Electronic Telegram No. 5444 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Mailing address: Hoffman Lab 209; Harvard University; 20 Oxford St.; Cambridge, MA 02138; U.S.A. e-mail: cbatiau@eps.harvard.edu (alternate cbat@iau.org) URL http://www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/index.html Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network V1725 SCORPII = NOVA SCORPII 2024 No. 3 = TCP J17064645-3528079 Koichi Itagaki, Yamagata, Japan, reports his discovery of an apparent nova (mag 11.4) on unfiltered CCD images obtained with a 180-mm-f.l. f/2.8 camera lens on Sept. 9.436 UT, giving the position as R.A. = 17h06m46s.45, Decl. = -35d28'07".9 (equinox 2000.0). The provisional designation TCP J17064645-3528079 was assigned to this object when Itagaki posted it to the Central Bureau's TOCP webpage. A confirming CCD image by Itagaki on Sept. 9.486 yielded mag 10.7 and position end figures 46s.57, 06".3; his image is posted at website URL http://k-itagaki.jp/images/Sco-2024-09.jpg. An independent discovery of TCP J17064645-3528079 was made by Andrew Pearce (Nedlands, Western Australia) on Sept. 4.474 UT at mag 11.3 on three unfiltered images obtained with a Canon 800D camera (+ 85-mm-f.l. f/1.2 lens); he reported position end figures 45s.71, 04".6. CCD imaging by Pearce on Sept. 9.579 with a 0.05-m f/5 refractor yielded magnitudes TG = 11.1, TB = 11.9, TR = 10.43 and position end figures 46s.54, 06".7 (Gaia DR3 reference stars); he adds that there is no obvious progenitor star at this position, noting a star of mag G = 20.6 that is 1".6 away (Gaia 5977230501831148928). Additional CCD imaging by Pearce using a 0.36-m f/8 reflector at the Skygems Observatory in Namibia yields V = 10.60, B = 11.75, and position end figures 46s.55, 06".7. Additional magnitudes for TCP J17064645-3528079 that were reported to the Central Bureau: Aug. 11.444 UT, [12.0 (Pearce); Sept. 6.503, [14 [R. H. McNaught, Coonabarabran, NSW, Australia; Canon 6D camera + 135-mm-f.l. f/2.8 lens, ISO 800); 9.407, [11.6 (S. Ueda, Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan; Canon EOS 6D camera + 200-mm-f.l. f/3.0 lens, 3-s unfiltered exposures; via I. Endoh, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan); 9.410, 11.5 (McNaught; unfiltered); 9.497, 11.4 (McNaught); 9.512, B = 12.53, V = 11.29, I = 9.59 (K. Yoshimoto, Yamaguchi, Japan; remotely using a 0.51-m f/6.8 reflector + CCD at Siding Spring Observatory; position end figures 46s.52, 06".9; image posted at http://orange.zero.jp/k-yoshimoto/TCPJ17064645-3528079_20240909.jpg); 9.528, R = 10.6 (E. Guido and M. Rocchetto, using a "Telescope Live" 0.1-m f/3.6 astrograph + CMOS located at Yass, NSW, Australia; position end figures 46s.54, 07".0, Gaia DR2 stars; image posted at https://tinyurl.com/possnovasco; comparison with Palomar Survey at URL https://tinyurl.com/possnovasco24); 9.571, 10.9 (McNaught); 10.437, V = 10.3 (T. Yusa, Osaki, Miyagi, Japan; stacked G-band images with a ZWO Seestar 0.05-m f/5 All-in-One Smart Telescope; Tycho Catalogue reference stars). Y. Tampo obtained spectroscopy on Sept. 9.764 UT with the 1.9-m telescope at the Sutherland Observatory of the South African Astronomical Observatory (range 450-700 nm; resolution about 3000) that shows Balmer and HE i lines with P-Cyg profiles (the absorption minimum of this profile at H_alpha was about 1400 km/s), concluding that this is a new classical nova (cf. website URL http://www.astronomerstelegram.org/?read=16808). E. Kazarovets writes that the permanent GCVS designation V1725 Sco has been assigned to this nova. NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars. (C) Copyright 2024 CBAT 2024 September 10 (CBET 5444) Daniel W. E. Green