The 2006 Catolympics

Sunday, April 30, 2006


TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO SIGN UP! WE STILL NEED 1 SOCCER PLAYER. Sign-up ends at midnight. Be sure to check the list below to make sure you are signed up for everything you want to be in. So far we have over 72 signed up! Be sure YOU are a part of it! And yes, the rules for soccer are the same as tub hockey. Contact me if you have any questions, concerns, and or problems! New updates will begin this week!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Climbing Tree

This is a picture of the climbing tree for the catolympics. There is a yellow mark on the tree where your front paw has to touch, shown by the yellow arrow. This is catolympics regulation height for climbing, The Mom checked in the book to make sure.


Friday, April 21, 2006

Catolympic Logos

These are the Catolympic logos to choose from. A suggestion would be to use the big one on your site itself, and the smaller one on the sidebar.

Event update coming soon!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Catolympics Events and Update

We three girls are furry cited bout the Catolympics being held here in the Big Piney Woods. Mom has just finished the outside course. (Some events will be held inside the track, see below.) The torch relay will end in the center of the outside course where the flame will be lit. The following is where the events will be held:

Indoors in living room area:
Balance Beam
Tumbling, Floor Routine
Sumo Wrestling
Fitting In Small Boxes

In downstairs bathroom:
Tub Soccer

Outside Course :
Speed Racing

Outside Course (in center:)
Hairball Hurling
High Jump
Litter Throw

Outside (In Designated trees:)

Outside (On screen, backdoor)

~Patches, Mittens, and Mistrie~

Sign-Up Informaton

Sign-up deadline: April 30
See events below... When signing up, please provide ALL the following information: Name, if you'll be a torch carrier (state/country), sport(s), age (for right group), and if sumo wrestling, weight (for right group).

The Official Catolympic Logo will be provided for all participatants, and a separate special one for torch carriers!

Patches, is hosting a nap-a-thon as a closing ceremony. No need to sign-up for that, but please let her know if only doing that. Instructions for teleporting to come.

You can sign up for as many events as you want. (Please do!)

Curling tail & body, although 2 parts are actually 1 event. If you sign up for Curling, you compete in both. Same goes for the climbing events. If you're not sure about age/ weight, guess.

There WILL be nip testing prior to competitions so make sure you're clean. If you fail, you will not be allowed to compete until it's out of your system.

Present timeline:
Registration is open until April 30.
Groups and torch route made in May.
First 2 weeks in June are torch relay.
3rd Saturday in June it will end at Patches', where competitions will take place ending with nap-a-thon.

--balance beam--climbing curling--fit in small boxes--hairball hurling--high jump--litter throw--speed racing--sumo wrestling--tub soccer--tumbling floor routine--yowling--

Good luck!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


BALANCE BEAM-Abby, Bangles, Buddy, Dolce, Edsel, Gemini, HGL, Luna (USA), Mouse, Patches, Piper, Princess Mia, Shadow, Victor T

CLIMBING-Bella, Buddah, Buddy, Koko, Lucky, Maxwell Smartkitty, Nardo, Punkin, Salem

CURLING-Abby, Boo, Buddy, Bumpers, Cheese, Hee Seop, Luna (USA), Luna (Spanish), Mattingly, Mittens, Moose, Mouse, Petey, Princess Mia, Victor T.

FIT IN SMALL BOXES-Angelica, Badness, Bonnie U., Fat Eric, HGL, Luna, (Spanish), Luna (USA), Salem, Sanjee, Timmy

HAIRBALL HURLING-Bonnie U., Finny, Frisky, Georgia, Magoo, Mittens, Petey, Punkin, Smudge

HIGH JUMP-Bangles, Buddah, Buddy, Derby, Dolce, Luna (USA), Mattingly, Maxwell Smartkitty, Nala, Ping, Princess Mia, Tyler

LITTER THROW-Abby, Boni, Edsel, Egypt, Finny, Luna (USA), Mattingly, Sammy, Scout, Tuxie

SPEED RACING-Beau Beau, Bella, Buddy, Dolce, Derby, Finny, Kiara, Mistre, Nala, Oreo, Ping, Princess Mia, Timmy

SUMO WRESTLING-Autumn Savannah , Bangles, Bombay, Bonnie U., Cheese, Fat Eric, Jagger, Lucky, Luna (USA), Magoo, Max, Merlin, Petey, Punkin, Sammy, Shaggy, Timmy, Tucker

TUB SOCCER-Beau Beau, Cosmo, Lucky, Luna (Spanish), Magoo, Miles, Patches, Petey, Punkin, Sammy, Smudge, Sanjee, Victor T., Zeus

TUMBLING FLOOR ROUTINE-Angelica, Bella, Bombay; Buddy, Cheese, Dolce, HGL, Luna (USA), Meeko, Mouse, Sammy, Turtle

YOWLING-Angelo, Basil, Finny, Kiara, Lucky, Magoo, Miles, Petey

OPENING TORCH RELAY-Bangles, Beau, Bombay, Boni, Boo, Dino's gang, Diva Kitty's gang, Egypt, Fat Eric, Finny, Harper, Hopper, Lucky, Mattingly, Max, Meeko, Miles, Mistre Rose, Princess Mia, Ramona, Sanjee, Scrappy, Smeagol's Gang, Timmy, Tuxie

*If you don't see your name and have signed up for an event, please let Beau know.*