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Pokazywanie postów oznaczonych etykietą video. Pokaż wszystkie posty


Victoriana - mixed media canvas and video presentation

Hi lovely people, today I have few new artworks to show you. I have created all of them with Victoriana collection and other 13 arts products. Additionally I made a video presentation for you. You can see all the products from Victoriana collection and a lot of inspirations from our fantastic Design Team. Subscribe 13 arts Youtube channel, so you won't miss more videos coming soon.
Here is a mixed media canvas and few smaller projects with Victoriana:

Witajcie kochani, mam dziś dla Was kilka prac z kolekcji Victoriana. Zrobiłam tez dla Was video - prezentację. Na filmie możecie zobaczyć wszystkie produkty z tej kolekcji oraz zainspirować się garścią prac od naszego utalentowanego zespołu. Na naszym kanale Youtube już wkrótce zobaczycie  kolejne ciekawe filmy. Pamiętajcie o subskrypcji :)
A oto moje dzisiejsze inspiracje - praca na płótnie i kilka mniejszych projektów: 


I used:


Layout for 13 arts with video tutorial

Hello lovely people, 
today I want to show my my Layout I have created with my newest Rosalie collection. 
I created this simple page and made a video tutorial as an inspiration for a challenge site https://www.instagram.com/nomadicsouldiaries/
I just love this collection, as it is so versatile and easy to work with. 
I have also used new color glow paints, they will be available in the store today :)   

Zapraszam dziś do obejrzenia video tutorialu, który przygotowałam dla nomadicsouldiaries
Pracowałam na mojej najnowszej kolekcji Rosalie, jest po prostu piękna, bardzo łatwa w pracy oraz uniwersalna do wielu projektów. Tutaj w pastelowej odsłonie, a aby kolory pasowały do palety, dodałam niebieskie magnolie z kolekcji Blue Magnolia, a w tle pojawiają się nowe kolory farb Color glow, dostępne już od dziś w sklepie:)

Video tutorial:

I used:



ITAC 2017 - Challenge #3 - Australia & Oceania

I am pretty sure you have already heard about ITAC 2017 - The International Tournament of Art &Craft, if you haven't - you still have a chance to join us!  There are six challenges and every week we are inspired by different continent traditions, art and culture. 
Now is the time for Challenge# 3 - Ocenia - which I am proud to present my artwork.
Click here to get more information about the tournament and current challenge:
>>>> ITAC 2017 <<<<

...The art of storytelling!
Oceania is a continent containing many low-lying islands which has been populated by countless different ETHNIC groups for many millennia.

Besides English and French, there are nearly 900 other languages in the continent to tell its traditional STORIES AND LEGENDS which have been passed down through the generations. OCEANIAN ART encompasses both material and spiritual aesthetics of the native peoples of the Pacific, (rock paintings, totems…) as well as numerous meaningful SYMBOLS, such as body painting and tattoos, which can often denote the social standing or even the magic powers of the person who wears them. The land itself is often seen as being sacred: the environment and all its variations imposes its COLOURS on the people that live in it, and influences the way they live their lives by the RESOURCES it provides them.

Whatever form your project takes, it should tell a story, be inspired from the images below, and should include at least one of the following elements;
-Patterns inspired by traditional symbols (Maori tattoos, Dots/dashes of aboriginal Arts…)
-Think Monochromatic black and white or think colors of the Earth.
-Some sort of organic or natural material(s) (earth, stone, bone, bark, wood, fibres…)
-Shapes inspired by traditional or indigenous art

I created a big mixed media canvas inspired by Aboriginal art – the colors, shapes, natural elements and hands prints. I did not plan the final look, I just chose the colors of paints and started to create. I played with paints, stamps, layers and details. You can just start creating and then stop at any point. I got carried away with the creative process, but you can actually make less layers and it will also look interesting. So my story which I am telling on this canvas, is that I am being close to the nature and traditions. On my video I have also used Aboriginal music, mostly played with didgeridoo, very old, traditional Aborigine instrument. It’s amazing, deep and true and you can really be inspired by this music itself.

I have a video tutorial showing the creation of my project for everyone who is subscribed to any of the AALL & Create online workshops.

Come and join us today:



Texture and rusty effect - video tutorial

Zapraszam dziś na mały kurs tworzenia tekstur i efektu rdzy. Ostatnio często pytacie o to jak uzyskać rdzę, postanowiłam więc zebrać kilka informacji i pokazać wam w jednym filmie, jak można z produktów, które większość z Was ma pod ręką, w sposób prosty i tani uzyskać ciekawe efekty.
Zapraszam zatem na kurs video i przepraszam za lekko ochrypły głos:)

Hello 13 arts friends. Today I want to show you few tricks and techniques about of making texture and rusty look. Many of you were asking me about it, so I have decided to  gather bunch of tricks and show you in one video, how to make great texture and rusty effects - easy and cheap way. Most of you have our products at home or have something similar, so I hope you will get inspires and create many wonderful textured projects :) 
So have fun watching and sorry for my hoarse voice ;)



13 arts products:

Vivid Vintage Paints



Artists Live - join me tonight:)

Join me tonight at 8pm CET live on the Artists Live Ustream channel. I will create very simple, yet colorful and interesting mixed media layout using 13 Arts products. 

I will also be giving away a set of the rainbow colors during the show. 

13 arts:
Paper Out f the blue collection: http://13arts.pl/pl/c/Kolekcja-Out-of-the-blue/88 
Rainbow Colors (different colors): http://13arts.pl/pl/c/RAINBOW-COLOR/89 
(Note: If you do not have Rainbow Colors you can use other watercolors)
Craft knife, heat gun, wooden sticks, water 
Butterfly punchers

See you soon :)


Tradition - layout for More Than Words Challenge blog

Hello, today I have a big pleasure to show you my newest layout and video tutorial.
This page I have created especially for More Than Words challenge blog, were I am Guest Designer for December. Thank you so much for inviting me.

December Challenge is about traditions and you have to make a handmade element too.
Details you can find HERE.

here is the moodboard

My layout is inspired by Christmas TRADITIONS, and of course the Christmas tree is one of the most important traditions of all.  The photo shows me as a little girl standing near the Christmas tree in my old house. Time flies! The next generation is growing and, by looking at this photo, I still feel like a little girl waiting for Santa!

As for my HANDMADE element, I have created a tree and a little wreath, using different dried plants and adornments.

And here is my video, you can subscribe may channel for more videos to come:)

List of materials:

Thank you More Than Words :)

You can also enter the challenge HERE 


Watercolor backgrounds tutorial with Ayeeda
Akwarelowe tła - video tutorial

Witajcie kochani, chciałabym pokazać wam dziś moje LO z akwarelowym tłem wykonanym z Rainbow Colors. Rainbow Colors to akwarele w proszku, ten sam produkt użyty na różne sposoby daje nieco inne, ale za każdym razem niezwykle ciekawe efekty. Poniżej mój layout, a na filmiku możecie zobaczyć jak podobne efekty uzyskać na kartkach. Proste mediowe tła są świetną baza do kartek, wystarczy dodać kilka dodatków, by uzyskać fantastyczny efekt.

Hello dear 13 arts friends, today I'd like to share with you my layout with watercolor background, created with Rainbow Colors. Rainbow colors are watercolor powders, and you can use them in different ways, but you always achieve great effects.  Below is my layout and I have also prepared a video tutorial for you about watercolor background you can you create for your card. Easy mixed media background is a great base for card, just add flowers or few embellies and your colorful, beautiful card is ready.

For this layout I have used:

Zapraszam na kurs video
Akwerelowe tła [PL]

Here is my video tutorial
Watercolor background [ENG]

and the final effect :)
i efekt końcowy:)



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