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March 14, 2005

Sitemeter Question

For some time I've been using Webalizer to track site traffic here. It came with the hosting package.

However, because so many people use Sitemeter, I signed up for it, too. But I immediately noticed a huge difference between the site visits as recorded by the two systems. Generally Webalizer reports 5-6 times as many visits per day.

So... I'm wondering whether anyone has any idea why this is—and which one is right. I'm hoping Webalizer is correct, of course. I believe it is, because I used to use Modlogan as well, and its numbers were actually higher than Webalizer.

The site uses Movable Type 2.64, and I suspect the problem may be that at the beginning I only added the Sitemeter code to the main index template. Just now I added it to the date-based archive template and the individual entry archive template. So perhaps that will bring the numbers closer in line.

You can find this site's Webalizer statistics here. Sitemeter statistics are here. For comparison's sake, you can see that last Thursday the 11th, Webalizer recorded 1964 visits, while Sitemeter said there'd been about 280.

Any help/suggestions are appreciated. Particularly welcome would be news that not only are the Sitemeter numbers low, but Webalizer is undercounting traffic by a factor of twelve million.

Posted at March 14, 2005 08:57 AM | TrackBack

It's apples and oranges.

Sitemeter's site says:

"Site Meter is a little different than other counters. It counts visits and not page views . The number that is shown on your counter is the number of visitors and it will only increment when a new visitor comes to your site."

Webalizer, on the other hand, counts every single click, regardless of where it's coming from.

So Sitemeter is giving you a [probably] accurate count of the number of unique people (IP addresses, really, which isn't the same thing) that visit; Webalizer is counting the total number of clicks all those people made at

If that doesn't make sense, let me know and I'll try and make it more clear. You've done the same thing for me with Social Security, so it's only fair. :)

Posted by: karpet at March 14, 2005 10:01 AM

You're right; both descriptions of a "visit" are very similar.

I suspect that your original guess (that you need the Sitemeter code on all files) is the likely culprit. Webalizer has access to all your webserver logs (it's "in-house") while Sitemeter has to get the same info from the little javascript snippet on each page.

Think of it like this: if your assignment was to count every person who entered a train station, you could either watch the front door from the cafe across the street (like Sitemeter) or you could count the number of turnstile rotations at the exits at the end of the each day. Watching the door is convenient (you can suck down java while you count), but the turnstiles are likely to be most accurate.

Posted by: karpet at March 14, 2005 10:41 AM

PS: addendum to my analogy above: if sitting in the cafe was really like Sitemeter, each of the people leaving the station would have to wave at you as they left the station, in order for you to count them. That's what the javascript does on your pages: it waves a secret little wave at Sitemeter, and Sitemeter keeps a running tally of those waves.

Posted by: karpet at March 14, 2005 10:47 AM


Thanks once more. Adding the Sitemeter code to more pages seems already to be making a difference, though not yet enough to bridge the gap with Webalizer. Hmmm.

Posted by: Jonathan Schwarz at March 14, 2005 10:58 AM

my geek license would likely be revoked if I didn't at least mention that any of your static html pages would also need the sitemeter js code added. I am not familiar enough with Moveable Type to know for sure, but any archived posts made before you updated your template (for example) would need the js code. Sitemeter would miss those (if, for example, someone found one via google or linked from your site), but webalizer knows all about them.

Posted by: karpet at March 14, 2005 11:52 AM

one million lebanese protested in martyr square today - against hizballah and syria.

that's five times the number of "hizballahs" and syrians and palestinians who marched in support of neojihadism/baathism last week.

your side is losing.

Posted by: reliapundit at March 14, 2005 12:07 PM

Here is a page that may help you make the comparision.

You are right, adding it to your archive pages will probably make up for the main difference. You may want start out comparing Site Meter "page views" to Webalizer's "pages". There is a better change that they will match. Also, try removing the RSS, XML, and CSS files from the "pages" count in Webalizer.

Posted by: David Smith at March 14, 2005 12:52 PM

The Left must be disappointed:


This news must REALLY PISS-OFF and DISAPPOINT the Left.

Only last week, most of the talking heads on the Left were palpably RELIEVED that Hizballah had STAGED a big anti-American protest. Hell, the Leftists had promptly started wagging their "I told you the Bush Doctrine wouldn't work" fingers in our neo-con faces.

IN FACT: the MSM Lefties were ALL OVER the Sunday Talk Shows yesterday saying that Hizballah had proven that they were also "politcal party" that had to be taken seriously!

YEAH RIGHT! Bush - who has just put Gerry Adams of Sinn Fein - the "political wing" of the terrorist group the IRA - on the persona non grata list, is certainly never EVER going to alllow ANYONE in his administration to have a tete-tete with Nasrallah or anyone else in Hizballah - that would be like negotiating with al Qaeda!

Today's reports will upset the Left because they PROVE that today's anti-Hizballah, anti-Syria, anti-neojihadist, anti-baathist protest - and PRO-AMERICAN RALLY - is the biggest one BIGGEST YET! ---


Nearly two million people from different regions of Lebanon have gathered in the capital Beirut for protests organized by the opposition party. Members of the press located in the protest region have reported that the protestors are arriving in Beirut by car, ship, and even on foot in preparation for the largest meeting since the assassination of the former Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri on Feb. 14.


Angry Lebanese demanded an international investigation into Hariri's killing and a complete and swift Syrian pullout of its troops and intelligence forces, after a nearly 30-year military presence in its tiny neighbor. Apart from the vast sea of opposition protesters in the square, steady flows of people could be seen pouring from all corners of the city, and all kinds of vehicles were bringing in large influx of people from across the country. Estimates of the number of protesters varied from 1 million to 300,000.
And I betchya they were all LEBANESE, TOO!

# posted by reliapundit

Posted by: reliapundit at March 14, 2005 02:36 PM

The Left must be disappointed:


This news must REALLY PISS-OFF and DISAPPOINT the Left.

Only last week, most of the talking heads on the Left were palpably RELIEVED that Hizballah had STAGED a big anti-American protest. Hell, the Leftists had promptly started wagging their "I told you the Bush Doctrine wouldn't work" fingers in our neo-con faces.

IN FACT: the MSM Lefties were ALL OVER the Sunday Talk Shows yesterday saying that Hizballah had proven that they were also "politcal party" that had to be taken seriously!

YEAH RIGHT! Bush - who has just put Gerry Adams of Sinn Fein - the "political wing" of the terrorist group the IRA - on the persona non grata list, is certainly never EVER going to alllow ANYONE in his administration to have a tete-tete with Nasrallah or anyone else in Hizballah - that would be like negotiating with al Qaeda!

Today's reports will upset the Left because they PROVE that today's anti-Hizballah, anti-Syria, anti-neojihadist, anti-baathist protest - and PRO-AMERICAN RALLY - is the biggest one BIGGEST YET! ---


Nearly two million people from different regions of Lebanon have gathered in the capital Beirut for protests organized by the opposition party. Members of the press located in the protest region have reported that the protestors are arriving in Beirut by car, ship, and even on foot in preparation for the largest meeting since the assassination of the former Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri on Feb. 14.


Angry Lebanese demanded an international investigation into Hariri's killing and a complete and swift Syrian pullout of its troops and intelligence forces, after a nearly 30-year military presence in its tiny neighbor. Apart from the vast sea of opposition protesters in the square, steady flows of people could be seen pouring from all corners of the city, and all kinds of vehicles were bringing in large influx of people from across the country. Estimates of the number of protesters varied from 1 million to 300,000.
And I betchya they were all LEBANESE, TOO!

# posted by reliapundit

Posted by: reliapundit at March 14, 2005 02:37 PM

Who Needs Comic Book Superheroes...

...when you've got 1.4 million real-live ones? Dig the historic scene today in Beirut. (The guys at AKComics should publish a comic book on this outpouring.)

The Hezbollah (literally, "Party of God") rally last week had echoes of the reactionary pro-segregation crowds that descended on Oxford, Missisissippi, in 1962. Upset at President Kennedy's forced integration of the Ole Miss campus, tens of thousands of angry whites poured into the small college town to rally against the federal imposition of civil rights legislation. The charged protests were immortalized in Bob Dylan's "Oxford Town," and pickup trucks across the state were soon sporting the bumper sticker: "Federally-Occupied Mississippi."

But for the massive crowds of white segregationists, it was the beginning of the end. A sort of last hurrah. Similarly, when you have a group funded by Iran (i.e., Hezbollah) holding a gender-segregated rally with a blatantly contradictory message ("No to Foreign Intervention" and "Thank you, Syria") you are not the wave of the future.

At least for today, the wave of the future is the "Human Tsunami" overflowing Beirut. Mabruk, guys and gals! Bien fait!

Posted by: reliapundit at March 14, 2005 02:43 PM

To Jonathan Schwartz (and other irrational, reactionary Lefties:

I doubt you are mature enough to admit you were wrong: about the Iraq War, the Bush Doctrine, Reagan, the Hizballah Rally - and so on.

Prove me wrong.

Posted by: reliapundit at March 14, 2005 02:45 PM

You really got the bit between your teeth there, reliapundit. I think Jonathan should be forced to admit you're right. You said it yourself: his side, the terror side, is losing. He's pretty obviously a hater of freedom.

Now there's a remote possibility that you're wrong on some particulars, but that by itself doesn't count for much. For example, the Pythagorean Theorem works even if the earth is flat. We both know it isn't, but I think you understand where I'm headed.

There's also a possibility that you're just another wingnut internet personality who likes wasting people's time scrolling past your nonsense. You might be constipated, too, or huffing methane. You might even be an overcaffeinated crackpot chickenblogger. But I really think you're a patriotic spreader of democracy, which -- like marmalade -- makes the dry toast of tyranny scrumptious.

Posted by: Harry at March 14, 2005 03:27 PM

reliapundit: Use one comment...
And also about the variation. Webalizer looks at the logs, and that includes the RSS feeds. Statsmeter doesn't include RSS feeds, since the image isn't there. RSS Feeds are accessed many times per day, and that would increase the visits.

Posted by: Ben Hiller at March 14, 2005 03:34 PM

Jon, I also have a lot of things I'd like you to admit that you were wrong about. You know very well what they are, we don't need to go into them here (all I'll say is: "Hupmobile.")

Posted by: Mike at March 14, 2005 03:42 PM

good point about the rss feeds. I use them lots.

Posted by: karpet at March 14, 2005 03:57 PM

From John at Crooks and Liars:

All the counters count hits differently and are not good indicators.
Sitemeter generally sucks by most everyone's account including mine, I
find that is much more accurate than anything so far.
I use sitemeter too and it undercount by about the same amount he
uses. Tell him to use statcounter. You can have both up running at the
same time.Technorati is flawed also.

Posted by: Mickey Finn at March 14, 2005 06:51 PM

Do you always get harassed with off-topic horseshit when you beseech?

Posted by: Josh Berthume at March 14, 2005 11:45 PM


I think we all know what you're really saying about the Hupmobile. I THINK WE ALL KNOW.

Posted by: Jonathan Schwarz at March 15, 2005 12:50 AM