Showing posts with label Others. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Others. Show all posts

Friday, May 30, 2008

I Want a DSLR!!

The little girl in me is stomping vehemently in contempt. I want! I want! I really really need it!!!
I absolutely, imperatively, must have it!!!

Please forgive my outburst of girlish tantrum. I think I need to get a better camera, I'm increasingly dissatisfied with the quality of my photos. Even after extensive editing in Lightroom, I just can't seem to be happy with them anymore, especially when I'm always looking at other gorgeous photos taken by other food bloggers. Sigh, better start saving up now. A friend of mine is returning to HK sometime this month, so I hope I can get a better deal there.

Or perhaps I can just improve my skills and stop making excuses for taking bad photographs.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

At the Beginning

Being relatively new to blogging, I struggle on how to begin. I say relatively because I have, for the past year at least, been a quiet observer of the food blogging community. To say that I was inspired would be a major understatement. The beautiful pages that I have seen so far opened up a whole new world for someone as uninitiated as I am.

To be truthful, I do not know an awful lot about computers, and much less about blogging. I do not know how to create beautiful photography or graphics or do amazing food styling, and am only taking my first steps in the pastry arts. So this is a blog that I hope will record my growth, and maybe---someday--- my flight into a career I am obsessively passionate about.

I hope you will enjoy this journey as much as I do.
