Electronic Telegram No. 5413 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Mailing address: Hoffman Lab 209; Harvard University; 20 Oxford St.; Cambridge, MA 02138; U.S.A. e-mail: cbatiau@eps.harvard.edu (alternate cbat@iau.org) URL http://www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/index.html Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network (523764) 2014 WC_510 A. Thirouin, Lowell Observatory; W. M. Grundy, Lowell Observatory; K. S. Noll, Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA; and S. S. Sheppard, Carnegie Institution for Science, report that the transneptunian object (523764) is a nearly-equal-sized binary system based on images obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The two components are well separated, and the secondary is about 25-30 percent fainter than the primary. The primary was located at R.A. = 6h46m22s.7, Decl. = +3d07'04".8 (equinox J2000.0), and the secondary at position end fugures 22s.7, 04".9 on 2024 Mar. 6.899 UT. The separation between the two components was about 0".12 at p.a. about 69.8 deg. Based on a stellar occultation recorded in Dec. 2018, this TNO was reported as a close binary by Leiva et al. (2020, Planetary Sci. J. 1:48) with a separation of 0".016. The satellite reported by Leiva et al. and the satellite visible in these new HST images are likely the same object. Therefore, the present authors conclude that the stellar occultation happened when the two components were very close, inferring that this system is undergoing or has already undergone a mutual-events season. NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars. (C) Copyright 2024 CBAT 2024 July 15 (CBET 5413) Daniel W. E. Green