Friday, November 10, 2017

Art Scam/Art Spam

Did you know that the traditional gift for 20 years of marriage is art? I had no idea until I received the following 3 emails in the past week...

My name is Jeffery Hewlett from Snyder, Texas. I was looking for some artwork online and i found your contact while searching. I would like to purchase some of your work for my wife as a surprise for our 20th anniversary. Please kindly send pics and prices of some of your art which are ready for immediate sales within price range $500-$5000. I hope to hear a lot more about any available piece in your inventory ready for immediate sale.

Thanks and best regards, Jeffery.


My name is James from Charlotte, NC. I was looking for some artwork online and i found your contact while searching. Will like to purchase some of your work for my wife as a surprise for our 20th anniversary. Please kindly send pics and prices of some of your art which are ready for immediate sales within price range $300-$1,200, i could be flexible with price. So i hope to hear a lot more about any available piece in your inventory.

Thanks and best regards, James


My name is Kevin Spiker from Washington, DC. I was looking for some artwork online and i found your contact while searching. I would like to purchase some of your work for my wife as a surprise for our 20th anniversary. Please kindly send pics and prices of some of your art which are ready for immediate sales within price range $500-$5000. So I will hope to hear a lot more about any available piece in your inventory ready for immediate sale.

Thanks and best regards, Kevin


Somebody should tell James that he needs to up his price range!

Anybody else hear from Jeffery, James or Kevin?

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Gift Giving and Receiving

The Do's and Dont's of Handmade Gifts.

"Every year, as the holiday season approaches, my thoughts turn to gift giving... This got me thinking about the hows and whys and the dos and don'ts of giving handmade gifts. Why do people give handmade gifts in the first place? Does the giver have different expectations of the recipient when the gift is handmade? Are these handcrafted gifts appreciated by the receiver, or do they somehow add an extra burden or level of obligation that might not be appreciated?"

Read the entire article here on the Cloth Paper Scissors blog.


Have you ever given and/or received a handmade gift? Share your thoughts in the comments about your experience.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Make it Your Own: 22

I always find it exciting when I come across artwork online that incorporates my product lines. Seeing how different people use these items in such creative ways is always inspiring. I love the wide variety of styles and unique choices. Click each link below for more details on each and click here to see other posts in this series.

with a full tutorial on video



Sunday, November 5, 2017

The Sunday Papers: 22

Welcome to the Sunday Papers. Grab a cuppa, get comfy and turn the virtual pages. Did you miss any along the way? See every edition here.








 J.C. Spock

Friday, November 3, 2017