Monday, February 14, 2011

Extreme Makeover: Brooklyn Bedroom Edition

My sister Ashley is a genius. 
She and Brandon came up to NY a couple months ago to "do my room".  I needed a new wardrobe because my last one was falling apart.
Ash had big plans for my usual mess and un-styled bedroom.  She interviewed me about my hopes and dreams for my perfect bedroom, what I wanted to do in my room, how I wanted it to feel, etc. 
She came up with this board of our vision and how we would proceed.

Pretty awesome huh?
So Brandon and I went to IKEA to get the goods.  
We came home to this...

Pretty terrifying. Does she really know what she's doing?
Well after a day and half of working it was completed.  
And I had the perfect bedroom. 



Yay! Thanks so much Ashley and Brandon!
I now love my room.  Everything has a place and it looks beautiful.

Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day lovers! xoxoxo
No I'm not listening to Beyonce's Single Ladies right now...