Friday, September 30, 2011

I was due for my bi-yearly laboratory works such as FBS, HDL, LDL and what-have-you. It was also time for an ECG and carotid doppler tests. I needed to see a doctor for the request so I can charge the procedures to my HMO. I hate these tests! However, they are necessary so I comply. I was troubled though as my doctor added another test in my list. It was a test for TSH or thyroid stimulating hormone! Hmmm.... my doctor noticed that my neck is quite "fat" and thought that I could have a Thyroid imbalance. Thank God my lab tests are all fine.
Posted by desperateblogger On 9/30/2011 07:55:00 AM 2 comments READ FULL POST

Thursday, September 22, 2011

When the letters on your laptop's keyboard starts to fade and come off, is it time to buy a new laptop or is it time to just buy an external keyboard? Oh, I don't know. The non-existent letters on some of the keypads do not really bother me since I can type without looking at the keyboard. However, somehow, a blank keypad is bothersome to look at! Anyway, I went window shopping the other day at some really cool acer netbooks. D2 bought herself one. Me? wait... one netbook at a time please.
Posted by desperateblogger On 9/22/2011 10:58:00 AM 4 comments READ FULL POST

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mom... can I eat this now? Please?!...
Posted by desperateblogger On 9/21/2011 12:39:00 PM 4 comments READ FULL POST
My son was confined at the hospital from September 16 to 19. He has been having episodes of sties, boils and the latest, carbuncle on his nose that I thought that something is really wrong. The doctor ordered him to be confined so that series of blood test can be done. After a blood culture and what-have-you lab tests, his team of doctors confirmed that has has a staph infection. The bacteria seemed to have "morphed" that my son's antibiotic is something I've not heard of.

The doctors said that my son was infected by another human.Whoever that someone is, I hope he/she have himself/herself tested. The main problem with my son is he sometimes let his volleyball teammates sleep in his apartment.

Hubby went to my son's apartment to get his dirty laundry. They have to be disinfected. Hubby said he was aghast at the state of the apartment as it was super duper dirty. He even found a pair of muddy motorcycle boots tucked in a corner.

The whole apartment needs to be cleaned and disinfected AND no one will be allowed to sleep over anymore.
Posted by desperateblogger On 9/21/2011 12:19:00 PM No comments READ FULL POST

Thursday, September 8, 2011

It has been raining on and off for the last two weeks. The "bad" is that my car is muddied and dirty. The "good" is that there is no need to water the plants and grass. The sun decided to come out and shine for 2 straight days which basically meant I need to wash my car and water the plants. I decided to don my new rain boots so I can water the garden. Guess what? The garden hose was missing! Hubby decided to cut the hose and use it for a quick installation thingy in the washing area! I was so irritated as the garden hose is not just a hose but a made-to-order hose that is about 20 meters long! Yes! I have a lot of exclamations here for how the heck can I water the whole yard without a hose! I told hubby to replace the old hose with a regular hose and not an
industrial rubber hose that he suggested.
Posted by desperateblogger On 9/08/2011 08:14:00 AM No comments READ FULL POST
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