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A Sortable Table of Vermeer's Oeuvre

  • Click on the table headers to sort by ascending and descending order..
  • Roll your mouse over "(see image)" beneath the title to view an image of the painting.
  • For detailed information of each work, click on the picture's title.
  • For the sake of uniformity, the titles used in this table are those found in Arthur K. Wheelock's Vermeer and the Art of Painting (169–186).
  • Dates are currently calculated by averaging the estimates of four authoritative scholars of Dutch art and Vermeer:: Albert Blanker (Vermeer: 1632–1675, 1975), Arthur K. Wheelock Jr. (The Public and the Private in the Age of Vermeer, 2000), Walter Liedtke (Vermeer: The Complete Catalogue, 2008) and Wayne Franits (Vermeer, 2015).
  • For a complete table of estimated dates, including those of the 2023 Vermeer retrospective at the Rijksmuseum, click here.
  • For a detailed study of Vermeer's signatures, click here.
  • For information about the collection in which Vermeer's paintings are permanently housed and their websites, click here.
Diana and her Companions
(see image)
c. 1653-1656 98.5 x 105 cm.   history painting classical mythology Mauritshuis NL The Hague 1% (3)
Christ in the House of Martha and Mary
(see image)
c. 1654-1655 160 x 142 cm.   history painting biblical scene National Gallery of Scotland GB Edinburgh 1% (3)
The Procuress
(see image)
1656 143 x 130 cm. genre bordello scene Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister DE Dresden 1% (5)
Maid Asleep
(see image)
c. 1657-1659 83 x 64.5 cm.   genre drinking Metropolitan Museum of Art US New York 1% (6)
Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window
(see image)
1654- 1656 83 x 64.5 cm.     genre letter reading Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister DE Dresden 6% (33)
Officer with a Laughing Girl
(see image)
c. 1655-1660 50.5 x 46 cm.     genre courtship Frick Collection US New York 1% (6)
The Milkmaid
(see image)
c. 1658-1661 45.45 x 40.6 cm.     genre domestic labor Rijksmuseum NL Amsterdam 14% (74)
Girl Interrupted in her Music
(see image)
c. 1658-1661 39.4 x 44.5 cm.     genre merry company (courtship & music making) Frick Collection US New York 0% (2)
The Glass of Wine
(see image)
c. 1658-1660 65 x 77 cm.   genre merry company (courtship & music making)
Staatliche Museen Preußischer
DE Berlin 1% (4)
The Little Street
(see image)
c. 1657-1661 53.5 x 43.5 cm.   landscape   Rijksmuseum NL Amsterdam 5% (27)
The Girl with a Wine Glass
(see image)
c. 1659-1662 78 x 67 cm.   genre merry company
(courtship & music making)
Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum DE Brunswick 1% (5)
View of Delft
(see image)
c. 1660-1661 98.5 x 117.5 cm.   landscape   Mauritshuis NL The Hague 9% (46)
The Music Lesson
(see image)
c. 1662-1664 73.3 x 64.5 cm.   genre merry company
(courtship (?) & music making)
Royal Collection GB London 1% (6)
Woman with a Lute
(see image)
c. 1662-1665 51.4 x 45.7 cm.     genre music making Metropolitan Museum of Art US New York 1% (3)
Young Woman with a Water Pitcher
(see image)
c. 1662-1665 45.7 x 40.6 cm.     genre toilette Metropolitan Museum of Art US New York 4% (20)
Woman in Blue Reading a Letter
(see image)
c. 1662-1665 46.5 x 38 cm.     genre letter reading Rijksmuseum NL Amsterdam 4% (21)
Woman with a Pearl Necklace
(see image)
c. 1662-1665 55 x 45 cm.   genre toilette Staatliche Museen Preußischer
DE Berlin 2% (12)
Woman Holding a Balance
(see image)
c. 1662-1665 42.5 x 38 cm.     allegory (genre) allegory of spiritual balance National Gallery of Art US Washington D.C. 4% (21)
The Concert
(see image)
c. 1663-1666 72.5 x 64.7 cm.     genre music making (merry company) Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum US Boston 1% (8)
A Lady Writing
(see image)
c. 1665-1666 45 x 39.9 cm.   genre letter writing National Gallery of Art US Washington D.C. 1% (3)
The Art of Painting
(see image)
c. 1662-1668 120 x 100 cm.   allegory the art of painting Kunsthistorisches Museum AT Vienna 9% (50)
Girl with a Pearl Earring
(see image)
c. 1665-1667 46.5 x 40 cm.   tronie bust-length figure (tronie) Mauritshuis NL The Hague 11% (61)
Girl with a Red Hat
(see image)
c. 1665-1667 22.8 x 18 cm.   tronie bust-length figure (tronie) National Gallery of Art US Washington D.C. 3% (18)
Mistress and Maid
(see image)
c. 1666-1668 90.2 x 78.7 cm.     genre letter writing Frick Collection US New York 1% (4)
Girl with a Flute
(see image)
c. 1665-1670 20 x 17.8 cm.     tronie bust-length figure (tronie) National Gallery of Art US New York 1% (4)
Study of a Young Woman
(see image)
c. 1665-1674 44.5 x 40 cm.   tronie bust-length figure (tronie) National Gallery of Art US New York 3% (18)
The Astronomer
(see image)
1668 50 x 45 cm. genre scientific inquire Musée du Louvre FR Paris 4% (21)
The Geographer
(see image)
c. 1668-1669 53 x 46.6 cm. genre scientific inquire Städelsches Kunstinstitut DE Frankfurt 1% (6)
The Love Letter
(see image)
c. 1667-1670 44 x 38.5 cm.   genre letter reading Rijksmuseum NE Amsterdam 3% (17)
The Lacemaker
(see image)
c. 1669-1671 24 x 21 cm.   genre domestic labor Musée du Louvre FR Paris 1% (8)
The Guitar Player
(see image)
c. 1670-1672 53 x 46.3 cm.   genre music making Kenwood House GB London 2% (10)
Lady Writing a Letter with her Maid
(see image)
c. 1670-1671 71.1 x 58.4 cm.   genre letter writing National Gallery of Ireland IE Dublin 1% (6)
A Lady Standing at a Virginal
(see image)
c. 1670-1674 51.7 x 45.2 cm.   genre music making National Gallery GB London 1% (6)
Lady Seated at a Virginal
(see image)
c. 1670-1675 51.5 x 45.5 cm.   genre music making National Gallery GB London 1% (3)
Allegory of Faith
(see image)
c. 1670-1674 114.3 x 88.9 cm.     allegory allegory of the Catholic Faith Metropolitan Museum of Art US New York 0% (2)
Young Woman Seated at a Virginals (?)
(see image)
c. 1670 25.2 x 20 cm.     genre music making Leiden Collection US New York 1% (4)
Saint Praxedis (?)
(see image)
1655 101.6 x 82.6 cm. history painting religious scene Kufu Company Inc., on
(long-term loan to the National
Museum of Western Art
JP Tokyo 1% (5)

Looking Over Vermeer’s Shoulder

The complete study of Vermeer’s materials, artistry and painting techniques

Jonathan Janson

(painter & founder of Essential Vermeer.com)