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Showing posts with label Interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interview. Show all posts

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

B is for Beginning interview with Berowne

ABC is an evolving phenomenon and we like to keep it mind BLOWING!

This round we are going to be introducing contributors.....starting with our very own Berowne

I caught up with him last week, busy man he is, and he shared the following fascinating insight into his world!

Dear Mrs. Nesbitt: My friend Berowne is indeed honored to have been chosen to represent the letter “B” this week. I hope bloggers will forgive him for treating the subject with a certain degree of levity. Herewith his answers:

 “What is your most favorite sound?”
Berowne: Hearing from my son or daughter, when neither of ‘em needs money.

“What is your least favorite sound?"
When they need money.

"If someone were to play you in the movie of your life, which actor would that be?”
George Clooney has already expressed interest, but so far no decision has been made.

“What food would you most like to have if nutrition and calories were not an issue?”
First off, I like frangipane. I have no idea what it is; I just enjoy saying the word. Then there’s coq au vin – providing it’s made with real cocoa.

“What utterly impractical or useless skill do you possess that most people do not?”
Paraphrasing Oscar Wilde, most of my skills are impractical, useless, immoral or illegal.

“What top 3 people (dead or alive) would you invite to dinner?”
Well, first off, I’d have to make a basic decision. They should all be dead or all alive. You can’t have dead and alive mixing; every time that has been tried it has ended badly.

“What would the main course be?”Fricassee of mountain goat is always well received.

“What piece of music do you most identify with?”The hip-hop version of “Seventy-Six Trombones.”

Berowne looks forward to seeing all you folks again on the internet. He says goodbye with, as they say south of the border, “Vaya con huevos!”