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In the foreground at lower left you can see an Astro-Physics 130 EDF shooting Omega Centauri while wearing its Kendrick dew heater. A 60mm guide scope shows at lower center. The A-P 130 was 6 inches away from the camera lens, while the near side of the Milky Way was about 5,000 light years away at the time.

  • Object: Southern Milky Way
  • Exposure: 90 minutes @ f/5.6
  • Lens: 35mm fisheye
  • Mount: Astro-Physics 600E QMD
  • Guiding: SBIG ST-4 @ 700mm
  • Camera: Pentax 67
  • Film: Kodak E200
  • Location: Vicuña, Chile
  • Date: 17-Apr-02 00:20 CST
  • Conditions: transparency 8/10, seeing 7/10, LVM 7, temp 55° F, RH 73%
  • Processing: UMAX PowerLook 3000, Adobe Photoshop 6.0.1

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