From Missouri-
Couples from across the United States renewed their marriage vows on
the steps of the Truman Library in Independence in celebration of the
wedding anniversary of Harry and Bess Truman. The weather was a
sweltering compliment to the hot June day when the presidential couple
was married 100 years ago at Trinity Episcopal Church, less than a mile
away from where the library stands.
Marriages spanning as many as 72 years were renewed following a brief statement by Library Director Kurt Graham.
are here celebrating one of the great love affairs in presidential
history,” he told the crowd. “They were only married for 53 years ...
but it was a lifelong love affair.” That commitment was reflected in the
couples gathered for the ceremony.
Pastor Nancy Kerr officiated
the ceremony. While most marriage ceremonies feature a few words of
advice to the couple, Kerr said no one present needed any.
“It’s pretty apparent there’s a lot of love here today on these steps,” she said.
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A Poem on Hope, Wendell Berry
7 hours ago