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May 21, 2012

The Sagrada Familia In 3D

Fantastic model work and camera paths, Gaudi would've been happy to see this 3D presentation of his creation. I remember studying this structure in Architecture school and was amazed by it's form and amount of detail and the type of style that was used to create this masterpiece. As far as the animation goes, it's well done, though I feel better textures would have definitely increase the vibrancy of the structure.

June 18, 2010

Liquid Architecture

The thing I like most about this presentation is probably not so much about the design but more on the fact that it keeps simple without giving in to applying anything that would distract the viewer from the architecture. With simple entourage and a very limited amount of colors makes it all the more pleasing to look at. It is an idea, and it is presented in such a manner. It gives you an overview of what the massing is like and even slips in a little sneak preview of what the inside might look like and leaves plenty of room for further imagination.

March 22, 2010

Jubilee Church Animation

I like the way this was directed. Solid camera paths and a very clean and simple construction simulation. Outstandingly clean. The switching between day time and night time is a great method to use rather than just one continuous night shot. By mixing in night shots and day shots in one sequence, you tell a lot more in a short span of time. It also adds a dramatic effect to the whole animation. Great work Roberto De Angelis!

March 21, 2010

iCube Demo Reel 2008

Though this a demo reel for 2008, it is still impressive to this day. Love the Google Earth effects used on some of the sequences. Though not related to architecture, I must say that the airplane, helicopter scenes were pretty darn awesome! Most especially the part where the camera goes from outside to the inside of a passenger airplane, how cool is that! iCube can definitely model and animate extensive cityscapes and much more based on this demo reel. Great work iCube.

March 17, 2010

3D Architecture Render

The producer of this fantastic video put a lot of work into the 3D model! Every detail that are often left out is actually put into this. And I don't know how else to describe the construction simulation part of it... the producer/animator/director decided to start from furniture and fixtures and then work its way out to walls and roofs. Interesting approach. The other noticeable thing is that everything is shot in monochrome! You wouldn't know it though with all the details that was modeled. The method of this particular shading is ambient occlusion shading. Great technique and camera paths, inspiring work.

October 11, 2009

ArchiCAD And Artlantis

This animation is beautiful, great choice of music too. I remember hearing this music for the first time when I watched a film called "The Island". Modeled in ArchiCAD 12 and animated in Artlantis! Two powerful programs that work well together many claim. Great job to the people at Crescendo.

August 17, 2009

Fast Paced Animation

This is a very fast past video, but does have a wide array of presentation techniques. I speculate that this could have been made to practice several techniques in one go. From sun shadows to animated people to "construction simulation" (the part that shows the beams which support the glass ceiling/skylight)... this short animation covers it. Like I said, it could have been a test to see what the particular program/s can do to achieve certain outputs. Interesting clip.

July 14, 2009

A Classy Architectural Fly-Through

This is one of those rare presentations that adapt actual movie making techniques. It is like one of those many phrases Dwight Atkinson says from time to time, in reference to creating architectural renderings... "One Must Think Like A Photographer". In this case, "one must think like a movie director". The camera paths, angles and speed fit perfectly with the music. The execution of fading in and out of each animation is pleasant and adds a dramatic effect. I have to give kudos to the one who created 'the steaming water pouring on the tub scene' - excellent! My final critique to the whole presentation - amazingly realistic, and inviting! Thanks to YouTube's architecturelaw for sharing.

June 25, 2009

Centro Escolar De Seia

This pleasant animation was made by Miguel Krippahl. A combination of ArchiCAD, Artlantis and Windows Movie Maker was used to model, animate and stitch the scenes together to provide the viewers a complete representation of the architect's design. Miguel Krippahl also made the animation on the previous post here at The 3-Dimensional Dream. The technique I like best in this video was the way specific zones/spaces within the structure was being presented together with the animation and animated seamlessly. Fabulous work!

June 13, 2009

Simply White

This 3d presentation is completely monochrome! Very clean, simple yet beautifully presented. When carefully examined, you can tell that they had at least 3 different files for the model. One, very bare with just walls - two, with floors and ceilings - and three, with all the windows and openings in place. Then each file was obviously rendered using the same camera paths and patched together using a Windows Movie Maker. Software used to animate the model was Artlantis Studio 1.0 and the modeling software which was used was ArchiCAD! Great work to youtube's MKripp.

October 25, 2008

3D Animation of Interior

This piece was produced by Silvan van Alphen on March of 2007. Incredible arrangement of animation, stills and sun study animation (at the very end). Some say the camera movements are a bit violent but personally I kind of like the effect. It speeds up when transfering you from one spot to another and then slows down at a special space which allow viewers to focus in on what is being presented. Nice touch I'd say. Selection of soundtrack is fitting for this fly-through! Great job Silvan van Alphen.

September 27, 2008

3D Animation, Wire Frame & Stills

This is a 3D Animation of the interior of the Marni store in London. Nicely done by Silvan van Alphen and designed by Sybarite. I like how the animator uses different methods to present a single idea with seamless transitional effects. The focus of this presentation is obviously the modernistic stairs which leads to the second that's what I call hardcore modeling! Lots of detail and curves. The camera path leading you up the stairs is incredibly smooth and consistent with relation to height, I know if I ever do an animation going up a stairwell it will not be a walk in the park. I suspect the still at the very end to be an actual photograph of the finished product. If not, then great rendering!

Animated Movie Trailers - must see!!!