Showing posts with label Conspiracy nonsense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conspiracy nonsense. Show all posts


Everything about multicultural plots - in one easy to follow post!

I've pulled everything about the Multicultural plot story into one post without jokes about Melanie Phillips and adding the extra stuff I've found out by looking into it.

It's over at MailWatch (I shouldn't have neglected the place for so long).  Get on over and have a look, if you're interested and that.

There's no 'read more' link because there's no more to read.  Get out!


More multicultural plotting

I got so excited last week when I thought I'd uncovered what terrible thing would happen if the UK population hit 70 million that I forgot all about what I'd started lookinig for: the evidence behind the idea that the government was involved in a dastardly sercet plot to increase immigration for - sharp intake of breath please - social reasons.  'Social reasons' is of course code for 'increasing multiculturalism' or worse still 'importing people who will vote Labour'.