Thursday, June 9, 2011

Pappaw's Reunion

D's pappaw (grandfather) is one in the chair on the bottom right of this picture.   He is with his living sibings (and 2 nephews that were raised like brothers).
 Ak was VERY thristy - she drank this whole bottle at a couple of minutes.  I was surprised.  But it was a hot day!
 Every Memorial Day weekend - they have a reunion out at a cabin that one of his Pappaw's brothers built. 
 This year was so LOUD . . . .they said it was the insect:  a Cicada . . . . it was their year to "sing" - I hear it only happens every 13 years.   It was amazing how many there were and how loud they were!  B just picked them up. 

The next day - Z got to go golfing with D and Uncle Matt.  (:  Then cool off in the backyard with B and Ak.  It was a fun weekend.

1 comment:

emily said...

That is interesting about the cicadas! In LPM, we do a Jungle Rhythm song and one animal is a cicada. I wish I could have heard them "sing"!!!