Huset er snart ferdig innvendig men det er ett par vesentlige ting som magler, blant annet en peis! Den som stod der før var gigantisk og forferdelig, men det betyr hvertfall at det er god plass til en ny:) Jeg ønsker meg en peis som kan være både åpen og lukket med en moderne stil. Har sett en veldig fin som har glass på 3 sider, noe som passer perfekt i stuen vår. Spørsmålet er bare hvordan "rammen" skal være, det er jo den som gjør selve peisen... Noen fine men kanskje litt kjedelige alternativer under?
The house is soon finished inside, except for some major things, for example, a fireplace. The old one was HUGHE and awful, but at least that means we have plenty of space for a new one:) I really want one that can be both open and closed, with a modern style. I would like glass on 3 sides so you can see it from different angles of the livingroom. The question is how to make the "frame", cause that really defines the style of the fireplace. What do you think about the ones below?
The house is soon finished inside, except for some major things, for example, a fireplace. The old one was HUGHE and awful, but at least that means we have plenty of space for a new one:) I really want one that can be both open and closed, with a modern style. I would like glass on 3 sides so you can see it from different angles of the livingroom. The question is how to make the "frame", cause that really defines the style of the fireplace. What do you think about the ones below?