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Showing posts with label Yogi Berra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yogi Berra. Show all posts

Tuesday, 3 January 2012


YEAH, I could YANK YOU around with a YARN about a YELLOW YETI living in a YURT, eating YOGURT and wearing a YARMULKE.

But this YANKEE (just like YOGI) would rather have YOU YODEL about YOUR YESTER-ME, YESTER-YOU, YESTERDAY [listen], maybe YOUR YULETIDE. YAKETY YAK [listen] about YOUR YOUTH. YELL about YOUR YEARS. YOWL about YOUR YARD. YAP about YOUR YO-YO. Or YEARN for a YACHT.

Any YAHOO can join ABC Wednesday, made YEASTY by our wise-as-YODA Denise Nesbitt. Just say YES [listen], even while doing YOGA.
And will YOU be say YES to ABC Wednesday, Round 10 this YEAR? As noted last week, TroY designed a nifty logo that looks a bit like this: