Showing posts with label winter decor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winter decor. Show all posts

NEUTRAL WINTER DECORATING - progressing into spring

In the winter I like to pair things down. Stick to neutrals and try to keep things cleaner. It's the perfect back drop for all the colors coming in spring.

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OUR WINTER LIVING ROOM - getting organized after christmas

After Christmas I prefer to work with a clean slate. The floor gets vacuumed a million times and every bit of decor gets taken down and put aside. Then I start to create the new feeling I want in our living room one piece at a time.
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WINTER BEDROOM - new carpet and footboard


I made some great additions to our bedroom in the fall. Improvements specifically made for the coming winter.  
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A LOOK AROUND OUR WINTER HOUSE - candles, a box, and some sparkles

Hello February 2017,
and Hello readers!

I took it slow in January and did not blog. Boxing
day I injury myself to the point it was hard to do
many tasks so that set the tone for awhile. I started
puttering around the house as most of use do in
January getting things organized again and finishing
off old tasks. It was all at a much slower pace than
usual but I still got a lot accomplished.
Check it out ...

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