Thinking of joining ? or would like some information on how the group runs, simply email me (Sue ) at

Two blocks are made per month, and the swap partners are allocated in the middle of each month

Showing posts with label CarolynM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CarolynM. Show all posts

Monday, September 8, 2014

Carolyn's blocks

Here are my blocks for the 6" swap. Carolyn wanted any two 6" blocks done with 1930s fabrics. I'm not really sure if these are the right fabrics. I think they are. I do like these fabrics and blocks. I used these fabrics to make a baby cot quilt. It was really sweet. A traditional Rail Fence and Spool block.
These are a very sweet pink so I hope that Carolyn likes them.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

May Blocks From Carolyn

My lovely blocks for May have been received from Carolyn