Kiddofspeed - GHOST TOWN - Chernobyl Pictures -
Elena's Motorcyle Ride through Chernobyl


my rides through chernobyl area

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beginning of a story about town where one can ride with no stoplights, no police, no danger to hit some cage or some dog..

Elena revisits Chernobyl with this updated version of the site and a new addition, "Land of the Wolves"

Chernobyl - Land of the Wolves

Elena's new project, Gulag Tales is now online.

Take a look at Elena's latest project, the Serpent's Wall. A fascinating look at Kiev's history of defending itself with the aid of a wall built most likely during the early 11th century at the request of King Yaroslav(he built upon the fortification work begun under the reign of Volodymyr Svyatoslavovich in the late 10th century). It includes photos documenting the WWII era bunkers that were built into the existing Serpent's Wall.

Ukraine's Orange Revolution
Here is hastily composed photoreportage called "stolen election" it is about social unrest that followed our recent election.

Translations: Japanese

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