Showing posts with label Musing Monday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Musing Monday. Show all posts

Monday, February 23, 2009

Musing Mondays

How often do you visit the library? Do you have a scheduled library day/time or do you go whenever? Do you go alone or take people with you?

I visit the library once a week. I used to go to the library any time I felt like it but that's not really efficient time-wise. So now I usually go on Fridays or Saturdays. That way my family and I have at least a week to read some of books from the huge pile we checked out. I want to return a book that's been read as soon as possible so there won't be any late fines later on, which is important when all seven of us have library cards and the checkout limit is 25 items.

If I go to the library on a Friday, I usually go by myself. That way I can browse in peace and find some good reads I may not have found otherwise. If I go on a Saturday I take the kids. We spend hours there. The girls like to walk around and browse while the boys usually find their books first and then play with puzzles the rest of the time we're there. It's a really peaceful day for us.