
Panorama Print of the
Total Lunar Eclipse of January 2000

2000 Lunar Eclipse Sequence

The Total Lunar Eclipse of 2000 Jan 20-21
This nine image sequence captures the entire eclipse from start to finish.
During totality (center image), the Moon was 10,000 fainter than it was before the eclipse began.
The red color is due to the filtering effect of Earth's atmosphere.
Total Lunar Eclipse of 2000 Jan 20-21 (Dunkirk, Maryland)
Photo (c)2000 by Fred Espenak

A total eclipse of the Moon is one of Nature's loveliest celestial events. The total eclipse of 2000 Jan 20-21 was visible from all of North and South America (including the USA and Canada) as well as western Europe.

Fred Espenak has captured the essence of the eclipse in a composite sequence of nine images arranged in chronological order (from right to left). The series encompasses over three and a half hours of time as the Moon gracefully traversed the Earth's dark umbral shadow. During totality, the Moon glowed a deep red hue due to the filtering and refracting effects of the Earth's atmosphere.

The photographs were made using an AstroPhysics 5" refractor (130EDF; fl = 780 mm, f/6) plus a 2x AstroPhysics Barlow (system efl = 1550 mm, f/12). The exposures for the partial phases ranged from 1/250 to 1/10 second on Kodak Royal Gold 100. Totality required a 16 second exposure on Kodak Royal Gold 400. All negatives transferred to a Kodak Photo CD and combined into the final sequence using an iMac and Adobe Photoshop(tm) software.

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Deluxe panoramic enlargements of this unique image of the 2000 lunar eclipse are now available for sale. The original high resolution digital file was output to a master 4 x 5 inch color negative. The final enlargements have a resolution of over 300 dpi. A custom color lab makes the enlargements on Kodak Ultra III. This paper has incredible sharpness, brilliance, contrast and color. Under normal viewing conditions, it is rated for several decades with no perceptual fading.

Panoramic prints measure 5.3" x 20" and are shipped in a rugged 3" x 12" tube. Please note that the actual enlargement DOES NOT have any text printed on it, unlike the photo at the top of this page. have any text printed on it, unlike the photo at the top of this page.

Panorama print size and price:

Print Size Price 1 Availability
5.3" x 20" $22 USD In Stock

Shipping and handling:


For more than two prints, add $1 ($2 Europe) for each additional two prints. For rates to other countries, please contact MrEclipse.

Prints are available for immediate shipping.


Cash or Check (US dollars) payable to "Fred Espenak".

All foreign (non-USA) checks require a $10 collection fee charged by our bank.
Sorry, no credit cards.

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To order:

Order Form - 2000 Lunar Eclipse Panorama

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Composite Solar Corona

The Total Solar Eclipse of 1999 August 11
This nine image sequence captures the essence of the last total solar eclipse of the Millennium.
The central image of totality is a composite from 22 separate negatives which were combined
via computer to closely resemble the naked eye appearance of the solar corona.
Total Solar Eclipse of 1999 Aug 11 (Lake Hazar, Turkey)
Photo (c)1999 by Fred Espenak

A matching panoramic print of the total solar eclipse of 1999 is also available. This 5.3" x 20" print forms the perfect compliment to the 2000 lunar eclipse panorama.

Secial offer! Order both the 1999 solar and 2000 lunar eclipse panoramas and save nearly 10%.
Get a pair of 5.3" x 20" prints for $40. To Order:

Order Form - 1999 Solar & 2000 Lunar Eclipse Panoramas

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For special inscructions on the care and mounting of deluxe color prints, see:

Care of Deluxe Prints

For more information and volume discounts, contact: MrEclipse

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All photographs are copyright by Fred Espenak.
Please contact him (at MrEclipse for all uses of these images
in print, web, video, CD and all other media.

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Last revised: 2004 Dec 20