"Good morning, everyone,
Knowledge Management is a profession which has come of age in the 21st century. Essential to any professional area of practice is an understanding of the body of information – published and informal – that supports it. The body of information includes all aspects of the domain, the types of information of import to the profession, and the sources that provide access to this information, whether commercial or public.
In order to address these challenges, it is important to understand what information is of value to the profession. It is also important to understand how knowledge management professionals find information today, and how they use it in fulfilling their professional roles and responsibilities.
In 2012 we conducted a survey to help us understand the kinds of information that are used by and have value to knowledge professionals. The results were revealing in terms of what we need to do to make information more easily and widely available to knowledge practitioners. The publication of those results is in process at this time. For a summary of those findings, please contact Dr. Denise Bedford at dbedfor3@kent.edu ordb233@georgetown.edu.
In 2014, we are expanding the distribution of that survey. We welcome and encourage your participation in this survey. The survey home page and consent form are accessible at: http://kmef.iwiki.kent.edu/ Information+Use+and+Behaviors+ of+Knowledge+Professionals.
All responses are completely anonymous. Demographic information is collected only to help us understand how responses might pertain to different knowledge management roles and responsibilities, different economic sectors or different kinds of organizations.
The survey requires approximately 20 minutes to complete. Summary results will be made available to all participants of the survey who request copies. If you should have any questions or concerns, please email Denise Bedford at dbedfor3@kent.edu.
Thank you for considering this invitation! Please feel free to pass this invitation on to others. Our goal is to reach out to the full knowledge management community.
Best regards,
Denise Bedford
Goodyear Professor of Knowledge Management
Kent State University"