Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My son "implored" that I should have the heart to buy him new clothes. He said it is almost September and he still does not have new articles of clothing for the first semester of the current school year. Classes started in June here in Manila. I told my son that it was not mu fault as it was him who was unavailable to do some shopping. We decided to shop over the weekend.'

My son was so slow in choosing clothes. D3, D4 and Ethan came with us and we all were prodding my son to just take whatever pleases him. No dice. He had to fit each one and that took forever. I decided to go to the Ladie's section to window shop. I passed the lingerie section and did a double take on the sexy costumes. Yes, costumes! I saw a camouflage nightie; a bunny rabbit one complete with a bunny tail and a nightie with hardly any fabric but oodles of yarn. As I was trying to figure out how to wear such attire, Ethan tugged my shirt and with eyes as big as saucers asked "mom, are you going to buy that?"

I said not this time to which Ethan's reply was an audible "whew!"
Posted by desperateblogger On 8/31/2010 09:03:00 AM 2 comments READ FULL POST

Sunday, August 29, 2010

It's funny how my cousin who lives in the United States has been pestering me about the patio she and her husband have been planning to build off their backyard. It is really funny as I told her that she could just hire someone to pave the patio-to-be, buy some real great outdoor furniture and maybe buy a fire pit to function as an outdoor fireplace. She is planning a big Thanksgiving party come and she wants to get ahead by doing small improvements in her home now. I told her that she should browse online for ready-made outdoor fireplaces as they are great additions to patios and decks more so since the cool season is in the offing. Come to think of it. Summer is almost over...
Posted by desperateblogger On 8/29/2010 10:08:00 PM No comments READ FULL POST

Saturday, August 28, 2010

As I stare at my reflection in the mirror, I noticed that I have some short white hair sprouting from my forehead hairline. I also noticed that my neck is starting to show the tell-tale signs of what Ethan's calls a "wobbly" neck. I know I sound petty lamenting on white hair and wobbly neck but girls will be girls...no matter what age. I believe we women owe it to ourselves to make ourselves presentable whenever we can. I know though that I should not be so obsessed with my lined-neck but what the heck, I need to purchase one of those prototype 37c!
Posted by desperateblogger On 8/28/2010 04:48:00 PM No comments READ FULL POST

Friday, August 27, 2010

Late afternoon showers and thunderstorm happen everyday. An inter-tropical convergence zone has been hovering in the eastern coast of the Philippines. One moment its bright and sunny the next moment it's as if someone turned off the light as heavy rain pours, as in like dogs and cats. It was reported that EDSA had about 15 inches of water early last night. Traffic was said to be horrendous because of the flash flood. Am I glad I don't have to traverse EDSA on a daily basis.

On the good side, there's no need to water the plants. The rain has bee doing me a favor. On the other side, the heavy rain and slight breeze had ruined all the fairy lights in my garden. I turned them on last night and was surprised that from the more them 20 fairy lights in the garden, only 1 lighted up. I know! The fairy lights I have are the cheap-o ones.

Maybe it's time to look into replacing them with led christmas lights. I saw some online they really look neat! I read that they last 10x longer than the average Christmas light and are environment-friendly, break resistant and weather resistant! Yey! I need these lights!

Posted by desperateblogger On 8/27/2010 06:56:00 AM 2 comments READ FULL POST

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The terrible hostage-taking incident that happened in Manila is indeed a tragedy. It was a tragedy to the victims who lost their lives. It was a heartbreaking experience to the family of those who were taken hostage. It was a tragedy and a shameful experience for the family of the hostage-taker, dismissed policeman Rolando Mendoza.

The negotiations were in motion attested by the fact that an elderly couple and a mom with two kids and another 12-year old, were released.

Everything would have been fine if only the Office of the Ombudsman met his demands - to review his case and to reinstate him as a policeman. That assurance would have led to the end of the crisis. Mendoza could have been reinstated as a policeman and then could have been later arrested for hostage-taking. A promise done in duress is not expected to be honored.

The media played an important part in the fiasco. The coverage was in real-time and since the hostage-bus was equipped with a radio and television, Mendoza was up-to-date to the going-ons around him. Gosh!

Finally the SWAT team came and "tried" to assault the bus based on what the escaped-driver of the bus said - that everyone on the bus was dead. Sad to say, the SWAT team was not equipped and trained to handle the situation. It was pathetic watching the "rescue" operation. It was sad that tourists had to die.It was shameful for the Filipinos to be put in this light.

If only demands were met earlier. If only the media had a news blackout. If only they did not bring in the brother of the Mendoza into the scene.If only the SWAT team was more equipped and trained. Why didn't they bring in the military SWAT team? Were egos at play here too?

SWAT has taken on a new meaning. Last I heard it meant Sorry Wala Akong Training (sorry, I have no training).
Posted by desperateblogger On 8/26/2010 07:02:00 AM 2 comments READ FULL POST
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