Colour & Vision database

Dan Plummer (1966-2006)

Scientist, colleague and friend. Died tragically in a cycling accident on Jan 1st, 2006.

These Web pages provide an annotated library of easily-downloadable standard data sets relevant to color and vision research. The focus of this site is primarily scientific and technical, but some introductory background information is also provided. We welcome comments, suggestions and contributions. Some features on these pages require newer versions of the various internet browsers. For older browsers, a basic index without frills is provided.  A consistent set of functions for modeling color vision based on the Stockman & Sharpe (2000) cone fundamentals published in Vision Research (vol. 40, 1711-1737) can be found here. These functions are tabulated in 0.1, 1 and 5 nm steps.
Andrew Stockman and Lindsay T. Sharpe

Last updated: February 27th, 2006

Search the CVRL database


Data Pages

Key for the Data Sets pages

List of clickable buttons and the type of data or information associated with each.

CVRL functions

Functions for modeling color vision developed as part of our ongoing research program.

Colour Matching Functions

Chromaticity Coordinates

Cone Fundamentals

Monochromats & Dichromats


Prereceptoral filters

Luminosity functions

CIE standard functions


Photopigment optical density


Photoreceptor outersegment length

Photoreceptor densities


Published tables

Miscellaneous pages


Background information

WWW links

If you have any comments or if you find any errors please send e-mail to

Thanks for support to

The Wellcome Trust
Fight for Sight
National Eye Institute, NIH

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Copyright © 1995-2006 Colour and Vision Research Labs