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September 20, 2024

On The ONT Where You Live


I want to make it perfectly clear that reading this ONT poses a huge danger to our democracy.


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Posted by WeirdDave at 10:00 PM Comments

King Harv Imperial Coffee

Chinese Counterfeit Panda Ring Cafe


The Carina Nebula, just 7500 short lightyears away

That must be fake, right? It totally looks like a Templar charging into battle.

Oh well, I posted it, it's too late to do anything about it now.

There's no such thing as Social Contagion you guys.

Grooming a tiger, removing its winter coat.

Construction snake, a videogame created by Elroy Patashnik.

Dogs meet the baby.

Introducing the baby to the horses.

Baby shows off her new dress.

Naughty baby has her "Aren't I a little stinker?" face on lock.

Camels having a drink.

Badass table-making.

Wedding dance.

Below: A Chinese zoo had to admit one of its "pandas" was really just a dog painted black and white when it began panting. And barking.

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Posted by Ace at 07:07 PM Comments

The Week In Woke
Plus: More on "Male Feminist Ally" Michael Eric Dyson, #TheLadiesMan


The corrupt Biden-Harris DOJ targeted a doctor for revealing that a children's hospital was performing trans surgeries, which is against the law in Texas. They claimed he was violating HIPAA or some bullshit like that.

Remember when Kamala Harris persecuted that documentarian for conducting bog-standard hidden camera interviews with abortion mill employees talking about boxing up body parts for sale on the spare human parts market? It's exactly like that.

New info destroys that faked-up political-persecution case.

New information disclosed by the Department of Justice "upends" its case against Texas Children's Hospital whistleblower Eithan Haim, the doctor's defense said in a Monday motion.

"The government admits evidence that contradicts their allegations against Dr. Haim," the doctor's lawyer, Marcella Burke, told The Daily Wire on Monday morning. "The government's own disclosures blow apart their allegations. They have both the facts and the law wrong and we look forward to clearing this up so Dr. Haim can move on with his life."

Haim had blown the whistle on Texas Children's in May 2023, in an explosive story published by journalist Christopher Rufo, alleging that the hospital had lied about ending its transgender medical program and was still performing attempted transition procedures on children as young as 11.

In June 2023, Haim received a home visit from federal agents. He discovered that the Justice Department was targeting him, attempting to charge him with four felony counts of violating HIPAA.

The DOJ has based their case, in large part, on the claim that Haim had no reason to access Texas Children's Hospital records after he finished a surgical rotation at the hospital in January 2021.

On Friday, however, the government disclosed new information to Haim's defense team that "directly contradicts" this claim, showing records of Haim's work at Texas Children's on nine different occasions between January 20, 2021 and April 14, 2023.

Ah. I was wondering how they were claiming he violated HIPAA, when he plainly did not release any information on actual patients. They're claiming he accessed information without cause -- but now we see he was still working there, so he had cause to be in the records room.

"The entire premise of the government's case has been that Dr. Haim was an interloper, falsely claiming responsibility for TCH patients to hide some nefarious and malicious reason for accessing TCH records," reads the filing, first obtained by The Daily Wire. "This rested on the foundational premise that Dr. Haim treated no patients at TCH after January 2021. But the government's Friday the 13th disclosure has now blown apart this entire premise."

Haim's lawyers say that the first count of the DOJ's indictment, alleging that Haim acted under false pretenses, must be dismissed since the "legitimacy of the rest of the indictment is now in question."


Texas Children's did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Daily Wire.

The DOJ alleged in its four-count indictment that Haim had obtained personal information, including treatment codes, patient names, and the names of physicians at TCH, without authorization, under false pretenses, and with "intent to cause malicious harm to TCH."

If convicted, according to the DOJ, Haim could spend 10 years in federal prison and pay a fine of up to $250,000.

Either way, HIPAA was plainly written to protect patient confidentiality -- not to shield doctors and butchers who are breaking the law with impunity.

People need to go to jail for this. These people must go to prison.

The head of a Scotland "rape crisis" center has stepped down. It was run by a trans man, of course, like all rape centers catering mostly to vulnerable women must be, because we live in The Upside-Down now.

The whole point of a rape crisis center is to give victimized women a place where they can be away from men. But the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Center operated under the mantra of "trans women are women" and maintained there were no men there even as the CEO was a trans woman.

What could possibly go wrong under this policy? Well, we don't have to speculate.

A male sexual predator who harboured "hostility towards women" accessed services at a controversial "trans-inclusive" female rape crisis centre, it has emerged.

Cameron Downing, a former SNP equalities officer who was this week given a nine-year sentence for a catalogue of attacks, claimed to have received extensive support from Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre (ERCC)...

Downing, who identifies as non-binary and was found by a jury to have falsely accused one of his victims of raping him, said in January 2022 that the ERCC was the reason he was "able to keep going" and that he "cannot put into words how much they've helped me."

Clearly this is not the kind of person you want gaining access to a rape crisis center. They were allowed in under the center's policy of inclusiveness.

This new "inclusiveness" certainly does seem to exclude a lot of people.

John Sexton wonders if we've hit "peak DEI," and now the tides of DEI are receding.

Today, Bloomberg calls the current wave of pullback from corporate DEI the "Great Quieting."
Big US companies such as Ford Motor Co., Lowe's Cos., Harley-Davidson Inc., and Molson Coors Beverage Co. have announced they are backing away from many of the diversity programs they added over the past several years. The list also includes Tractor Supply Co., Deere & Co. and Jack Daniel's distiller Brown-Forman Corp...

So what does the Great Quieting mean for the future of the workplace and workers? We might hear less about Pride parades, or Black Lives Matters. Talk of unconscious bias will be consciously absent. Some companies have already ended their diversity training programs. Employers will still try to recruit and retain the right mix of talents who reflect what's happening demographically in society -- but do it more quietly.

The problem at these companies isn't fear of bad press, it's fear of lawsuits. NPR interviewed David Glasgow, the executive director of the Meltzer Center for Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging at the NYU School of Law who admitted as much a few days ago.

I kind of think that for a long time, proponents of DEI have just kind of assumed that the words diversity, equity and inclusion sort of sound good and friendly and warm, and so, you know, people are just going to support them. And I think now we're in a moment where we kind of need to get back on the front foot and make an affirmative case for it.

You know, but the other thing that, you know, it has caused me to reflect on is really the legal landscape because, you know, I work in a research center at a law school, and a lot of the backlash is coming from, really, the legal environment that we're in subsequent to the Supreme Court's decision in the Students for Fair Admissions, you know, affirmative action case last year, and so, you know, we are doing a lot of work thinking about, you know, what are the legal kind of strategies and guidance that organizations need to continue doing this work right now? Because a lot of them are retreating, I think, out of fear of litigation.

Sexton notes that NPR is claiming it's the normies pushing back on explicit race-based discrimination who are the troublemakers here.

The people doing the attacking are, as always, the ones on the left who demand these changes and attack anyone who dares to disagree. But to his credit, David Glasgow at least admits a lot of corporate DEI training is junk, often pushed by some not-very-nice people.

And then I think another legitimate criticism is really approaches to DEI that involve, you know, excessive shaming and cancellation. You know, I think one of the seeds of the backlash was planted, you know, many years ago at the peak of what, you know, some people at that time were calling cancel culture, where, you know, a lot of people were feeling really fearful about, you know, if they make one mistake, if they use, you know, a piece of terminology that's out of date that they didn't realize was outdated, that they were going to get, you know, shamed by other people, you know, in their workplaces or in their, you know, schools or what have you. And so I think those kinds of approaches to DEI are not particularly helpful and have just kind of given fuel to the anti-DEI activists' fire.

Andrew Stiles attended an "MSNBC diversity festival" and came out of it a changed man. By which I mean he transitioned, and now demands to be called Catterine (NOT "Catherine") Moonglow Phosphorouskitty.

What I Learned at the MSNBC 'Democracy' Festival Like church, but for godless library scolds and childless cat ladies

BROOKLYN--The line wraps around the block outside the Howard Gilman Opera House at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. We're here for the afternoon session of "MSNBC Live: Democracy 2024." Everyone looks and talks like the sort of person who would pay hundreds of dollars to wait in line on a college football Saturday to watch Joy Reid and Alex Wagner giggle about potato chips. A gentleman in his 50s, which puts him well below the median age for this crowd, has traveled all the way from San Francisco. "I wake up every morning at 3 a.m. to watch Morning Joe," he tells his new like-minded friends. "I think Steve Kornacki is the cutest little thing."

MSNBC Live is the new event series announced in late 2023 to accommodate Luke Russert's triumphant return to the liberal network. The 39-year-old nepo wunderkind famously quit his job in 2016 to embark on a "quest for enlightenment," which he documented in his accidentally self-deprecating memoir, Look For Me There: Grieving My Father, Finding Myself. Having found himself while drinking and philandering and Instagram posting his way around the world, Russert landed a gig as host and creative director of MSNBC Live. "Democracy 2024" is the first of its kind. Russert walks on stage (about 30 minutes late) to a raucous ovation.


There aren't many words to describe how the crowd reacts. "Orgasmically" is one. But that is also how they react every time they hear a word, name, or prediction that affirms their righteous conviction that Trump and his supporters are bad. This building has become a revivalist church for godless libs or, if you prefer, childless cat ladies and their clinically depressed husbands.


Just when things are starting to quiet down, Ari Melber takes the stage. "If you believe in facts, make some noise!" he beckons. We oblige. "If you believe in justice ..." MSNBC legal analyst Andrew Weissmann, a quasi-religious figure due to his role as lead prosecutor of the Robert Mueller investigation into Russian collusion with the Trump campaign, brings the banter. He mentions the possibility of Melber doing a "mosh pit" (he means crowd surfing) and asks The Beat host how he became "so adept at quoting musical lyrics."

The surprising thing isn't that we have "journalists" appearing at what is plainly a political rally, but that it's not even a political rally. It's a revival tent sermon for raving Satanists.

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Posted by Ace at 06:00 PM Comments

China's Dad: National Guard Colleagues Allege That a Classified Nuclear Manual Went Missing During Tim Walz's (Abrupty Shortened) Tenure
Plus: Where's the " " " President " " " ?


Would make sense. The guy traveled to China 30 times and repeatedly praised the communist system.

The retired Nebraska National Guard soldier, who worked with Walz for three years, recounted the disappearance in an interview as a congressional investigation into Walz's China ties continues.


It was September 1995, and Tim Walz's Nebraska National Guard unit, the 1-168th Field Artillery, upgraded to the M109A5 self-propelled howitzer. One of its capabilities was firing nuclear artillery shells.

Alpha News has learned from a former National Guard colleague of Walz that, during that time, a classified document allegedly went missing--the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) manual detailing the howitzer's nuclear capabilities.

The retired Nebraska National Guard soldier, who worked with Walz for three years, recounted the disappearance in a phone interview with Alpha News. Fearing retaliation, he wishes to remain anonymous but is willing to cooperate with the FBI.

According to the retired soldier, Walz had just returned from another trip to China around the time when the manual went missing. He alleges Walz was one of the few with access to the building where the top-secret manual was stored and was "often the only one there." The former battalion member believes Walz stole the nuclear SOP manual and later returned it.

Alpha News asked why the missing manual was never reported. The former battalion member explained there was frustration at the time within the unit over Walz "double-dipping," as he was holding a full-time teaching job while also being expected to serve full time with the unit. He claims that Walz frequently neglected key duties, such as recruitment and payroll, which allegedly raised concerns to the point that a superior had to investigate. The former soldier stated that the unit was more focused on those issues, and when the manual eventually reappeared, it went unreported. In hindsight, the soldier believes he should have reported it when it first went missing but feared repercussions for not addressing it sooner.

More at the link.

Bonus: Where's Joe? Where's the, finger quotes, "President"?

Why is his slutbag wife sitting at the head of the table for cabinet meetings?

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Posted by Ace at 05:00 PM Comments

Full Court Media Press: We're Not Inciting Our Political Allies to Shoot Trump, Trump Is Inciting His Own Assassins
28% Democrats Proudly Tell a Pollster They Support the Assassination of Trump


We're not the dangerous ones! It's the guy getting shot at every month who's the real danger!




If you fat cowards want him dead so bad, why don't you step up and do the job yourselves?

Does this work for people on the left? When the left gets all the "death threats" they claim they get (but can never produce, for some reason), can I say they are inciting those threats against themselves, and if they want to feel safe, they should just stop saying things that might anger some people?

The demonic media has decided that Trump incited both assassination attempts against himself.

This is very much like radical Muslims telling us in 2001 that we're causing the terrorism against us, because we say and do things radical Muslims don't like.

Same thing. Only now we're saying and doing thing the extremists leftists don't like. And those extremist leftists are the protected paramilitary forces of the Democrat-Media Party.

"But do you expect to hear anything from the Trump campaign about toning down the rhetoric, toning down the violence, or would that be atypical of the former president?" Witt asked.


Witt's questioning about the Trump campaign asking to tone down "the violence" comes after her network, MSNBC, platformed speakers, such as Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY) in July, who have claimed Trump is an "existential threat to democracy." Just before the second assassination attempt on Trump on Sunday, MSNBC's Inside with Jen Psaki featured Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX), who argued domestic terrorism in the country is real and that Trump is "the guy that stokes it."

NBC, meanwhile, featured anchor Lester Holt discussing the assassination attempt, saying it comes amid "increasingly fierce rhetoric" on the 2024 campaign trail. Holt argued that Trump and Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), the former president's running mate, are making "baseless claims about Haitian immigrants" in Springfield, Ohio, where there were bomb threats over the weekend.

CNN also featured former FBI agent Tim Clemente, who suggested Trump's statements on the campaign trail have led to the uptick in political violence. One of the statements Clemente cited was when Trump claimed there would be a "bloodbath" in the auto industry.

The network conducted an interview between anchor Jake Tapper and former Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney in October 2023, in which she warned that Trump is "the single most dangerous threat we face." Tapper has compared Trump's speeches to the writings of Adolf Hitler and his book Mein Kampf.

CNN invited fired DEI hire Don LeMon back just so he could make the case that Trump incited his own assassins against him.

This is Don LeMon's way of re-auditioning for CNN -- and the audition was probably successful.

During his appearance with Burnett, Lemon talked about gun violence in the United States, including Sunday's assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. The ex-CNN anchor argued that "nothing" ever happens to fix the nation's gun violence and blamed Republicans for "killing sensible gun legislation."


Lemon also pushed back against Trump and Republicans for accusing Democrats of using their rhetoric to increase danger in the country, pulling out a list of nicknames Trump has given to CNN and Democrats. He then suggested that Trump should "stop threatening democracy" if he wants people to stop saying he is a threat to democracy.

The former CNN anchor also detailed his new book, I Once Was Lost: My Search for God in America, in which he argues that evangelicals in the U.S. are trying to turn the country into a theocracy. He added that it is "shocking" how these evangelical voters are supporting Trump in this election.

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Posted by Ace at 04:00 PM Comments

Top Hezballah Military Commander Psychologically Traumatized by Mean Tweets on Twitter and Also Physically Traumatized by a Bomb Blowing His Face Off


I am still in awe of Israel's latest operations.

They convinced Hez they were being tracked by their cellphones. They supplied Hez with "safer" pagers. Then they blew up the pagers. Hez then switched to walkies. Israel anticipated that, and pre-placed explosive walkies. Israel blew up the walkies. Hez decided all electronic comms were unsafe, so they held in-person meetings. THEN ISRAEL BLEW UP THE IN PERSON MEETINGS.

Amazing. Simply amazing.

Posted by: bonhomme

Any day a terrorist dies screaming in fire is a good day!

Israel says it killed top Hezbollah military commander in Beirut strike

The Israeli military said it killed top Hezbollah military commanders, including the militia's head of operations Ibrahim Aqil, on Friday in an airstrike on a southern Beirut neighborhood. Lebanon's health ministry said at least 12 people were killed and dozens more were wounded.

All of them were women and children, particularly the head of the militia, who was a 14-year-old nonbinary Goth girl named Penelope. Rest in Power, King.

The big picture: The strike in Beirut is further escalating the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah, risking an all-out war.

It's always those Jews escalating -- never the Muslim terrorists firing rockets into civilian neighborhoods or taking young girls captive as rape-slaves.

Those Jews tend to "seize and pounce" on Muslim war crimes, don't you know.

Hezbollah has not confirmed Aqil's death.

The IDF said Aqil was the head of Hezbollah's military operations and the commander of the elite Radwan Forces, and was killed along with other commanders in the unit.

An Israeli official said the senior command of the Radwan forces -- about 20 commanders -- were killed in the strike.

IDF spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said in a press conference that Aqil and the Radwan unit commanders were killed as they held a meeting.


White House spokesperson John Kirby said he was not aware of any prior notice Israel gave the U.S. about the Beirut strike.

Go f*** yourself.

Kirby said the U.S. still believes a diplomatic solution for the fighting on the Israel-Lebanon border is possible. He stressed that a war between Israel and Lebanon isn't inevitable "and we are trying to prevent it."

Again, go f*** yourself.

Israel is trying to end a war too -- by killing an enemy that has not been deterred by 50 years of endless concessions. If you want the violence to end, let Israel end the violence.

The Israeli official said Israel reached the conclusion that it wouldn't be able to reach a diplomatic solution to the situation on the northern border without going through a military escalation.

"This is why we have been gradually taking our gloves off and increasing our attacks against Hezbollah," the official said.

Yes, that is accurate.

As Colonel Kurtz said, "Kill them all."

I hadn't heard this:

I don't know if it's already been posted here, but Israel liquidated the [terrorist] responsible for the bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut that killed over 200 American military.

That asshole has been walking around since the 1980's because US intelligence agencies would rather take out innocent Americans.

Posted by: Archer

Via Instapundit, Battleswarm Blog notes that the pagers, walkie-talkies, and other electronic devices rigged to explode weren't adulterated in the supply chain. Rather, Israel manufactured all of these from Jump Street. Israel was the supply chain, back to front.

The Daily Wire:

Israel has injured thousands across Lebanon, with hundreds in critical condition and dozens more dead, this week in two waves of simultaneous explosions of electronic communications equipment targeting Iranian-backed Hezbollah terrorists.

The blasts -- which may have killed 19 and wounded 150 of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) members -- started on Tuesday afternoon around 3:30 p.m. local time when pagers used by Hezbollah started beeping with a message from their leadership.

After a few beeps, the pagers simultaneously exploded across the country, blinding hundreds, tearing off limbs, and leaving gaping holes in bodies.

The messages that the devices received were not from Hezbollah leadership; they were from Israel's intelligence and military apparatus, and they were part of a multi-year plan.

There was initial confusion as to what happened when the explosions were reported. Various news reports said that malware had potentially been uploaded to the devices, causing the batteries to overheat and explode. Then reports surfaced claiming a small amount of highly explosive material had been placed into each device after Israel intercepted the devices after they were manufactured by a Taiwanese company.

However, none of those reports were accurate, according to a New York Times report that revealed that Israel never intercepted the pagers -- it made them.

Posted by Ace at 03:00 PM Comments

After Harranguing Her as a White-Privilege Racist For Five Full Minutes, Idiot DEI "Professor" Michael Eric Dyson Slides Into Nancy Mace's DM's With an Obvious Booty Call Pick-Up Line
Plus: Am I Racist? Review


How do we know this?

Because Nancy Mace may be a very liberal fake Republican, which also makes her a very self-righteous feminist.

And when you try to put down this Stronk Woman of a Pale Color, she goes straight savage.

Nancy Mace actually presented Michael Eric Dyson's incriminating tweets to Congress -- and had them entered into the record.

Here's Dyson's performance for the cameras:

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Posted by Ace at 02:00 PM Comments

The Butcher of Benghazi Says She's Ready to "Serve" Again in President Kamala's Cabinet


Before getting to that:


Don't think more highly of Noted Imbecile, Gym Faker, and COVID Pantomime Enthusiast Chris Cuomo. He attacked Marina Medved for posting this. Her comment was like "Wow. Chris Cuomo knocks AOC. There are cracks showing in the left wall."

He found that to be outrageous and a case of sowing division, so he lectured her:

Christopher C. Cuomo @ChrisCuomo

This should be beneath you. You don't have to attack to be cogent. This is why you can't expand your base. Even when you agree you still seek division.

And you're expanding your base, huh, Chris? CNN shit you out and now you're at (checks notes) "NewsNation," a company that seems to hire fake journalists flushed down the toilet by better-paying sham outfits.

Except Don LeMon -- they won't hire him. And I applaud them for that good sense.

And now: She's ba-a-a-a-ck...

And I'm sure the NeverTrumpers are enthusiastic about Hillary Clinton joining a Kamala Harris Administration, because she'll bring that "conservative" touch to Kamala's White House that so impressed NeverTrumpers in 2016.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says she is willing to do anything she was asked to do to help with a potential Harris-Walz administration.

In an interview with CBS News' Erin Moriarty, Clinton was asked if she would want to play a part -- officially or unofficially -- in the White House should Vice President Kamala Harris win. "Well, certainly, unofficially I want to be as helpful as I can, and would do anything I was asked to be helpful," she replied. "We have so much to do that it really should be all hands on deck. And anybody who can help in any capacity should be willing to do so."

Clinton also said she would be willing to contribute in any way towards a Harris victory. "I'm gonna do everything I can between now and the election to help her get elected -- everything that I'm asked to do, everything that I can think of to do. And then I would be, you know, more than willing to offer any advice or help that she might think appropriate to help her become president and to help her be the best president she can be."

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Posted by Ace at 01:10 PM Comments

Border Official: Biden-Harris Administration Ordered Us to Bury Data About Terror Suspects Crossing the Border, So They Could Continue Pretending There Is No Border Crisis


The Regime is just venal, incompetent criminals top to bottom and front to back.

Biden-Harris border official claims cover-up as he was allegedly ordered to hide release of migrants

By Josh Christenson

The former Border Patrol official responsible for securing nearly 1,000 miles of America's frontier has charged that the Biden-Harris administration intentionally covered up the ongoing migrant crisis.

Ex-San Diego Sector Chief Agent Aaron Heitke told members of the House Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday that the White House repeatedly tried to "quiet the border-wide crisis" by shielding information from the press and concealing crossings by dangerous migrants with terror ties.

"I had to release illegal aliens by the hundreds each day into communities who could not support them," testified Heitke, who retired in summer 2023 and appeared voluntarily before the panel.

"To quiet the problem, two flights a week were provided from San Diego to Texas," he explained. "These flights simply brought aliens that would have been released in San Diego over to Texas."

"Each flight costs approximately $150,000. This was the administration's way of trying to quiet the border-wide crisis," Heitke emphasized.

Elsewhere in his testimony, Heitke said administration officials asked him to move more than 2,000 migrants apprehended in between the two US-Mexico border fences spanning Southern California "out of the sight of the media."

The chief agent also was barred from discussing the alarming spike in border crossings by so-called "Special Interest Aliens," or SIAs, who were suspected of posing national security concerns based on their country of origin or ties to terror groups.

Before Biden and Harris took office, Heitke said, the San Diego sector "averaged 10 to 15 SIA arrests per year," but that rose to "to over 100 SIAs in 2022, well over that in 2023, and even more than that registered this year."

"These are only the ones we caught," he added, with more than 1.7 million known "gotaways" whose terror affiliations or risks remain unknown having also entered the US without being apprehended.

"At the time, I was told I could not release any information on this increase on SIAs or mention any of the arrests," he added. "The administration was trying to convince the public there was no threat at the border."

This comes a day after another border official testified that Secretary Mayorkas ordered him to "open the border."

"I assert that Secretary Mayorkas and his subordinate political appointees have and continue to intentionally conspire to undermine the security of the American people, as well as the letter and the intent of congressionally enacted US law," former Border Patrol chief Rodney Scott said during the January interview.

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Posted by Ace at 12:00 PM Comments

THE MORNING RANT - Another Generation of Solyndras: Government Subsidized “Clean Fuel” Startups Are Failing

—Buck Throckmorton

Clean Energy padlocked.JPG

Do you remember Solyndra, the “green energy” company which received over half a billion dollars from President Obama’s “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act” in 2009? Solyndra was going to revolutionize the solar panel manufacturing industry. Of course, there was abundant fraud, both on the company’s application and in the government’s awarding of all that tax money. Solyndra went bankrupt and ceased operations barely two years later, leaving 1,100 employees out of work.

Unsurprisingly, a whole new generation of Solyndras popped up in recent years, promising to develop various new forms of “clean energy” for which there is not a market, especially not at the price it would take to develop the product. Fortunately for these start-ups, we have very credulous people in government willing to dole out taxpayer money whenever the words “clean energy” are spoken. Plus, a great many investors are easily duped into throwing money at “revolutionary” new energy sources.

But no matter how much money is thrown at these ventures, there is generally no pathway to profit when competing against fossil fuels.

A recent Wall Street Journal article comically laments the supposed impact to the climate from all these failing green energy projects, but it also gives an excellent rundown on the extensive number of these ventures that are failing.

“Clean-Fuel Startups Were Supposed to Be the Next Big Thing, Now They Are Collapsing; Hydrogen and biofuel projects have become money pits” [WSJ – 8/18/2024]

Startups promising to power planes, ships and trucks with clean fuel are sputtering before they get off the ground, showing how hard it will be to wean many industries off oil and gas.

The widely-accepted belief that industries need to be “weaned off oil and gas” is destructively wrong. Just because a religious cult has chosen petroleum to serve the role of its Satan-figure is no reason for the rest of us to acquiesce to their decivilizational jihad.

A company backed by United Airlines that raised hundreds of millions of dollars to turn trash into jet fuel appears to have shut down. Another, backed by Airbus, JetBlue and GE Aerospace, that was working on using hydrogen to power planes went bust. Chevron, BP and Shell, meanwhile, are scaling back projects to make biofuels from cooking fats, oils, greases and plant material.

If these prominent corporations and their woke CEOs decided to invest in a new line of perpetual motion machines, it wouldn’t be any more laughable than the “clean energy” investments into which they flushed away their shareholders’ cash. Don’t ever think a corner office in the C-suites is indicative of an executive’s intelligence.

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Posted by Buck Throckmorton at 11:00 AM Comments

Mid-Morning Art Thread


MOdigliani sleeping nude.jpg

Sleeping Nude with Arms Open (Red Nude)
Amedeo Modigliani

Posted by CBD at 09:30 AM Comments

The Morning Report — 9/20/24

—J.J. Sefton


Good Morning Kids. While Israel literally made heads, along with the crotches of several thousand dark age savages explode, something that happened a few days earlier that figuratively made my head explode got lost in the sauce of that event, along with the continued push to cook America's goose, via mass migration of the third world into our nation, via assassination attempts against Donald Trump, and persecution of those who threaten the Democrat-Left-Globalist finally achieving absolute power via the dissolution of America as founded. And every other subversion and criminal act up to and including treason via the corrupted courts, election thievery and the Deep State bureaucracy, from the lowliest apparatchik and toilet attendant in the office of the department of redundancy department right up the chain of command to the heads of the CIA, DOJ, State Department and whoever is in fact running the Executive Branch, since Joey Sponge-Brain Shits Pants has the brain function of a spoiled container of yogurt and the Cackler is too busy cackling.

So, with that perhaps overly verbose intro, look what we allowed to happen:

The United Nations is currently made up of 193 member nations and two permanent non-member observer states: Vatican City and the “State of Palestine.” The Palestinians, however, are on their way to full member status. The Times of Israel reported Wednesday that “Palestinians took a seat among member states at the UN General Assembly on Tuesday, a new right accorded to the Palestinian Authority’s delegation despite it not being a full member of the body.” This is how the UN responds to jihad terrorism: by rewarding those who engage in it.

The initiative to give the “State of Palestine” a seat in the General Assembly began six months after Palestinians murdered 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023. “In May,” the Times of Israel notes, “an overwhelming majority of the General Assembly asserted that Palestinians deserved full membership, a move that has been blocked by the United States, which along with Israel says recognition of Palestinian statehood must come through a peace agreement.” One of the conditions of Palestinian statehood has always been that the “State of Palestine” recognizes Israel’s right to exist and pledges to live in peace with it. That is something that Palestinian leaders have never been willing to do. Nevertheless, the UN charged ahead with the plans to reward the Palestinians, apparently under the delusion that a Palestinian state would end all the strife. Thus, “starting with the 79th General Assembly session, which began Tuesday, the Palestinians can submit proposals and amendments, and sit among member states.” Riyad Mansour, the envoy of the “State of Palestine” to the UN, “took his place on Tuesday afternoon at a table marked “State of Palestine” between Sri Lanka and Sudan.”Egyptian Ambassador Osama Mahmoud Abdelkhalek Mahmoud was thrilled, saying, “This is not merely a procedural matter. This is a historic moment for us.” Jonathan Miller, deputy Israel ambassador to the UN, was more realistic, observing that “any decision and or action that improves the status of the Palestinians, either in the UN General Assembly or bilaterally, is currently a reward… for terrorism in general and the Hamas terrorists in particular.” 

The United States could have and should have used its power and influence to block this. Considering that over the past four years, the junta ruling this nation has done everything to not only replace Israel with Iran as the major power in the Middle East, let alone cede our role as the lone superpower in the world, and for better or worse, the guarantor of international security to the Red Chinese, if not our own national security right along with it .

I had rather high hopes that, perhaps because of Donald Trump and other factors, that some in the Muslim world would if not abandon Islam's central tenet of wiping Israel off the map and every Jew on the planet along with it in it's 1,500-year drive to conquer said third rock from the sun, then perhaps moderate it, if for no other reason than practical diplomatic and security necessities. In particular, of all people and places MBS and the KSA. This was due in no small part to the masterstroke of Trump's Abraham Accords.

Alas, this story depresses me for what it could portend:

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), de facto chief executive of Saudi Arabia, on Wednesday condemned the “crimes of the Israeli occupation” against Palestinians.
“The Palestinian cause is a top priority for Saudi Arabia, and we reiterate the kingdom’s rejection and strong condemnation of the crimes committed by the Israeli occupation authorities against the Palestinian people, in disregard of international and humanitarian law in a new and bitter chapter of suffering,” he said.

“The kingdom will not stop its tireless work towards the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, and we affirm that the kingdom will not establish diplomatic relations with Israel without that,” he declared.

“We extend our thanks to the countries that recognised the Palestinian state in embodiment of international legitimacy, and we urge the rest of the countries to take similar steps,” he said.
The crown prince, known by his initials MBS, made his remarks in his annual address to the Consultative Assembly of Saudi Arabia, more commonly called the Shura Council.

The Saudis, and indeed much if not most of the Islamic world could care less about the so-called "Palestinians" except insofar as they could use them as a means to beat up on Israel diplomatically. Which is why the myth of Palestine the nation and Palestinians as a people was created in KGB HQ back in the 60s. Remember that, despite the fact that Israel and Jews have either been an independent nation or existed on the land that is the modern state of Israel for nearly six millennia. Despite the preternatural Jew hatred in the Koran, another central tenet of that horrid book is that once any land that is controlled by Muslims (either legitimately/hisorically or via bloody conquest), it must always stay that way. So the fact that the modern state of Israel was formed in the wake of the Ottoman Turks losing it after the First world War (although it took 31 years from '17 to forty-eight) is in Muslim eyes, an "infamnia."

Psaki-psircling back to the junta's drive to supplant Israel with Iran, remember that the Sunni/Shia schism is as deep as the hatred of Jews and infidels common to both. Perhaps MBS senses that the ascendancy of Harris/Walz could mean Iran getting a nuke. So making nice noises about Hamas/Hezbollah could be their way of placating the Mad Mullahs of Tehran, at least for now. But the latter would have no compunction about turning Riyadh into a glass parking lot. And a convenient fatwa against the House of Saud for consorting with Jews would sadly resonate across much if not all of the Muslim world.

Dangerous times ahead.

Have a great weekend.

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Posted by J.J. Sefton at 06:37 AM Comments

Daily Tech News 20 September 2024

—Pixy Misa

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Posted by Pixy Misa at 05:26 AM Comments

The Rain In Spain Falls Mainly On The ONT


Howdy everyone. Welcome to Thursday night. Hope everyone's been having a better week than Hezbollah.


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Posted by WeirdDave at 10:00 PM Comments

The Superstars of Miami Vice Cafe


Angel Oak Tree in Charleston, South Carolina

All the guest stars to appear on Miami Vice. Everyone was on that show, including people you'd swear were too young to be on Miami Vice, like... Viggo Mortenson. And people you just wouldn't guess, like Michael Richards and Helena Bonham Carter. Obviously Brian Dennehy is in the mix.

Kid gives an umbrella to a stray dog out in the rain.

When your cat isn't a fan of your new tattoo.

Friendly owls.

The ultimate stand-off.

Garage inventor creates "realistic" Iron Man suit. I can't vouch for anything in this video. He documents his creation of the "Iron Man suit" on his YouTube channel.

Chris Rock?

Smiling sheep.

Might want to check for a gas leak.

Montage of movie dance sequences.

Pretty puppies pose for a picture.

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Posted by Ace at 07:39 PM Comments

Quack Hats



The Bee:


Kamala Harris keeps claiming she was in the Capitol Building during the January 6th riot. It's a, get this, lie.

She had been at the Capitol Building early in the day, before 11:20 am. She left hours before the crowds gathered and the riot began.

CLAIM: Vice President Kamala Harris falsely suggested during Tuesday's debate that she was at the Capitol Building during the January 6 riot.

VERDICT: Mostly false.

Harris left the Capitol Building before the riot began, according to RealClearPolitics investigative reporter Julie Kelly.

"Absolutely stunned at this lie. Harris left the Capitol at 11:20 for the DNC," Kelly posted on X. "Harris was evacuated from DNC at 1:17pm and she did not go to the Capitol."

"The 1st breach of the inside of Capitol was 2:12," she said. "Just a flat out lie and no fact check by any media outlet yet."

Jonah Goldberg is super-proud that The Dispatch -- which he falsely believes to be some kind of tony "magazine of ideas" -- has shit out this latest Tourette's-inflected screed from lower-class-cuck Kevin D. Williamson.

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Posted by Ace at 06:30 PM Comments

ABC "News" Ratings Down One Million Viewers, or 12%, Since David Muir's Disgracefully Partisan Debate Performance


How did these people not know that the Disney Groomer Corporation is literally Satan's propaganda arm already?

Megyn Kelly notes that ABC "News" seems to know it's in crisis, because they've sent out their stuffed-shirt douchebag fake journalist to their own entertainment morning shows to have a Rap Sesh with viewers about his debate performance.

She also notes that the allegations made by the claimed "whistleblower" included the following:

* That Kamala Harris and ABC "News" had negotiated new terms for the debate, without Trump being present or informing him.

* That Kamala Harris secured a guarantee from ABC "News" that it would not ask any questions about her knowledge of Biden's dementia, or her performance as California AG, or the fact that her brother, a government official at the DOJ, is settling claims that leftwing groups are making against the government for huge amounts -- in other words, he's using taxpayer funds to Fund the Left by pretending that taxpayer money is being given to them to settle (weak) lawsuits. Of course, none of these questions were asked, and he claims he swore out this affidavit the day before the debate.

* That ABC "News" guaranteed Kamala Harris -- as your diligent, possibly psychic blogger correspondent accurately forecasted -- that they would "fact"-check Trump and only Trump. This because Kamala Harris claimed that turning her mics off would deny her the advantage of being a super-duper prosecutor, so ABC "News" would have to do the prosecution of Trump on her behalf.

She is the ultimate over-entitled, under-qualified female DEI hire, always demanding that others "Position Her For Success," whining that when she's left to position herself for success she fails, and that's the white man's fault. She's a low-IQ ditzy girl in class demanding that all the boys do her homework for her and let her cheat off them on tests. And sometimes blowing the teacher for an A.

* That ABC "News" guaranteed Kamala Harris that they would show her in a split-screen when Trump was talking, so that she could just shake her head sadly and make faces at him, and basically get to rebut him without actually having to state any facts or state what her positions are.

* That ABC "News" did not share actual debate questions with Kamala Harris, but did submit to her general questions about the topics that would be asked about.

It sure looks like all of these things happened. He also alleged that ABC "News" agreed to give Kamala a small podium so that she would appear bigger in the split-screen with Trump. I don't think this is such a terrible thing, but ABC "News" did in fact give her a teeny-tiny podium, just as he alleged.

(I think we knew this before the debate so I don't know if this suggests foreknowledge on his part.)

In response to these allegations, Kelly points out that ABC "News's" reply says only that it did not share questions with Kamala Harrris.

That's it. That's all they deny.

Of course, the allegation itself says that no actual questions were shared, just examples of the sorts of questions that might be asked. And ABC "News" refuses to deny the other allegations, about entire topics being off-limits and the promise to "Fact"-check Trump and Trump only.

Via Twitchy, ABC "News" is attempting this damage control because it's lost 12% of its viewership since the Fake Debate.

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Posted by Ace at 05:40 PM Comments

19-Year-Old "Trans-Identified Female" Arrested for Making Terrorist Threats to Shoot Up an Elementary School


The constant stream of trans extremist rhetoric claiming a "trans genocide" with everyone "literally trying to kill" trans people is having the exact effect it's intended to.

A 19-year-old trans-identified female was arrested by Iowa police and charged with a "threat of terrorism" after authorities were made aware of a "potential threat" to Oviatt Elementary School in Norwalk, Iowa.

Margaret Anderson, who also went by "Maxwell," was arrested after Anderson made statements to a therapist as part of "regular treatment" about wanting to conduct a shooting, Warren County Attorney Doug Eichholz told the Daily Wire. The therapist reported the statements to the Des Moines Police Department, who forwarded the information to the Norwalk Police Department, Anderson's hometown.

"The defendant stated that she had thoughts that she wanted to take a gun to Oviatt Elementary School in Norwalk, at 11 am through the cafeteria, and shoot children," Eichholz cited the complaint as saying.

Eichholz said the complaint did not include context that could shed light on Anderson's motive.

Of course. What could be this latest trans terrorist's motive? It's a mystery we will never solve.

Although I would guess this demonic thing had the same motive the other six trans terrorists had.

He added that after sharing the thoughts with the therapist, Anderson was entered into Iowa Lutheran Hospital in Des Moines, which has a mental health facility.

And still the left will not tamp down on its extremist rhetoric and flirtatious relationship with political violence.

Because that's all they have. It's all they are.

Update: The "Alaska Man" sending 465 terroristic threats to Supreme Court Justices turns out to have also wanted Trump dead.

Update: Here's another hint about the suspect's motive. He was upset about the presidential immunity ruling. [emphasis added]

In recent months, the suspect seemed particularly angry about the Supreme Court's decision to expand presidential immunity, ruling that presidents cannot be criminally prosecuted for acts that are considered official parts of their duties...

"WE NEED MASS ASSASSINATIONS. If you're corrupt you're corrupt," the suspect allegedly wrote in an expletive-filled message to the Supreme Court that included an apparent reference to "official and unofficial" acts. "The internet is abuzz with Americans clamoring for your ASSASSINATIONS."

CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS, and MSNBC will continue attacking the right and Trump for our "incendiary rhetoric" while simultaneously arguing the left's insane rhetoric has no effect on anything, ever.

Posted by Ace at 04:35 PM Comments

"Puff Daddy" Held Without Bail as New Emails Allegedly Reveal Human Trafficking, Coerced Sex, and Blackmail


I saw people, I think the Lotus Eaters, calling him "Puff Diddler."


Hip-hop mogul Sean "Diddy" Combs was denied bail again on Wednesday after his lawyers argued for the second time that he should be released from "horrific" jail conditions while awaiting trial in a sex-trafficking case.

A New York federal judge remanded the musician into custody on Tuesday after prosecutors argued he was a "serious flight risk".

Mr Combs, 54, was arrested this week, accused of running a criminal enterprise from at least 2008 that relied on drugs and violence to force women to "fulfil his sexual desires", according to prosecutors.


Instead of jail, Mr Combs's lawyers were proposing a bail package that included a $50 million bond co-signed by Mr Combs, his mother and other family members, as well as home detention, surrender of his passport, weekly drug test and a visitor log that would be submitted to pre-trial services each night.

But the judge hearing Wednesday's arguments did not agree to the proposal.

"My bigger concern deals with the danger of obstruction of justice and the danger of witness tampering," Judge Andrew Carter said. "That is a real concern that I have here."

The allegations concern Diddy holding sex videos over people's heads to blackmail them, so it is easy to assume that he could do that with the witnesses against him, who are almost all implicated in these blackmail sex parties.

A 14-page indictment charges Mr Combs with racketeering, sex trafficking by force and transportation to engage in prostitution.

If convicted on all three counts, the rapper and record producer faces a sentence of 15 years up to life in prison.

The allegations against him are Epstein-like: allegedly, he coerced people into having sex with underaged prostitutes he'd hired, and videotaped them for blackmail purposes.

The underaged-prostitute-parties were called "Freak Offs."

Questions are swirling around the salacious allegations at the center of Sean "Diddy" Combs' sex trafficking and racketeering charges, including his alleged "Freak Off" parties and the seizure of 1,000 bottles of baby oil by federal authorities.


Diddy, who is currently awaiting trial in a jail cell, has been charged with racketeering conspiracy and sex trafficking along with a slew of illicit crimes in a federal sex trafficking case.

Combs, 54, was sent to the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn on Tuesday -- a place that's been described as "hell on earth" and an "ongoing tragedy." The facility, the only federal jail in New York City, has been plagued by problems since it opened in the 1990s. In recent years, its conditions have been so stark that some judges have refused to send people there. It has also been home to a number of high-profile inmates, including R. Kelly, Ghislaine Maxwell and Michael Cohen.

I don't think it's where they killed Epstein. I think that was the Metropolitan Detention Center in Manhattan, not Brooklyn.

A federal magistrate ordered him jailed without bail as he awaits trial. Combs asked a judge Wednesday if he could wait for his trial from his luxury home on an island near Miami Beach instead of the grim federal jail. He was denied that request.

They let Epstein return to his sex island. Why not Diddy?

Why can't a black man get equal justice in this society?


The indictment accuses Combs of presiding over a sordid empire of sexual crimes that used his "power and prestige" for "sex trafficking, forced labor, interstate transportation for purposes of prostitution, drug offenses, kidnapping, arson, bribery and obstruction of justice."

"Freak Offs" were gatherings where Diddy allegedly wielded his power to lure victims into sex acts with male commercial sex workers, ccording to the indictment unsealed Tuesday.

The Bad Boy Records founder is accused of facilitating a network of associates and employees who helped keep victims in line using blackmail like the videos taken during the parties.

These employees would allegedly be in charge of facilitating the "Freak Offs" by booking hotel rooms.

Associates would allegedly arrange travel for victims, sex workers, and Diddy, in addition to delivering cash to pay the workers, and schedule IV fluid deliveries (used to recover from the parties).

Authorities say these "Freak Offs" would occur regularly, even lasting multiple days.

His employees allegedly facilitated "Freak Offs" by handling travel, hotel arrangements, and supplying drugs and baby oil.

They also arranged travel for victims, sex workers, and Combs, resupplied him with necessary items, delivered cash to pay the workers, and scheduled IV fluid deliveries.

During the March search of his LA and Miami homes, law enforcement seized narcotics, videos, three AR-15s with defaced serial numbers, and more than 1,000 bottles of baby oil and lubricant they say were "Freak Off" supplies.

His employees would allegedly ensure that the "Freak Offs" were stocked with baby oil, linens, and lighting.

Linens. Now that's sordid. Disposable bed-sheets, they mean.

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Posted by Ace at 03:30 PM Comments

The Left's Rhetoric Has Incited Another Assassin: Alaska Man Arrested for Threatening to Murder and Torture Six Conservative Supreme Court Justices


The Democrat Party is the party of low-impulse-control, mentally-ill morons who have messiah complexes despite being complete loser basket-cases.

If you tell this petri dish of bad chemicals and bad genetics that their lives are literally in danger if Bad Man Wins Election, some will do the unthinkable: They'll believe the Democrat-Media Complex. Some are too stupid to know any better.

Alaska man charged with threats to torture, murder conservative Supreme Court justices

An Alaska man has been arrested and charged with threatening to torture and murder six Supreme Court justices -- including two of the high court's best-known conservatives -- as well as their relatives, the Justice Department revealed Thursday.

Panos Anastasiou, 76, was nabbed Wednesday in Anchorage and is facing 22 federal charges stemming from 465 alarming messages he sent via the Supreme Court's website between March 10 and July 16, prosecutors say.

The justices are not identified in the indictment, but details about Anastasiou's messages indicate he targeted Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas.

In one alleged message, sent May 17, Anastasiou said he wanted to drive by a justice's house with fellow Vietnam War veterans and spray the property with AR-15 gunfire.

"Hopefully N---- [Supreme Court Justice 1] and his white trailer trash n---- loving wife insurrectionist wife are visiting," he wrote, according to the indictment.
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I'm so glad that the Democrat-Media Party is so free of racists.

The "N----" word there means N*gger. That's what this Mostly Peaceful Protester is calling Clarence Thomas.

Thomas' wife Ginni, who is white, has come under criticism for her support of Donald Trump's claims that the 2020 election was stolen from him via voter fraud.

A day earlier, Anastasiou appeared to reference a New York Times report about an upside-down US flag being flown outside Alito's northern Virginia home following the 2020 vote, writing: "I would have had NO reservations about walking up to [Supreme Court Justice 2] and not asking him to take it down but to put a BULLET in this mother f---s [sic] head."

Another message, dated July 5, allegedly said, "We should make [Supreme Court Justices 1-6] be AFRAID very AFRAID to leave their home and fear for their lives everyday," court records reveal.

The Supreme Court is generally thought to have six conservative justices and three liberal justices, with the former roster consisting of Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justices Amy Coney Barrett, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh in addition to Thomas and Alito.

Federal Election Commission records indicate that Anastasiou donated to ActBlue, a left-leaning political action committee, dozens of times, most recently in July.

"We allege that the defendant made repeated, heinous threats to murder and torture Supreme Court Justices and their families to retaliate against them for decisions he disagreed with," Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a statement.

The Democrat-Media Party insists that no matter what happens, no matter how many assassins' rifles ring out, they will never stop inciting their crazies to commit murder.

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Posted by Ace at 02:23 PM Comments

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