From Life Site-
I mention this due to the fact that earlier this week, I spotted this headline in the Telegraph:
“Church of England to offer baptism-style services to transgender
people to celebrate their new identity for first time.” As it turns out,
Canterbury’s rush to irrelevance (clerics warn that steadily plunging attendance
numbers will only increase in the years ahead) now includes the bizarre
heresy of creating a new sacrament, specifically tailored to celebrate
the delusions of “sex-reassignment” surgery for "transgender" people.
The Church of England’s tailspin has been strange to watch, not
because they are the first or the only mainline denomination to collapse
under the weight of its own compromises. Here in Canada, for example,
the United Church campaigned for legal abortion, celebrated the
destruction of the Christian ethic of sexuality, and now has at least
one atheist minister. They have been only somewhat jokingly referred to
as “the NDP at prayer.” But the brazenness with which the clerics of the
Church of England have spat on their own heritage has been jarring, to
say the least. From the Telegraph:
More here-
Be a human being
3 hours ago