Showing posts with label General Info. Show all posts
Showing posts with label General Info. Show all posts

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Wow! It's Beautiful Outside!

It's been snowing like crazy in my neck of the woods. It started last night around 9pm and it's now close to 4:30pm...still snowing. I think we have about 12 inches of snow. I spent 2 hours with DH, shoveling our driveway. That was a lot of snow to be moving for two people. The fun part was figuring out where to put all this snow!

Here's a picture from our front doorway at 9am this morning:

I'll be back to post another picture, where you can't even see the indentations from our front steps.

Now, I'm off to find a warm spot in the house and do some knitting.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Wow! What a Weekend & Some Sewing Too!

I've been nominated!

Linda of Danvillegirl Sewing Diary has nominated for this very nice Sisterhood award. Thank you Linda. :)

Here are the rules for posting this award:
- Place the award logo on your blog
- Nominate 10 other blogs which show "Attitude and/or Gratitude"
- Link to the nominee on your blog post
- Comment on their blog that you have nominated them
- Share the love and link to the person who nominated you

Here are my nominees:

Tricia (aka Clio) of Clio & Phineas. She is a true sewist at heart. She is not shy to tackle new sewing projects. She just completed her first pants and jacket. She has an eye for cute fabrics and does a great job matching a pattern to some great looking fabric.

Sherril of Sherril's Sewing Saga. She's very creative. I enjoy following her sewing adventures and pattern alterations at her blog.

Evie at Pendle Stitches. She's a sewist as well as a knitter. Check out her latest sweater creation.

I tried to get motivated to work on my sewing projects, but still haven't made it to my sewing machine. Of course, it doesn't help to have stacks of patterns on top of my machine and all around my sewing table.

It's also nice outside, a balmy 79 degrees. Hopefully, I'll get some sewing done this evening.


Looky! Looky! Does this look like some sewing got done??? It sure does! Oh how I love my SM. Even after 2 months of no sewing, my SM and I became one again.

Shoulder seams sewn and binding attached

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ready for Some Fun? How Fast Do You Type?

I came across this at one of my knitting sites. It's a typing test. See how fast you can type.

Type all the words you see on the screen. Press the space bar after each word. Words that are typed correctly turn green. Words that are typed incorrectly turn red. Just keep typing until the screen disappears and calculates your score. You can find the links to the test below. Enjoy!

70 words

Typing Test

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Why Do I Sketch?

The other day, Rhonda asked a very good question in my previous post on sketching.

"Can you tell me the advantage of sketching yourself vs tracing the pattern sketch?"

I am glad to answer that question. For me, it's a personal preference to sketch. It's actually faster for me. One of my other hobbies is drawing/watercolor painting, so by nature it's easier for me to do hand sketches. Also, I can make my sketches bigger than the line drawings on the patterns. Actually, I had not thought about tracing the line drawings on the pattern. That would be another great option.

Also, for those who don't use a computer or have a graphics program, I'm just showing another way to create a sewing plan by hand.

So, hand sketching for me produces faster results and works the right side of my brain more.

Happy Sewing!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

I've Started a New Knitting Blog

For those of you who enjoy working with yarns, I have started a knitting blog. I thought it was a good time to separate my two hobbies.

It's appropriately called 2BKnitting. If I'm not sewing, you will find me over there, knitting something. I have already posted one or two favorite tools/gadgets that I am using to make my knitting less frustrating.

I've also included a new personal blog list (to the right) that includes links to my other blogs.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Working on My SWAP and Things

I'm still here.

I've been busy gathering patterns and matching them with fabrics to come up with my first SWAP. Since this SWAP will take some time, I need to be cognizant of the current season/weather and what the season/weather will be like in 6 months. I'm giving myself a lot of time as I still haven't figured out how many garments I want/need to make. Remember this year, I'm after quality versus quantity. Changing the way that I think and sew.

My closet is still full with RTW garments and some handmade garments. I can't seem to let go of my RTW that has a Talbot's signature tag on it. These garments are meant to last and they my closet.

I'm also teaching myself Photoshop, now working with layers, etc. I plan on using PS to layout my line drawings and fabrics.

Yes, it's been time consuming, but I'm sure it will be well worth it.

On the knitting front: I'm currently working a knitting a simple sweater for myself. Then knit one for DH. Once I build my confidence, I would love to tackle a knitted cardigan (which is one garment I wanted to have in my SWAP). It's still a part of sewing as I would have to hand sew the knitted pieces together. LOL!

As I'm typing this, I just realized that now would be a good time to take my sewing machine in for annual maintenance.

I am so looking forward to getting back into sewing.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Minor Sewing and Winding Down

I have been taking my RTW knit tank tops/t-shirts and chopping off the bottoms to make them shorter. I am thankful for my Mettlers thread stash as I haven't run into a matching color issue. They are now re-hemmed and some are packed in my suitcase. I have a pair of RTW jeans (with comfort waistband) that need to be chopped off and re-hemmed. That will be tonight's project.

In a few days, DH and I will be heading to Florida to start our cruise vacation. While I will miss my sewing machine, I am really looking forward to the warm weather and lots of snorkeling.

Update 1/7/09: I've created a new travel blog for DH and myself. You can find us at our new 2BCruising site. So, if I am not here posting about my sewing...I'm off traveling somewhere.

Friday, December 26, 2008

What Did I Get?

I was doing my daily blog reading and came across Ann's posting at Gorgeous Things. So, here I am listing what I received: Photoshop CS4 book, Contemporary Christian Easy Guitar book, music stand, really nice red/black/gray knit top, a fabulous/perfect red scarf, Joann's gift card, Best Buy gift card (perhaps Project Runway #4 DVD?), a purse, and of course a really cool Beagle ornament.

Thanks to Shannon's post over at Hungry Zombie Couture, I've been watching some really cute...Beagle Puppies here! They are the cutest and of course I'm biased because DH and I used to have a beagle. So to appease me, DH got me a beagle ornament (see pic above). I have to admit, I don't have to worry about shots or clean up. lol!

Right now, I should be cleaning my sewing room...what am I doing? Beagle puppy watching. They are just so doggone cute!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

It's Christmas Eve (afternoon) and I was trying to avoid venturing out today, but my guitar needed tuning. Traffic was a mess and it took me awhile to get into the parking lot. Anna at Music & Arts was kind enough to show me how to tune my guitar. Because the strings are so new, they will get out of tune for awhile. So, I will continue to pick and play and tune. I was grateful for learning something new today.

We're staying home for Christmas, warm and toasty in our house. It will be so nice to stay in our jammies and watch movies.

I have no sewing projects in the works. No new patterns traced out yet. Just a lot of yarn staring back at me.

For those of you who visit my blog, I wish you and your family and loved ones...

Friday, December 19, 2008

What's Up for the Next Few Days? Sewing of Course!

It's Friday evening and I'm officially off from work for the next two weeks. I went to Hancock's and caught their Vogue sale. I was able to get the larger size pattern for V2925. So, on my cutting table is a size 12 version of the knit top.

I wanted to practice sew a few more knit tops before I tackle my first BWOF, the 12-2008-113 pleated knit top. My ability to sew with knits is still a bit messy right now. I should not have gone so long without sewing a knit-something over the last year. Shame on me. I was looking at my BWOF fabric pieces and realized I had a problem. Something didn't look right. I went back to the instructions and smacked my silly forehead. I had cut out the neckband wrong. Not on the fold and not along the width of the fabric. It's probably a good sign that I needed to cut out a contrast neckband instead...which was my original plan. I know, it looks like I'm procrastinating on my BWOF project. My goal is to get it started this weekend.

I also sewed up a knit top from New Look 6735. Bad news for was a wadder. I know, this knit top pattern received rave reviews on and it's in the running for "One of the Best Patterns for 2008" and I couldn't get my first attempt to come out right. I cut out a size 10 when I should have used a size 12. It didn't look good on me. I also used an inexpensive jersey fabric...something that screamed "what was I thinking" when I bought this fabric? So, I need to dive into my fabric stash and come up with a fabulous fabric to get me out of this New Look rut.

It's been hard for me to get back into sewing knit tops. I am trying to stay away from my TNT KwikSew and Stretch and Sew knit patterns and expanding my horizons with Vogue, New Look, and eventually BWOF. Here again, I feel the need for a challenge instead of going back to my "safe" patterns.

For the next few days, I will be in my sewing room. In sheer bliss and the hum of my sewing machine.


I wanted to add, that I'm looking for a knitting/yarn bag pattern. Not a regular rectangle tote bag, but a cylinder bag that can hold a ball or skein of yarn. I am looking for a quick and easy pattern to make for myself and for some friends. Please let me know.

Friday, December 12, 2008

My Reflections on 2008

I was reading Lindsay's and Dawn's blog and enjoyed their post on their annual review of 2008. I thought I would do something similar and capture my goals and accomplishments for this year.

2008 Goals:

One of my goals for 2008 was to make at least 2 garments a month followed by their reviews. I mostly accomplished that for part of the year, but fell short by October when I came down with the nasty 6-week bug.

I do feel I can still accomplish that goal. I still have the rest of December to go with the last two weeks devoted to sewing. Yes, I will have to hold off taking my SM in for maintenance.

Another goal was to learn a new hobby. That was in the form of knitting.

And yet another goal was to share my sewing experiences via the Internet or through hands-on teaching.

My Accomplishments for 2008:

  • Started my own sewing blog
  • Became a sewing educator
  • Made a pair of pants and several pairs of shorts. Still have some fitting issues to address.
  • Bought my first BWOF subscription.
  • Received my 3rd star at
  • Expanded my fabric, pattern, and notions stash by a lot
  • Featured on Lazy Girl Designs’ blog
  • Learned to knit and master the knit and purl stitches. Even took on the cable stitch.
  • Learned to take better pictures. Practice makes perfect. Took over 5,000 pictures this year.
  • Became a Mac user.

2009 Goals:

  • Sew more of my clothes and stop spending money on RTW.
  • Work on getting a good pair of pants to fit. This will help with the first goal.
  • Make a coat
  • Fine tune a hobby. Learn to play an instrument really well.
  • Sew a guitar case (well, I could try)
  • Sew down my fabric stash and limit new fabric purchases.
  • Knit and crochet more to reduce my yarn I can buy more yarn.

I am sure I will be adding more to my 2009 goals list because I am constantly thinking of more fun things to learn and do.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Tracing & Cutting & Baking Day

While the bright sunlight was blazing in my sewing room, I spent most of today tracing and cutting out patterns. Of course, my BWOF 12-2008-113 took the longest time. Being my first BWOF attempt, I had to make sure I added the seam allowances to the pattern pieces I traced. I also figured out the roadmap to the pattern sheets. That will have to wait for a separate post on my first BWOF experience. Stay tuned.

I zipped through tracing and cutting out New Look 6735. Another knit top in the works.

In between tracing and cutting, I also spent time backing up all my photos and data onto two separate external drives. I've been taking about 500 photos a month...that's been the average. This coming week, I've been tasked to take some pictures at our church...rehearsals for the Christmas program. This should be fun.

Now, it's time to bake some cookies. I think the last time I baked cookies was over 15 years ago. I used to make wonderful desserts (e.g. cream puffs, cakes, pies, etc) and baking with chocolate was my specialty. I just hope I am not too rusty to bake oatmeal cookies.

** Update **

Well, my oatmeal & raisin cookies came out pretty good and I didn't burn them. I should have left them in the oven for another minute to get a bit more browner. But they are yummy and chewy. I used parchment paper on the cookie sheet before placing the dough on the sheet. I got the recipe from America's Test Kitchen site.

I was a little apprehensive to use their recipe as the directions included: using two cookie sheets with one sheet placed on the lower rack (oven) and the other sheet placed on the middle rack. Bake for 22-25 minutes. About half-way through the baking process, swap the sheets on the two different racks and then turn the cookie sheets halfway. Basically, the lower sheet moves up to the middle rack and the middle sheet moves down to the lower rack. Then take the cookie sheets and turn so that the back cookies are now in the front. You know what? It really worked. All the cookies were evenly baked. I won't doubt any of their recipes again. I do love watching their shows on PBS.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's a quiet morning and I'm getting ready to make some hot chocolate and head into my sewing room. I need to start on my New Look knit top and also figure out which cardigan pattern to use for my numerous cardigan knits I've recently collected.

This afternoon's meal will consist of cornish game hens and sword fish and the typical side dishes of sweet potatoes, green beans, mash potatoes, and cranberries. For dessert, it's plain and simple: a variety of Cheesecake Factory cheesecakes. Yummy.

I hope each and everyone of my my fellow US sewists have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I also hope that you get a chance to do some sewing during our long weekend.

I will try to post some pictures of today's activities. So, check back later.

** Updated to include pictures: **

Cornish Game Hens:


Simple Buffet Menu:

My Plate:

Cheese Cake Factory dessert:

Monday, November 24, 2008

Gift #2-Completed & Other Things

My gift #2 is completed.  As I mentioned before, I can't say what it is other than I used the VA Tech fabric and it turned out nicely.  I do know that a certain someone (DB#1) has been visiting my blog.  So, I can't include any pictures until Christmas time.  Now, I can finally put away that bright orange thread.  I can also cross off Gift #2 from my project list (right side).  

I am back to my normal healthy self and accomplishing a lot on my "to do" list from this past weekend.  I've been in a cleaning mood and trying to get in some sewing time here and there.  Now, that the two gifts are completed, I can now focus on sewing for myself.  

I don't know if I'll get any sewing time in before Thanksgiving.  My DB#2 is arriving tomorrow and I know we'll be busy catching up and sight seeing in DC, etc.  I hope to sneak in an hour of sewing at night.  

I'll be back....

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Weekend Projects & Seeing Orange

I am getting some sewing time this weekend. First, I'm seeing orange as in orange thread and fabric. I'm working on a Xmas gift for my DB who is an alumni of VA Tech. Still can't say what I'm working on, but there's a lot of orange. I can't wait to switch to sewing with burgundy thread soon.

On my cutting board, is New Look 6856. I'm working on the v-neck knit top, view B in the following picture. I have an olive and black geometric knit print from Gorgeous Fabrics that I pulled from my stash. I plan on using a plain black knit, also from my stash, to use for the v-neck binding. I have traced off a size small with a 33" finished bust. The knit I'm using has a lot of stretch and should work fine for this top.

I will be splitting my time between cleaning up the house for the upcoming holiday, sewing, going through my closet to purge clothes & shoes that I no longer wear, and spending some time with my Mac.

On the sewing education front, my local Hancock is no longer offering sewing classes. What does that mean? I have more time for sewing. I hope to start teaching again early next year either through private lessons or submitting my resume to another local fabric store...G's. We'll see.

Friday, October 24, 2008

New Fingerless Gloves and Other Things

I keep the house temperature at 68 degrees during the fall/winter months. If the sun is not out, the house can be a bit chilly. One of the things I've hands get cold while I'm working and typing on my keyboard. I was at Walmart recently and came across these fingerless gloves. You know what? They keep my hands warm while I'm working and I no longer feel cold. It has taken me half the day to get used to wearing these. So, here I am wearing my gray ones while I work and type. I also bought a pair of black ones to go with my black outfits. lol!!!!

I had a nice surprise today. My new Pants Fitting book came in the mail. Glad it came in time for some weekend reading. Yes, I forgot some of the things that Cynthia Guffey taught me in class a few weeks ago. So, hopefully with my class notes in hand and reading the book...the knowledge will come back to me.

I need to take my crotch curve and compare it to my KwikSew pants pattern. I will also do the same with a Vogue pattern. I will be sure to post my findings.

I am so behind in my sewing projects. I am now matching my patterns to my fabrics and stacking them. I'm hoping that I can get some time tomorrow to start cutting the fabrics. Maybe I'll get some sewing time on Sunday. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Linda...Thank you!

I wanted to post this acknowledgment and thank my fellow Virginian, Linda of Danville Sewing Diary, for nominating me for this Premio-2008 award. A big Thank You!

According to Linda's post, I should display my award and mention who nominated me (which I've done). Next, I am to select 6 to 10 bloggers to whom I would like to give this award to. I'm putting a placeholder here and will be back to post the names of the 6 fellow bloggers.

I now need to include 6 most important values:
  • Love
  • Friendship
  • Honesty
  • Passionate about life
  • Christianity
  • Faithful

And the 6 negative points I condemn:
  • Disrespectful
  • Untruthful
  • Rude behavior
  • Negativity
  • (that's all I can come up with for now)

The last thing I need to do is to inform the recipients by leaving a comment on their blog (which will be done when I come up the 6 names).

I'll be back to update this post...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Test Sewing List (sidebar) & Other Things

Okay, it appears my sewing mojo has left me. My sewing room looks like a disaster zone. Fabric everywhere. Patterns & notions scattered here and there. Some of the things I unpacked from my west coast trip managed to follow me into my sewing room. I can barely see the top of my cutting table. Clean up & organization will have to wait another evening.

I am having some fun right now. I'm now playing with my blog and re-learning some HTML codes. I used to tinker with web pages way back when my primary hobby was working with computers. Okay, those days when I was sooooo close to being called a geek and built computers for fun.

Anyways, I have created a "Sewing To Do" sidebar list. Scroll down the right side of my blog until you get to my "sewing test" list. What do you think? I know, it's quite "busy-looking" right now. I had to try it out.

I received my BWOF yesterday. I also got a copy of the Vogue Pattern magazine. I skimmed through them. I think I'm feeling...well, inundated with sewing information.

Kat...when you have a minute...PM me on PR.

Sewing To Dos

As I've been resting, I've been thinking of future sewing projects. I know I have been posting about my next projects...some which actually get made up and some that get lost in my whirlwind sewing. I plan to make a sewing list for the rest of the year. Let's face it, Christmas will be here before we know it. My sewing list will include Christmas gifts which I will have to keep under wraps as I know a few folks will be reading my blog.

My first priority is to create my crotch curve and sew up a pair of pants and do some tweaking before I forget what I learned in class. There's a few Vogue and Butterick jackets that I would love to make, a few knit tops and somewhere in between tackle the Christmas gifts. Oh yeah, at some point I'll also have to move my Janome embroidery machine next to my sewing I can tackle and complete some embroidery requests. Nothing like multi-tasking.

I'll be back to post my sewing to do list. I'll also need to figure out how to post this list on the side of my blog and be able to mark off when the project is completed. If anyone can help, please advise. Thanks!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Latest Issue of Sew News...

I was collecting magazines at my local Barnes & Noble for my long flight to Seattle later in the week. I came across the latest Sew News (Oct/Nov 2008). Now, I know I wasn't suppose to be skimming through this mag until I got on my flight, but I couldn't help it. Let me tell you, this mag has a lot of good sewing info.

First off, I came across this cool looking pillow picture on page 48. Now, that looks very, very familiar to me...the black and silver brocade fabric. Could it be? No, too much of a coincidence. But I had to go and check in my closet.

Sure enough, it's the same black and silver brocade fabric that I used for my Kwik Sew vest. Same fabric design, same colors. Wow. Just think, I purchased this brocade from Joann's earlier this year and now the fabric is being used in a Sew News article.

Oh yeah, back to the magazine. There are several interesting articles about silk fabrics, the different types, and some project ideas.

What caught my eye in this particular issue, was the section on How to Fitting - Pants. There's some pretty good line drawings about fitting issues and how to resolve them.

Also, there's a writeup on Fall fashion trends. I haven't even covered the rest of the magazine as I had to close it and hide it in my backpack. Okay, so I'm looking forward to my long flight.

I think this latest issue is worth a look.