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Photo Credits

All Photos Courtesy American Institute of Physics: Emilio Segre Visual Archives Except Where Noted

  Interactive Transistor Radio Graphic by Carl Flatow, FlatoGraphics

All other pages
  NavKnob™ navigational graphic was designed by Carl Flatow, FlatoGraphics, and is a Trademark of ScienCentral, Inc.


(In alphabetical order)

Gene Anderson
- Gene Anderson, ©1999 Twin Cities Public Television, Inc. and ScienCentral, Inc.
John Bardeen
- Bardeen Children, Courtesy Bill Bardeen
- Young Bardeen, Courtesy Bill Bardeen
John and Jane Bardeen
John Bardeen page 2
- Brattain and Bardeen playing golf, 1971
Famous 3 (Bardeen, Brattain, and Shockley)
- John Bardeen
John Bardeen page 3

- Reverse Image Famous 3 (Shockley, Brattain, and Bardeen)
- John Bardeen, 1973
Alexander Bell
- Alexander Graham Bell, Courtesy AT&T
Robert Brattain
- Bob Brattain, ©1999 Twin Cities Public Television, Inc. and ScienCentral, Inc.
Walter Brattain
- Walter Brattain
Walter Brattain page 2
- Famous 3 (Bardeen, Brattain, and Shockley)
- Brattain at his crystal pulling apparatus
- Brattain receives Nobel Prize
Brattain with his parents after invention of transistor announced, Courtesy AT&T
Walter Brattain page 3

- Brattain drinking beer with student
- Brattain teaching in classroom
- Brattain and Bardeen playing golf, 1971
Walter Brown
- Walter Brown, ©1999 Twin Cities Public Television, Inc. and ScienCentral, Inc.
Lee DeForest
- Lee DeForest
Phil Foy
- Phil Foy, ©1999 Twin Cities Public Television, Inc. and ScienCentral, Inc.
- Phil Foy in Army Uniform, Courtesy AT&T
Lillian Hoddeson
- Lillian Hoddeson,©1999 Twin Cities Public Television, Inc. and ScienCentral, Inc.
Nick Holonyak
- Nick Holonyak, ©1999 Twin Cities Public Television, Inc. and ScienCentral, Inc.
Masaru Ibuka
- Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita, Courtesy Sony
George Indig
- George Indig from Transistorized!, ©1999 Twin Cities Public Television, Inc. and ScienCentral, Inc.
Mervin Kelly
- Mervin Kelly
Jack Kilby
- Jack Kilby with first hand-held calculator, Courtesy of Texas Instruments
Karl Lark-Horovitz
- Karl Lark-Horowitz
Gordon Moore
- Gordon Moore from Transistorized!, ©1999 Twin Cities Public Television, Inc. and ScienCentral, Inc.
- Gordon Moore

Akio Morita
- Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita, Courtesy Sony
Bob Noyce
- Robert Noyce
Russell Ohl
Gerald Pearson
- Gerald Pearson
John Pierce
- John Pierce from Transistorized!, ©1999 Twin Cities Public Television, Inc. and ScienCentral, Inc.
Micheal Riordan
- Michael Riordan from Transistorized!, ©1999 Twin Cities Public Television, Inc. and ScienCentral, Inc.
Ian Ross
- Ian Ross from Transistorized!, ©1999 Twin Cities Public Television, Inc. and ScienCentral, Inc.
Fred Seitz

- Fred Seitz from Transistorized!, ©1999 Twin Cities Public Television, Inc. and ScienCentral, Inc.
Fred Seitz at Bell labs
- Young Fred Seitz
Harry Sello
- Harry Sello from Transistorized!, ©1999 Twin Cities Public Television, Inc. and ScienCentral, Inc.
William Shockley
Shockley rock-climbing
- Shockley portrait
Shockley with Lee DeForest
Shockley walking tight-rope
William Shockley page 2
- Shockley portrait in later life
- Shockley in wilderness, Courtesy Bill Bardeen
- Snuffy's exterior, Courtesy Snuffy'sPantagis Renaissance
- Four Nobel Prize winners (Shockley, Bardeen, Brattain, and Charles H. Townes)
William Shockley page 3
- Shockley's notebook January 23, 1948, Courtesy Lucent
- Holes and Electrons, by William Shockley, 1951, Courtesy AT&T?
- Shockley Semiconductor, Courtesy Stanford
Joel Shurkin
- Joel Shurkin from Transistorized!, ©1999 Twin Cities Public Television, Inc. and ScienCentral, Inc.
Betty Sparks
- Morgan and Betty Sparks, Courtesy Betty Sparks
Betty Sparks from Transistorized!, ©1999 Twin Cities Public Television, Inc. and ScienCentral, Inc.
Morgan Sparks
- Morgan and Betty Sparks, Courtesy Betty Sparks
Gordon Teal
- Gordon Teal
Fred Terman
- Fred Terman
Arthur Torsiglieri
- Arthur Torsiglieri from Transistorized!, ©1999 Twin Cities Public Television, Inc. and ScienCentral, Inc.
Traitorous Eight
- The Fairchild "traitorous" eight
Theodore Vail
- Theodore N. Vail, 1919, AT&T


(In alphabetical order)

- Alexander Graham Bell, Courtesy AT&T
Bell Labs
- AT&T Headquarters, Courtesy AT&T, 1958
Fairchild Semiconductor
- Fairchild Building, Courtesy Fairchild
- Ibuka and Morita, Courtesy Sony
- Early days of Sony, Courtesy Sony


(In chronological order)


Theodore Vail's Boast
- Theodore N. Vail, 1919, Courtesy AT&T
Transontinental Phone Service
- Theodore Vail making long-distance phone call, 1915, Courtesy AT&T

Miracle Month At Bell Labs
- Walter Brattain, Courtesy AT&T
Brattain's lab notebook, Courtesy Lucent
The Junction Transistor (Invention)
- William Shockley's notebook, Courtesy Lucent
- The first junction transistor, Courtesy Lucent
Patent Battles At Bell Labs
- Patent for transistor, Courtesy Lucent
The Patent Announcement
- Transistor press release, Courtesy AT&T
- Cover of Electronics Magazine, September 1948

Making Transistors
- Jack Morton
- Various point con tact transistors, Courtesy Lucent
Selling Transistors
- Old transistors, Courtesy Andrew Wylie
Germanium Transistors For Sale
- Old transistors, Courtesy Andrew Wylie
Point Contact Transistor's Moment of Glory
- The first point contact transistor, Courtesy Lucent
The First Transistor Radio
- Images of old transistor radios, Courtesy George Kaczowka
Nobel Prize
- Walter Brattain Receives Nobel Prize, 1956
- Shockley's Nobel Celebration, 1956
Fairchild Founded by Traitorous Eight
- The traitorous eight
The Invention of the Integrated Circuit
- The first integrated circuit, Courtesy of Texas Instruments
The Calculator
- Jack Kilby with hand-held computer, Courtesy of Texas Instruments
Moore's Law
- Gordon Moore
The Evolution of the Transistor
- The first point contact, Courtesy Lucent
- The first junction transistor, Courtesy Lucent
The Future of the Transistor
- Transistors, Courtesy Lucent

  Main Timeline - All images courtesy National Archives except:
- South Pole, Courtesy NASA
- Albert Schweitzer, Courtesy Albert Schweitzer Foundation
- Walter Brattain Receiving Nobel Prize, Courtesy American Institute of Physics, Emilio Segre Visual Archives
- Yuri Gagarin, Courtesy NASA
- Astronaut on Moon, Courtesy NASA
- Space Shuttle, Courtesy NASA
- Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, Courtesy Exxon Oil Spill Trustee Council
- Comet Hale-Boppe, Courtesy H. Weaver (Johns Hopkins University) and NASA


(In chronological order)


The Vacuum Tube
- Vaccuum tube, Courtesy Lucent
Germanium Comes Of Age
- Silicon and Germanuim transistors, Courtesy Lucent
The Point Contact Transistor
- The first point contact transistor, Courtesy Lucent
- Point contact animation, ©1999 Twin Cities Public Broadcasting and ScienCentral, Inc.
- A point contact transistor, Courtesy AT&T
The Junction Transistor
- The first junction transistor, Courtesy Lucent

The Modern Transistor
- Scientist holding chip-wafer, Courtsy Lucent
- Chip-wafer, Courtesy Lucent
The Chip
- Chip-wafer, Courtesy Lucent

Teacher's Guide

TV Show

  Periodic Puzzle
-Graphics by Malcolm Tarlton
Wafer Maker Game
-Graphics by Malcolm Tarlton




-Bo Hammer photo by Hali Hammer
-Carl Flatow photo by Carl Flatow/FlatoGraphics
-Ira Flatow photo by Carl Flatow/FlatoGraphics

-PBS Online- -Site Credits- -Photo Credits- -Feedback-

Copyright 1999, ScienCentral, Inc, and The American Institute of Physics. No portion of this web site may be reproduced without written permission. All Rights Reserved.