Ed Murray

Ed Murray is a standup comic who has performed at various clubs in New York City. He has been published online at McSweeney's, Yankee Pot Roast, Entropy, and in print for Jest, The Best of PulpLit 2002-2004, and Oddfellow magazines. More of his oh-so-blinding genius can be seen at: http://thirdevolution.blogspot.com.

How To
Are You Going to Hell? Take this 12-question quiz and find out!
A Thorough Exegesis of the Opening Credits to Laverne & Shirley (The Wisconsin Years) According to Wikipedia, a "schlemiel" is a Yiddish word meaning "perpetual bungler" or "dolt." "Schlimazel" is also Yiddish, meaning "an extremely unlucky or inept person; a habitual failure."
An Open Letter to the W.G.A. from the Hollywood Producers We, The Consortium of Hollywood Producers, met this weekend over hookers and Mallomars at our Santa Monica lair and agreed that we're not really all that concerned with your writer's strikey thing.
The Alcoholic Beverages of Planet Earth Beer is the most popular alcoholic beverage on earth, responsible for temporary friendships, questionable pieces of ass, and the destruction of the familial unit since its integration into the human lifestyle. It comes in many varieties: lager, pilsner, ale, papyrus,...
The U.S.A. Patriot Act … (The Fine Print) On March 2, 2006, the Senate renewed the U.S.A. Patriot Act, making all provisions within the bill permanent. Much like most of the legislation in Washington, D.C., the major points of the bill overshadowed some of the smaller issues also...
Rejected Letters to Penthouse Forum Readers' stories deemed too smutty to print.
Interview with an Interview with Ann Coulter As I picked up a recent copy of Time magazine (April 25, 2005), I casually stroked the middle buttons of my fly with the thumb and forefinger of my right hand and realized that I was unquestionably terrified of this...

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