As ADMINISTRATOR for ABC Wednesday, I thought I'd ASSUME the role of your ADVISER through the ANTIQUITY of this ACCULTURALATION.
One Mrs. Nesbitt, of jolly AULD ALBION, thought it would be an AMUSEMENT to start a blog which required our AUDIENCE to come up with a blog post each week, going through the ALPHABET. She did it ALL - writing the introductions, and of course, visiting ALL the participants. She even designed the first badge I could find.
Over time, she found ASSOCIATED folks to AID her do the visits. I joined the ACTION in Round 5, K is for Keating 5, a most political post in a largely APOLITICAL group. Soon thereafter, Mrs. Nesbitt ASKED for more ALLIES and I ANSWERED the call.
Starting with Round 7 through Round 18, Troy ALLOYED the badges you see at the top of the page. Gattina created the one for Round 19, but I'm ASSUMING Troy will return for Round 20.
Near the end of Round 10, blog disaster struck. ALL the team had been issued ADMINISTRATOR rights. Someone - I do not know who - whether by ACCIDENT (highly unlikely) or by design, decertified everyone as administrators. Mrs. Nesbitt was no longer in control of her own blog. The old blog was subsequently deleted by that person, but if you go to the Wayback Machine, and put in the URL for December 11, 2010 or earlier.
Shortly thereafter, I became the chief administrator, and one of only two people, along with Mrs. Nesbitt, who could ADAPT other people's posts, and ADD the link that ALLOWS you to participate in ABC Wednesday each week.
Eventually, though, I needed to APPEAL for some backup. But who? As it happened, Mrs. Nesbitt had ACCEPTED a visit from Leslie, who lives in British Columbia, Canada. Eventually, we added her as the ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR.
In the final ANALYSIS, we (Denise, Leslie and I) have decided to let ABC Wednesday run its course, and will let it end with Round 20. But that will be a year from now.
Meanwhile, please AUGMENT our ranks each week. We are looking for people to visit others for the next two rounds. If you want, you can also write introductions, like this one.
AND if someone wants to ASSUME responsibility of ABC Wednesday ABOUT a year from now, I will ASSIST you in doing so. Contact me AT RogerOGreen (AT) GMAIL (DOT) COM.
This was the site for ABC Wednesday for Rounds 9-20. It was a fun project. It is now located at Go there and participate.
Showing posts with label A. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A. Show all posts
Saturday, 9 July 2016
Monday, 11 January 2016
A is for applesauce
Did you know "applesauce" (or "apple sauce") is a mild curse? From Slang Of The 1920'S:
Applesauce- an expletive same as horsefeathers, As in "Ah applesauce!"
Horsefeathers - an expletive ; same usage as applesauce
Well, THAT's not helpful.
Will Rogers wrote in The Illiterate Digest (1924), "I tell you Folks, all Politics is Apple Sauce."
One of the definitions in Urban Dictionary (the clean meaning) is "An early 90s slang word for 'ridiculous' or 'nonsense'." Well, no, it's from much earlier, but at least this narrative provides something more than a circular definition.
Shot in the Dark Mysteries has posted 1920s Slang Terms and Definitions:
Applesauce: A mild curse, like “darn” (also, "Horsefeathers!")
The term had gotten new life from the US Supreme Court, of all places. From the Washington Post:
A recent clue on the game show JEOPARDY! in the category Compound Words was this: "Nonsense, or a pippin stewed to a pulp, sweetened & spiced." No one got this $2000 clue.
Incidentally, my father-in-law makes very good apple sauce!
Applesauce- an expletive same as horsefeathers, As in "Ah applesauce!"
Horsefeathers - an expletive ; same usage as applesauce
Well, THAT's not helpful.
Will Rogers wrote in The Illiterate Digest (1924), "I tell you Folks, all Politics is Apple Sauce."
One of the definitions in Urban Dictionary (the clean meaning) is "An early 90s slang word for 'ridiculous' or 'nonsense'." Well, no, it's from much earlier, but at least this narrative provides something more than a circular definition.
Shot in the Dark Mysteries has posted 1920s Slang Terms and Definitions:
Applesauce: A mild curse, like “darn” (also, "Horsefeathers!")
The term had gotten new life from the US Supreme Court, of all places. From the Washington Post:
Justice Antonin Scalia clearly gets a kick out of writing his pointed, colorful dissents for the Supreme Court, and his minority opinion in [2015's] King v. Burwell decision is no exception.
With characteristic vigor, the panel’s most conservative justice lashed out at his colleagues for concluding that the Affordable Care Act allows people on state insurance exchanges established by the federal government to receive subsidies. The opinion offers several new candidates for a master list of Scalia’s best turns-of-phrase, which should be published as a book as far as we are concerned. One example: the majority’s reasoning? “Pure applesauce,” he wrote.
A recent clue on the game show JEOPARDY! in the category Compound Words was this: "Nonsense, or a pippin stewed to a pulp, sweetened & spiced." No one got this $2000 clue.
Incidentally, my father-in-law makes very good apple sauce!
Monday, 13 July 2015
A is for Alpha
Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet - and, of course, the first syllables in the word "alphabet."
Alpha International, a Christian website, is likely so dubbed based on the New Testament scripture at Revelation 22:13, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End."
In the animal world, including humans, alpha signifies having the highest rank in a dominance hierarchy: the alpha female of an elephant pack, baboon alpha males, etc.
Alpha is also an investment term.
Since this is the alpha, or premiere, post of the round, I should reiterate the rules, but, basically they are:
* Write your blog post, mentioning (preferably linking to) ABC Wednesday, and being relevant to the letter of the week
* Link your blog post to the Linky thing circa Tuesday at 4 pm, Greenwich Time. Link to the specific post. So when I participate this week, I'll be linking (SPOILER ALERT) to, not just to (This is a concept I'd tried to explain before, and TOTALLY confused some participants, so I hope this is clearer.)
* VISIT other participants. In general, people are more likely to visit you if you visit them. Our ABC Wednesday team will visit you too.
Alpha International, a Christian website, is likely so dubbed based on the New Testament scripture at Revelation 22:13, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End."
In the animal world, including humans, alpha signifies having the highest rank in a dominance hierarchy: the alpha female of an elephant pack, baboon alpha males, etc.
Alpha is also an investment term.
Since this is the alpha, or premiere, post of the round, I should reiterate the rules, but, basically they are:
* Write your blog post, mentioning (preferably linking to) ABC Wednesday, and being relevant to the letter of the week
* Link your blog post to the Linky thing circa Tuesday at 4 pm, Greenwich Time. Link to the specific post. So when I participate this week, I'll be linking (SPOILER ALERT) to, not just to (This is a concept I'd tried to explain before, and TOTALLY confused some participants, so I hope this is clearer.)
* VISIT other participants. In general, people are more likely to visit you if you visit them. Our ABC Wednesday team will visit you too.
Sunday, 11 January 2015
A is for ABC Wednesday - AGAIN!
AMAZING! I don't believe that the initial ADMIRAL of this ADVENTURE, Denise Nesbitt, would have ASSUMED that ABC Wednesday would be still going seven and a half years later!
For ALL you newbies, we have a set of rules, but this is the gist of it:
*Each week, there is an APPOINTED letter. This week is A, next week is B, etc.
*You AUTHOR a blog post; it could be an ARTICLE, some ART, ALMOST ANYTHING. The post should include a link to ABC Wednesday's URL ADDRESS, as well as clear ARTICULATION how it meets that week's topic (A is for APPLE, et al.) Feel free to ACCESS the current ACCOUTERMENT on your blog.
*You enter the specific link to your blog post in that Linky ACCESSORY. For instance, my post this week will be A is for Apostrophe. If I just enter my main page URL - - it'll be harder for visitors to find the specific post, now and especially in the future.
*At least one ASSOCIATE from the ABC Wednesday team, and ASSUREDLY other people, will visit your post and leave comments.
*Try and ACCESS at least 5 other participants either before or after your listing, or randomly, or people you like, or people you don't know. Comment on their posts. It's ARITHMETIC: the more sites you do visit, the more comments you will probably get.
*We retain the right to ABROGATE overly commercial links, or folks who don't ACKNOWLEDGE ABC Wednesday. We really ABHOR doing that; we ALWAYS feel AWFUL about doing it. But we want to be fair to those who do ABIDE by the rules.
If you have any questions about this, ACCESS me at RogerOGreen (at) Gmail (dot) com.
Monday, 14 July 2014
Introduction of Alpha.
Alpha (uppercase Α, lowercase α; Greek: Άλφα Álpha) is the first letter of the Greek alphabet. In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of 1. It was derived from the Phoenician letter aleph . Letters that arose from alpha include the Latin A and the Cyrillic letter А.
In English, the noun "alpha" is used as a synonym for "beginning", or "first" (in a series), reflecting its Greek roots.
In "Brave New World "( Aldous Huxley) people are divided in groups from highly intelligent and well- educated humans to the people who are more or less considered to be stupid, simple-minded, retarded ones. Being an Alpha means that you belong to the highest class, the most intelligent one.
Amazing, but now I come to think of it: I don't know any European language that doesn't start with an A.
Hebrew starts with Alef. But how are the Asian languages? Do they have an alphabetical system like ours?
I also remember that we used alpha, bèta, gamma and delta in mathematics. Well I shan't make this too complicated. You will by now understand that Alpha is an important letter. An Alpha male among a group of animals is often the leader.
With thanks to Denise Nesbitt, who created ABC.For more interesting ABC posts click on the logo in the sidebar. This week we are looking for words beginning with A.
And as Roger always asks:Remember: if you participate with us, please link to and mention us in your post.
Sunday, 12 January 2014
A is for Apple
A is for APPLE. Isn't that the usual ASSIGNMENT when learning the ALPHABET? So I thought, since we've gotten back to the beginning of ABC Wednesday - for the 14th ATTEMPT! - that I'd share our CORE values (core, apple...)
ANYWAY, this AMAZINGLY clever-in-its-simplicity meme that Denise Nesbitt created some six and a half years AGO was started so that people might ACQUAINT themselves with others.
One writes something beginning with - for this week - the letter A, such as A is for APPLE. Next week will be B, and the following week? I trust you know your ABCs. It can be a picture or poem or ARTICLE. See what other people have ADDED. The post must ALLUDE to ABCW, preferably with a link and/or use of the badge ABOVE.
You take that completed post and link it to our linky thing on Tuesdays AROUND 16:00 in the UK, which is ALREADY Wednesday in parts of the world. You'll need only the URL of the specific post, your blog name (or in ALTERNATIVE, the topic of the post) AND your e-mail, and you should get an ABUNDANCE of visitors, particularly if you too visit five to ten ADVENTURERS.
If you have ANY questions, or if you would like to AUGMENT our team that visits sites and writes these intros, you should contact me, Roger Green, who is the current ADMINISTRATOR of the site. My e-mail ADDRESS is RogerOGreen (at) gmail (dot) com.
ANYWAY, this AMAZINGLY clever-in-its-simplicity meme that Denise Nesbitt created some six and a half years AGO was started so that people might ACQUAINT themselves with others.
One writes something beginning with - for this week - the letter A, such as A is for APPLE. Next week will be B, and the following week? I trust you know your ABCs. It can be a picture or poem or ARTICLE. See what other people have ADDED. The post must ALLUDE to ABCW, preferably with a link and/or use of the badge ABOVE.
You take that completed post and link it to our linky thing on Tuesdays AROUND 16:00 in the UK, which is ALREADY Wednesday in parts of the world. You'll need only the URL of the specific post, your blog name (or in ALTERNATIVE, the topic of the post) AND your e-mail, and you should get an ABUNDANCE of visitors, particularly if you too visit five to ten ADVENTURERS.
If you have ANY questions, or if you would like to AUGMENT our team that visits sites and writes these intros, you should contact me, Roger Green, who is the current ADMINISTRATOR of the site. My e-mail ADDRESS is RogerOGreen (at) gmail (dot) com.
Monday, 15 July 2013
A is for Alpha
In the beginning, or some time thereafter, DARPA created the Internet. Now the Internet was not formless and empty, but there WAS a lot of darkness over many of the sites therein.
And Denise Nesbitt said, "Let there be ABC Wednesday,” and there was ABC Wednesday. Visitors from all over the world saw that ABC Wednesday was good, that it attempted to avoid the darkness.
And Denise said, “Let there be simple rules and guidelines about people participating with ABC Wednesday linking to ABC Wednesday, following the alphabetical theme for the week, and visiting others." And it was so. Denise saw that it was good.
But Denise said, "It is not good for me to do this all of this organizing and visiting alone. I should seek out helpers, a team to share responsibility for these visits." And it was so.
Now, the ABC Wednesday meme is starting its lucky 13th round, starting with the letter A, and you are invited, not only to contribute to ABC Wednesday, but, if it would please you, to visit others, and even scribe some of these introductory essays.
And Denise Nesbitt said, "Let there be ABC Wednesday,” and there was ABC Wednesday. Visitors from all over the world saw that ABC Wednesday was good, that it attempted to avoid the darkness.
And Denise said, “Let there be simple rules and guidelines about people participating with ABC Wednesday linking to ABC Wednesday, following the alphabetical theme for the week, and visiting others." And it was so. Denise saw that it was good.
But Denise said, "It is not good for me to do this all of this organizing and visiting alone. I should seek out helpers, a team to share responsibility for these visits." And it was so.
Now, the ABC Wednesday meme is starting its lucky 13th round, starting with the letter A, and you are invited, not only to contribute to ABC Wednesday, but, if it would please you, to visit others, and even scribe some of these introductory essays.
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
A is for Apple
Welcome to the - who woulda thunk it? - TWELFTH round of ABC Wednesday, established by the ADMIRABLE Denise Nesbitt. Each week, there is a designated letter (this week is A, next week is B, etc.)
We have all sorts of rules and guidelines, but let's get to the CORE of the matter: we want to have fun. We like to invite people from all around our world to participate.
So here's the mechanics:
1. You write a blog post. It should include a mention of and link to ABC Wednesday, as well as clear reference how it meets the week's topic (A is for...) Feel free to use the current logo on your blog.
2. You enter the specific link to your blog post in that Linky doodad.
3. At least one person from the ABC Wednesday team, and undoubtedly others, will visit your post and leave a comment.
4. Try and visit at least 5 other participants either before or after your listing and comment on their post; or pick some at random. The more sites you do visit, the more comments you will probably get.
5. We retain the right to delete overly commercial links.
PLEASE don't force us to remove your post; we always feel badly about doing it. But we want to be fair to those who do abide by the rules.
If you have any questions about this, contact me at RogerOGreen (at) Gmail (dot) com.
Now why would I post Mary Hopkin's 1968 single Those Were the Days here?
Those were the days my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
We'd fight and never lose
For we were young and sure to have our way.
La la la la...
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
Hi, I'm Roger. I've been APPEARING on ABC Wednesday for five AND a half rounds now. I am AMAZED to become the current ARBITER of what goes on at this ARRANGEMENT.
But I am not the ALPHA of this AGGREGATION. That would be the ADMIRABLE, APPEALING and, AUDACIOUSLY AWESOME Denise Nesbitt; that's her with her hubby Jon. She had this ABSURD idea that people would ARRIVE at this web ADDRESS each week and share their ARRAY of words and pictures. And they have; what an ACCOMPLISHMENT.
Since there are ALWAYS ABCW newbies at the ASCENT of the round, let's quickly ADDRESS what we (ABCW and you) are AGREEING to. You can see the full ARTICLE here.
ABCW agrees to host the site, with the Linky feature. We agree to have at least one member of our AUDACIOUS team visit you if you put a link in that Linky thingamabob, and try to ASSIST you if you are having difficulty.
You agree to put your link, optimally the specific one for the APPLICABLE post, in the Linky thing. Your post should be APPROPRIATE for most people. You will AIM to visit at least a handful of your fellow ABCW bloggers each week that you post here. You ACCEDE to follow the theme - this week something starting with the letter A; next week, something starting with the letter B. (We can be pretty AMIABLE about this; for eXample, the letter X, so just give it a try.) AND you should ACKNOWLEDGE somewhere in the post, by use of logo and/or link, that you ARE participating in ABC Wednesday. ASSESSING others' ARTICLES will AID you.
That, in a nutshell, is the AGREEMENT.
So go forth and have an AFFABLE time.
But I am not the ALPHA of this AGGREGATION. That would be the ADMIRABLE, APPEALING and, AUDACIOUSLY AWESOME Denise Nesbitt; that's her with her hubby Jon. She had this ABSURD idea that people would ARRIVE at this web ADDRESS each week and share their ARRAY of words and pictures. And they have; what an ACCOMPLISHMENT.
Since there are ALWAYS ABCW newbies at the ASCENT of the round, let's quickly ADDRESS what we (ABCW and you) are AGREEING to. You can see the full ARTICLE here.
ABCW agrees to host the site, with the Linky feature. We agree to have at least one member of our AUDACIOUS team visit you if you put a link in that Linky thingamabob, and try to ASSIST you if you are having difficulty.
You agree to put your link, optimally the specific one for the APPLICABLE post, in the Linky thing. Your post should be APPROPRIATE for most people. You will AIM to visit at least a handful of your fellow ABCW bloggers each week that you post here. You ACCEDE to follow the theme - this week something starting with the letter A; next week, something starting with the letter B. (We can be pretty AMIABLE about this; for eXample, the letter X, so just give it a try.) AND you should ACKNOWLEDGE somewhere in the post, by use of logo and/or link, that you ARE participating in ABC Wednesday. ASSESSING others' ARTICLES will AID you.
That, in a nutshell, is the AGREEMENT.
So go forth and have an AFFABLE time.
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
ABC Round 10!
Gather round young bloggers, come in and take a pew.
ABC Wednesday is here and that involves you!
Once again it's time for our weekly talent show
Whoever would have thought it, all those years ago.
That folks would jump on board with the weekly meme
showing so much creativity with their chosen theme!
Stand up and take a bow as we begin Round 10
Will your choice be photographs or will you use your pen?
Wednesdays are always exciting, what will people do?
Well let's not hang around - it is over good people to you!
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
A! Number 9, number 9
Nah, we can't be up to Round 9 of the amazing meme of Mrs. Nesbitt, ABC Wednesday! Can we?
Well, by the look of Troy's new logo - thanks, Troy! - I guess we have.
Interesting thing about A, which, unlike some other letters, seems to appear in most every alphabet, and in the beginning, no less:
In Greek, it's alpha:
I know some of you have been waiting to start, or restart, this meme until we got back to A. So, I suppose it's a good a time as any to go over the rules.
Truth is "ABC Wednesday is all about having fun." And we on the team are disinclined to get all legalistic. "Instead we suggest a Netiquette - a voluntary code of conduct - that should provide a comfortable environment for viewers, participants and commenters alike."
So here it is.
1. Post something on your non-commercial blog/webpage having something to do with the letter of the week. Use your imagination. Put a link to ABC Wednesday in your post and/or put up the logo.
2. Come to this site and link the SPECIFIC link to the Linky thing. It'll be available around 4 p.m., Greenwich Mean Time, which is 11 a.m. or noon in the Eastern part of the United States. Check out this conversion tool.
By the SPECIFIC link, we mean rather than
The primary reason is that people will want to visit your post, and the specific link is easier to find, especially over time. We're really interested in easier.
Which segues nicely to...
3. "Try and visit at least 5 other participants...and comment on their posts. The more sites you do visit, the more comments you will probably get." We all want some lovin'. Someone from the ABC Wednesday team will surely come by your site during the week.
WE HATE to take posts down from the Linky thing, we really do. So if you're clearly commercial, PLEASE don't bother. If you don't mention ABC Wednesday at all, we'll take it down, even if your title the piece A is for Aardvark (or whatever); seems only fair that if we're promoting your post, you promote our blog. A bit of quid pro quo, as it were.
Oh, and if you have any questions, problems, feel free to leave a note in the comments.
Well, by the look of Troy's new logo - thanks, Troy! - I guess we have.
Interesting thing about A, which, unlike some other letters, seems to appear in most every alphabet, and in the beginning, no less:
In Greek, it's alpha:
I know some of you have been waiting to start, or restart, this meme until we got back to A. So, I suppose it's a good a time as any to go over the rules.
Truth is "ABC Wednesday is all about having fun." And we on the team are disinclined to get all legalistic. "Instead we suggest a Netiquette - a voluntary code of conduct - that should provide a comfortable environment for viewers, participants and commenters alike."
So here it is.
1. Post something on your non-commercial blog/webpage having something to do with the letter of the week. Use your imagination. Put a link to ABC Wednesday in your post and/or put up the logo.
2. Come to this site and link the SPECIFIC link to the Linky thing. It'll be available around 4 p.m., Greenwich Mean Time, which is 11 a.m. or noon in the Eastern part of the United States. Check out this conversion tool.
By the SPECIFIC link, we mean rather than
The primary reason is that people will want to visit your post, and the specific link is easier to find, especially over time. We're really interested in easier.
Which segues nicely to...
3. "Try and visit at least 5 other participants...and comment on their posts. The more sites you do visit, the more comments you will probably get." We all want some lovin'. Someone from the ABC Wednesday team will surely come by your site during the week.
WE HATE to take posts down from the Linky thing, we really do. So if you're clearly commercial, PLEASE don't bother. If you don't mention ABC Wednesday at all, we'll take it down, even if your title the piece A is for Aardvark (or whatever); seems only fair that if we're promoting your post, you promote our blog. A bit of quid pro quo, as it were.
Oh, and if you have any questions, problems, feel free to leave a note in the comments.
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
A is for Arrival!
Welcome Aboard! This is your Captian speaking! May I take this opportunity on behalf of The ABC Team to welcome you aboard on the next round of ABC Wednesday. We will be flying at a speed that will wisk you off you feet as we touch down in many distant lands, taking in many of the cultural tresures many which will take your breath away..
At all times, if there is anything the team can assisit you with, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Now ladies and gentlemen sit back and prepare yourself yor take off!
Round 8 of ABC Wednesday is taking off!
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