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Spiral galaxy NGC6207 at upper left.

  • Object: M13 Globular Cluster in Hercules
  • Distance: 21,000 light years
  • Size: 160 light years in diameter
  • Exposure: 67 minutes
  • Telescope: Astro-Physics 130 EDF f/6.7
  • Mount: Astro-Physics 600E QMD
  • Guiding: SBIG ST-4 @ 700mm (A1/A2)
  • Camera: Pentax 67
  • Film: Kodak PPF 400
  • Location: Loudon, NH
  • Date: 20-Apr-01 00:12 EDT
  • Conditions: transparency 5/10, seeing 7/10, LVM 6.0, temp 20° F, no wind
  • Processing: UMAX PowerLook 3000, Adobe Photoshop 6.0, bgsmooth 2 20

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