Data Plotting and Fitting

Third Year Laboratory, School of Physics, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

This programme will plot your data. It returns the results in the form of a graph containing your points and the calculated fit (if required).

Type of Graph

Click here to calculate a Fresnel fit for light reflected from a dielectric.

Select data entry format

Data points:

Note: Use spaces between each entry and one datum point per line.
(Hints: Tabs and commas may also be used to delimit values. You may "cut and paste" a list of data points onto this window.)


To modify the presentation of your graph complete part or all of this section.

Your Name
axis labelsxy
axis ranges < x < < y <
axis type x: y:

your data or to clear screen.

Related Links:

Third Year Physics Neutron Experiment (requires Java)
Numerical Recipes home page
Writing a Graduate Thesis
Michael Johnston
School of Physics
University of New South Wales
Last modified: 27 February, 1999