Etc. Archives

2008: The Year in Pot Roast Our annual round-up of the past loop around the sun.
Food for Thoughtlessness Bum Food, Hurt Waffles, & Gross Treats
Science & Medicine Unfortunate Typos; Musical Ailments; F.A.Q.s for Girls
Godlessness! Ultimate Power Anthems of the Agnostic | Things I Would Do if God Were Proven Nonexistent
Announcing Y.P.R.'s New Book: Underrated: The Yankee Pot Roast Book of Awesome Underappreciated Stuff Yes, folks, your humble Yankee Pot Roasters proudly announce their new 224-page book, published by the good people of Citadel Press, the imprint of Kensington Books, printed, bound, and available in finer bookstores everywhere on June 24, 2008.
April Listicles Dryer than April showers.
March Listicles In lionlike, out lamblike.
A Half Decade of Pot Roast (Pt. V) ... Aaand some more vintage Y.P.R.
A Half Decade of Pot Roast (Pt. IV) Still more classic Y.P.R. ha-has ...
A Half Decade of Pot Roast (Pt. III) Yet more Y.P.R. classics.
A Half Decade of Pot Roast (Pt. II) Presenting more gems unearthed from Y.P.R.'s five-year-deep archives.
A Half Decade of Pot Roast That's right, this week marks five (5) long years that this humble journal has been publishing a daily(-ish) dose of the finest literary satire money can buy. To celebrate, we're republishing some of our favorite past pieces ...
That Was the Year That Was: Y.P.R.'s Best of 2007 Selections from the past year in Y.P.R.
The Ghosts of Christmas Past Some Christmas features from the Y.P.aRchives.
Gobble, Gobble We hope that you all have wonderful holidays and we know that they will be made more wonderful by the attached recipe for Pumpkin Pie.
Wedding Weekend ... Sha La La La This past weekend saw Y.P.R.'s own Geoff Wolinetz get hitched to the lovely and talented Jennifer Monatlik.
Tell 'Em How You Really Feel The Wedding Lasts Five Hours ... The Resentment Lasts a Lifetime
Celebrate Your Independence, Take Care of Your Digits The founding fathers of Y.P.R. would like to take this moment to celebrate long weekends with no day jobs, literary tomfoolery, and the last call for submissions for Y.P.R. Print! Bring us your tired, your dirty, your utterly hilarious....
Knock, Knock Who's there? Website that has gone on vacation for a bit and won't be posting until Tuesday. Website that has gone on vacation for a bit and won't be posting until Tuesday who? Website that has gone on vacation for...
Extra! Extra! Read All About It! Moronic Online Lit Journal to Go Print! Unsinkable Boat Hits Iceberg! Extra! Ladies, gentlemen, and those of indeterminate origin: Yankee Pot Roast, the literary journal of humor and satire (and the website at which you're currently looking), is preparing for the introductory issue of our brand-spanking-new PRINT EDITION (tentatively titled, Yankee Pot...
Dear Kind and Patient Readers While one-third of our editorial juggernaut begins principal shooting on his first motion picture, two-thirds of us were away on a long vacation, and as such, you've noticed things have been reasonably bare around here. As always, we're sorry for...
Suggested Reading for Psychopaths [The morning after the election . . . ]...
Y.PRediction for Election Day President George W. Bush, the incumbent, will end the night with 232 electoral votes. Senator John F. Kerry, the challenger, will tally 269 electoral votes. Ohio and Florida's votes will be disputed through December. *    *    * Why are you wasting...
Blurbs "...they're just working class dudes who happen to be pants-down funny." --The Black Table "charming guttersnipes" --Gawker "pithy and always entertaining" --Maud Newton "cheeky young lads" --TMFTML "totally McSwys without the air of condescension." --whatevs (dot org) "no-foolin', laugh-inducin' literary...
Why Cheese? byCheese-Fancying Readers of Y.P.R. In our (now antiquated) submissions guidelines, we asked writers to include with their work a list of three reasons why they liked to eat cheese. There was no good reason for asking this—or if there...
The Scrolling Book Club Welcome to the Y.P.R. Scrolling Book Club--a forum wherein classical works of literature are presented in linear fashion. The texts of these great books by long-dead authors (surely spinning triple lutzes within their coffins) are now in the public domain...
Speed Reader Your humble coëditor, Mr. Josh Abraham, and the Ritalin Reading Series at Pianos, in TimeOut New York.
Fact-Checking The Village Voice On March 24th, 2004, the "alternative" newsweekly The Village Voice (a.k.a. "New York's freest newspaper") ran an item in Cynthia Cotts's "Press Clips" column that caught the collective eye of this humble journal (thanks to the pathological clicking of the...
Imitations of Anonymity (2nd Item) From The Village Voice, March 24-30, 2004: "Press Clips" by Cynthia Cotts California, Ho! Once parochial, The New Yorker has discovered that more people read its pages on the West Coast One of the most famous New Yorker covers of...
Courtney Love Has Come Undone Miss Courtney Love is having a wild week! Help put this downwardly spiralling demimondaine back together! Make this Hole lady whole! [This feature requires Java. If you see a Courtney Love-less gray box above, then your computer is likely...
This Is the Ultimate Y.P.R.* *”Ultimate” doesn’t always mean ‘best’; sometimes it means ‘last.’ Goodbye, mama and papa Goodbye, Jack and JillThe grass ain’t greener The wine ain’t sweeterEither side of the hill. “Ramble On Rose,” the Grateful Dead Friends, Romans, carniefolk: Life is...
MMIII: The Whole Kit & Caboodle This is the year that was....
Tidings of Joy Folks, Yankee Pot Roast is calling it a year. In 2003, we had many good times and only a few bad. We made many new friends and some enemies, too. We thank all our readers, all our writers, all our...
Requiem for "Snark" Following this week's concurrent presentations of Ken Krimstein's snappy short story, "I Was a Teenage Snarkist" and the Y.P.R. Book Club's The Scrolling Snark by Lewis Carroll (a hump-breaking straw and an ultimate coffin nail, respectively), this humble journal believes...
The Apology Regarding yesterday's posting of “Hollywood Interruption,” written by Y.P.R. coëditor, Josh Abraham: First and foremost, the author wishes to apologize for wasting your precious, precious time by forcing upon you a rambling, incoherent outburst about his tired and tiresome day....
Y.P.R.’s Cheap & Stupid Stunt for Shameless Self-Promotion That Nonetheless Guarantees a Good Time for One and All This week, the writer Shelley Jackson* announced her rather macabre plans for the “alternative press” printing of her new short story, “Skin”: each of its 2000 words will be tattooed on a different reader’s body. Afterward, the completed work will...
Una Lettera Aperta Alla Gente Che Cerca “Piedi di Monica Bellucci” Dear foot fetishists, Bellucci enthusiasts, celebrity podiatrists, assorted freaks and weirdoes, Nearly every day one of you oddballs curiously seeks results for some variant of the phrase “Monica Bellucci’s feet” from Google and, thanks to the vast intricacies of search-engine...
Six Months Well, folks, it's been a long six months.* It's been a blast for us and we hope you've had some fun too. We're taking a much-needed "personal day" to sleep off this vicious hangover. We'd like to thank our...
Geoff Wolinetz, Guest Bartender Last night, Yankee Pot Roast coëditor Geoff Wolinetz tended bar at New York City's Tin Lizzie. Y.P.R. was there to observe and imbibe. Nick Jezarian took notes: [9:08 p.m.] G.W.: What? Yes, I am the bartender . . . Do...
Le Jour d'Imbécile d'Avril [ Ha ha! Pour une traduction, cliquetez svp ici.1 ] Imbécile d'Avril! Nous espérons que vous avez apprécié notre petit polisson. Avez-vous pensé, même pendant un moment, que les rôtis de pot d'Yankee s'étaient rendus réellement au Français? Ah,...
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From the Y.P.aRchives


Fun, Fickle Fiction (for Free!)
Fact, Opinion, Essay, & Review
Poetry & Lyric
Advice, How To, & Self-Help


Spectacular Features, Calendrical Happenings, Media Gadflies
Media Gadflies
Calendrical Happenings
The Book Club


Semi-Frequent Columns
Letter from the Editors
Disquieting Modern Trends


Interviews with Interviewers
One-Question Interviews


Correspondence (Letters To and Letters From) Letters from Y.P.R. Letters to Y.P.R. Birthday Cards to Celebrities


The Y.P.aRt Gallery Illustrious Illustration Photography Photomontage Graphic Design Logo Gallery


Pop Stars in Hotel Rooms Shreek of the Week of the Day What's Up with That? Fuit Salad Nick's Guff Vermont Girl The M_methicist Daily Garfield Digest Polish Facts: An Antidote to the Polish Joke


New & Noteworthy Et Cetera, Et Cetera, Et Cetera


Contributors' Notes


The Y.P.aRchives

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