2012 Partial Lunar Eclipse Photo Gallery

The Partial Lunar Eclipse of 2012 June 04 was best seen from the western USA, Hawaii and the Pacific. 2012 Partial Lunar Eclipse (NASA) has detailed predictions and maps of this astronomical event. This lunar eclipse occurred jut two weeks after the Annular Solar Eclipse on May 20.

I decided to observe and photograph this eclipse about 1/2 mile from my observatory in Portal, AZ. I chose this location because it would offer a good foreground for the time lapse sequences I planned to capture.

I arose at 1 am, dressed and drove to my observing site where I quickly assembled my Losmandy GM-8 mount and other photo equipment. After a quick polar alignment, I was ready to power up the telescope drive. It was then that I discovered that my battery pack was dead as was the backup set. A quick drive back home to find a long accessory power cord to run from the car battery and I was back in business a half hour before the partial eclipse began.

It was a beautifully clear morning with just a light wind throughout the eclipse. The imaging went well and the Moon set behind the Chiricahua Mountains during mid twilight. After sunrise, I packed everything up for the short ride home and to bed for some well earned sleep. And tomorrow is the much anticipated Transit of Venus!

Click on each thumbnail below to see a larger image and description.

2012 Partial Lunar Eclipse - Vixen 90mm Fluorite Refractor

2012 Lunar Eclipse
Full Moon
Before Eclipse

2012 Lunar Eclipse

2012 Lunar Eclipse
Partial Eclipse

2012 Lunar Eclipse
Partial Eclipse
Magnitude 0.059

2012 Lunar Eclipse
Partial Eclipse
Magnitude 0.117

2012 Lunar Eclipse
Partial Eclipse
Magnitude 0.176

2012 Lunar Eclipse
Partial Eclipse
Magnitude 0.234

2012 Lunar Eclipse
Partial Eclipse
Magnitude 0.292

2012 Lunar Eclipse

2012 Lunar Eclipse
Partial Eclipse
Magnitude 0.330

2012 Lunar Eclipse
Partial Eclipse
Magnitude 0.272

2012 Lunar Eclipse
Partial Eclipse
Magnitude 0.214

2012 Partial Lunar Eclipse - Time Sequence

2012 Lunar Eclipse
Partial Eclipse
Sequence 1

2012 Partial Eclipse - Cave Creek Canyon Sequences

2012 Lunar Eclipse
Full Moon
Before Eclipse

2012 Lunar Eclipse

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