and Sara at the venue. I had to walk there (1.74 miles), the weather was nice so I didn't mind. The tickets said 7:00, which I took to mean that it started at 7:00... No, it meant they doors opened at 7:00. So we had to wait outside with all of these other crowds of people (and smokers, ew!). Then we waited inside for what seemed like forever before the show started. The opening act was this cute Australian girl, Lenka. Then it was this cute American/Asian boy Justin Nozuka. Then Missy Higgins came on- hours later! By this point I was completely annoyed with everyone around me. There is no such thing as personal space in a venue like this, but people were just being ridiculously up in my business. The other issue was my feet. I am not accustomed to standing for long periods of time and my feet were KILLING me! (pathetic, I know). I was also hungry and ready to leave. Then it occurred to me! I AM GETTING OLD!!! I wasn't like this before. I didn't understand people that would leave before the encore. Or why they complained about being shoved around. Now i was one of them!!! Also keep in mind that this isn't some "wild" rock concert. It was all very mellow music- anything you find on your light, adult music station. And I couldn't even handle THAT!
Anyhow, we made it through the concert (and the encore) then we limped our way to an overpriced diner (the only thing open) and scarfed on greasy food and chocolaty drinks. I didn't get home until 2:30AM, and I felt like an old lady! But, the concert was great. She put on a good show and I really liked it- after all was said and done.

In other sad news, my sister hasn't been feeling well. To read more about it: Feel better Ash!

I also included a link to Heather and Nathan's new blog. Check out their cute little boys!