Monday, June 20, 2011

Special June Days

We celebrated my birthday while on our beach trip and I was good  . . . but I got a call the day after we got home from D saying he got a babysitter for that night and we were going out for my birthday.  (:  He and the kids went to go get the babysitter and came home with this orchid plant.   Surprised me!  It is to live for weeks if you water it once a week or put in 3 ice cubes weekly (that's what I"m doing - see picture).  We went out to eat and then to see the movie "Annie" in an old refurbished theater.  (:  He had heard it advertised on the radio as we were driving home the day before (I was asleep) and he went and picked up tickets while he was out doing errands.  He really surprised me with the whole evening and it was very thoughtful !!!  ( I struggled to curb the stressed out mom anxiety with a list of 100 things to do when you return from vacation and just relax and accept kind gestures.)   
 For Father's Day - the kid's made D cards and took him breakfast in bed.  (:   He got a iPhone a few weeks ago that he thinks is awesome - "Happy Father's Day" I said!   
Z was happy to match D as usual for church!   (I brought home these ties from Taiwan).  Happy Father's Day D!!!   We love you and appreciate all you do for our family!!!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Outer Banks, NC, Beach Trip!

I was going to spend the weekend in North Carolina with my mother in law and sister in law for a retreat  - so I contacted some good friends from college who live nearby to see if they would be home.  They said they were going to be a the beach and asked if my family would like to join them for a 1/2 week?!?!?!
So D and the kids came and picked me up from the retreat and we drove across the state to the Outer Banks - which are a bunch of islands off of North Carolina.  I never knew much of this area before.  The "loft" was just 3 houses from the beach!  Made it nice to just walk there!  We went to the beach in the morning and left before noon and then went back in the evenings after six. 

Their little girl was close to Ak in age and they had a great time together playing in the sand!!!

 Z had 3 boys to play with plus 2 Dads who have been accused of being big kids - so he had a GREAT time!!! 

 D took B and Z out in the waves with these body boards and they both did great!

Their oldest was older than B - but they got along very well too!

 During the afternoons we went sightseeing . . .
 Wright Brother National Memorial
 Our crew of 8 kids!!!
 Ak's first cheeseburger to herself!  She's always said she doesn't like them - but I had heard she had eaten most of AJ's - so we got her one at Five Guys and she loved it!  (: 
 We looked at the outside of Bodie Lighthouse.
We climbed up "America's Lighthouse" = Hatteras!!!    We weren't going to  . . .  but the girls wanted to, so D said he would take them but then Z was like, "well if they are going, I'm going."
So we paid our money and started climbing the 268 steps . . . about on step 10 there was a little landing and Z man stopped and wouldn't go anymore.
 I was like NO WAY - we just paid!!!!   He wouldn't budge . . . but D told me and the girls to keep climbing and he and Z would catch up, and they did.  (:   I got nervous and up at the top I only left the inside wall to go to the railing for ONE picture while my kids were peeking out and apparently not scared of heights like I am.  (:  D told me he and Z had said a little prayer at the bottom so Z would have the courage to go up!  I was impressed!  And as he came out when it was all done - I said, "You did it!"  And he put his arms up and I thought that was cool - so I took a picture!  (:    Good birthday story for me!


We went and ate seafood on my birthday!  YUM!!! 

 These two were more into their corn on the cob!
Our last night at the beach . . .
 B got stuck in the sand!  It reminded me of my nephew when he was younger, getting his foot stuck in some chair rungs . . . "get the saw Dad!  Get the saw!"  I keep saying that, along with "Get a shovel mom!"  Like my brother, I got some video footage! 
 Below is my favorite picture!!!
 D said he had more fun on this trip than he expected to and I was very glad to hear it!!!  Doing this body board thing with our kids and with Larry was a lot of fun for him! 
 Neither D or I are big beach lovers - but this trip was GREAT!  Having a house in walking distance is the best!  And we had friends (entertainment) for our kids who had had beach experience!  We were glad our kids got to "go to the beach"!!!  We will all remember this trip!  I can't thank our friends enough!!!  It was so comfortable being around their family that it really was a great time!!!
 As we were  the last to leave the beach that night - D took our picture!
 Thanks for taking us to the beach D!!!  Good family time!!!
 The next morning - we said our good byes and our friends headed off for the beach and we started our trip home - stopping at the Roanoke Aquarium. 

 B got to touch a stingray!

 We spent the night in a hotel - the kids were excited to swim!  And D and I were excited that the complimentary breakfast was next door at IHOP!?!?!  (PANCAKES!!!!)
It was a great trip and I'm glad we took it!!!!   I'm glad I have lots of pictures of my kids playing in the sand since that is something I don't usually go for . . . makes me uncomfortable.  (:  But I took like 1,000 pictures - which gave me a focus while I was there - I wanted to document it!   And if you want to know my inside thoughts - - - It was nice - but I still prefer snow skiing!!!!     But thank you to the Roberts for sharing your beach house and for the fun!!!  You guys are the best!!!!  I wish I had gotten a picture of your family all together or one of ALL of us. . . . oh well, we'll have to do it again and get one next time  (:
Come back to see video's of the kids in the water soon . .  .

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Soccer is Done

The Bulldogs!!!  Head Coach Allen on the left with his son Cory and Assistant Coach Josh with his step-son Mateo on the right.   In the middle right is Z-man!
 They had a fruit during half time during games!  (first season for that for us - good idea!)  And they had team huddles which was good for team spirit!!!

 A favorite is running through the "tunnel" after each game - made by parents, family, and friends! 

 This coach went above and beyond.  Each kid got a trophy after the season!  Z was VERY excited about that!!!!   He enjoyed the season!   I'm glad he got to participate and I'm glad he got to be on the same team with his friend Mateo!!!    (I enjoyed taking to Mateo's mom (Elaine) during practices and stuff . . . funny story:  one practice was HOT sunny and HOT.  Me and my girls had umbrellas up and everything while trying to be supportive of Z out there.  I thought I tried to not be my normal complaining self when it comes to such weather . . . but at the next game Elaine's mom was saying how positive I always am and  Elaine said she saw a side to me she had never seen before recently (I've known them for over 15 years) and she said "You really don't like hot weather do you?"  !!!  (:  No new news there!!!   Their observations just struck me as funny!  It is correct:  I do NOT like hot weather.  (:   But I know some LOVE it - so I'm trying to keep my opinions to myself!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Pappaw's Reunion

D's pappaw (grandfather) is one in the chair on the bottom right of this picture.   He is with his living sibings (and 2 nephews that were raised like brothers).
 Ak was VERY thristy - she drank this whole bottle at a couple of minutes.  I was surprised.  But it was a hot day!
 Every Memorial Day weekend - they have a reunion out at a cabin that one of his Pappaw's brothers built. 
 This year was so LOUD . . . .they said it was the insect:  a Cicada . . . . it was their year to "sing" - I hear it only happens every 13 years.   It was amazing how many there were and how loud they were!  B just picked them up. 

The next day - Z got to go golfing with D and Uncle Matt.  (:  Then cool off in the backyard with B and Ak.  It was a fun weekend.