I found a new tea pot~ cream n sugar and 4 cups for only $3.75 in the perfect shade for Fall..
I have to admit I just don't do traditional fall colors as well as cool colors.. But I've seen ya'lls and I wanted to give it a try.. I plan to give this whole scape to my neighbor for her entryway as her husband's birthday party is saturday.. This will help her since all she has to do is, sit it in place.. You know how it is when you have a party in your home.. There are always more to do than you thought there would be ..
I'm participating in several parties.. Please click on the links below to see all the amazing posts their participants have made...
Thank you Ladies for Hosting these lovely parties for us..
I have to tell the truth about this scape.. I did'nt do it alone. I had a partner who scrutinized every move I made.. We have come to the conclusion that when the toile pillow comes out of its storage container and gets tossed on the love seat,there is no way we can get her off of there.. She is so good about listening to what she's told~ unless Pit Boss is on and then "she will not be moved" lol
see what I mean :) She's supervising and letting me know if each floral is put in the correct position.. What a slave driver ....
By standing on my tip toes I managed to get a few shots without her in them.. This didnt go over too well.
I think several folks asked if I was using Birdseed in my candle holders and YES I am.. I figured it made good filler for several of the scapes I planned to do and when I'm done the birds will be able to Feast..
In this shot her favorite pup on Pit Boss is on the screen, so that has her attention for a few minutes..
Oh yes he must be on as in the next shot the tv has her full and undivided attention..
I just got lucky that her fur happens to be the right color for this scape.... oh my goodness- is this how my brain works.. lol
I want to thank each of you for visiting me.. As I expressed to another blogger today, its crossed my mind that perhaps I should close my blog as I dont feel I have the time to do everything I should.. I would love to visit and respond to each of you and yet the time to do so just doesnt exist in my real life.
I do try to visit as many of those who leave comments as I can as well as those blogs who have supported me from the beginning.. Yet , there are only so many hours in a day and Family and Work also deserves my time..
I hope you all know I do care about you and that you are very appreciated..
Happy Fall