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Showing posts with label emerge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label emerge. Show all posts

Monday 8 February 2016


abc18melody ABC-Wednesday by Mrs. Nesbitt Round 18 E 
   Hello and good morning, -afternoon, -evening, dear people who all participate is this wonderful photomeme, which is a joy to me, week after week, after week. I’m always curious to what you come up with! 
The challenging letter of this week is the E and I've chosen the word: Emerge 
 Every week many people participate in this, and others I expect, meme with totally different topics. Whatever emerges to ones mind comes across for all of us to see, to like or dislike...all is possible. That is one of the things wich makes participating in a meme so much fun, isn't it? 
I do have a mind which can think and act very quickly, i very rarely have to sit and think long and hard about what i will enter for participation but visiting every participant i also see people struggle sometimes with what to use for an entry.
 I love the fact that so many people participate every week and going back in the ABC history one can see many, many, many entries, week after week after week. I think is extraordinary for a meme to be so succesfull and have so many loyal participants who will return (almost) every week.

So... from a fairly new member of this meme... in my heart emerges a feeling of gratitude and respect to all of you and of course the wish that for long time to come, i will be able to may greet you every week again! 
Lets keep 'emerging' things out of our imagination to keep the weekly fun in 'our' meme alive and kicking!

Have a nice abc-day/ - week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ 
