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Showing posts with label p. Show all posts
Showing posts with label p. Show all posts

Tuesday 25 October 2016

P is for Pumpkin!

We are enjoying a great week of pumpkin fun - for the first time villages are coming together and working towards a full programme of activities. The banner above is displayed through all the villages.

Tomorrow we are having an exciting cookery session at our village hall - it is fully booked! The recipes sound fun!

I will be back to share!

Over on my blog more details are posted.
happy ABC Wednesday one and all!


Monday 25 April 2016

P for Poetry


As many of you dear readers may be aware, that I have a Penchant for Poetry and in Particular, nonsense rhyme and Limericks.

 Amongst some of my favourite writers is Lewis Carroll, who wrote the 

quite amusing, and sometimes bizarre tales of.........

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

 During one of  her encounters she meets up with a Mock Turtle who's  involved in a silly song /dance called The Lobster Quadrille.. 

Alice with the Mock Turtle and a passing Griffin.

The Lobster Quadrille. (AKA The Mock Turtle Song)

"Will you walk a little faster?

 said the whiting to the snail,

 there's a PORPOISE close behind us,

 and he's treading on my tail.

I see how eagerly the lobsters all advance,

 they are waiting on the shingle,

 Will you come and join the dance?

 Will you, wont you,

Won't you join the dance?

 You really  have no notion,

 how delightful it will be,

 when they take us up and throw us,

 with the lobsters out to sea!

 But the snail replied, 

 " Too far,  too far,"

and gave a look askew-

Said, he thanked the Whiting kindly,

 but he would not join the dance.

 Would not, could not,

 would not, could not,

Could not join the dance ! 

I can't tell you how relieved I am to have finished this  piece about 'nonsense'  POETRY.... After four attempts to get the.....

'Will you, won't you' texts in,  my usually most efficient PC decided to erase them and half of the pictures, so it has taken me two days to put it right, Now I am having feelings of doubt about my chosen subject....Blahh...Blahh..                                     Darkened room is now required !

 Sincere thanks to the PAR EXCELLENT  Denise for devising ABCW.

 and to Roger the PARAGON  of virtue and knowledge, who keeps the 'show on the road'. Last but not least the team of  helpers who, week after week, support Roger in his administrations on our PANASONIC  site !

Best wishes to all

from Di. xx

ABCW team.


Monday 26 October 2015

P is for Pumpkin.

Pumpkins are definitely new to us here in North Yorkshire. As a child I remember spending hours cutting through my turnip/swede ready for a candle so I could go trick or treating. Pupkins are certainly easier to deal with and very decorative unlike the humble turnip.

A question for you - How to make a Pumpkin Pie? You see I am making one for the first time for the Pumpkin Festival on Saturday and haven't got a clue. Many reading this will have vast experience and many ideas so please shout up!

Denise ABC Team

Monday 27 April 2015

P for Peace

I was inspired by Roger's mail about not being on the grid.

Taken at Golden Temple Monastery, Bylakuppe, Karnataka, India


chased by everyone
found by none
is peace a myth?

Yeah my favourite word Peace... . Everyone aspires for it but here is what I think. Do you really find peace anywhere.. Yes there are brilliant places close to nature all over the globe that is peaceful.. 
But is the mind really at peace once you get there. In this technology dominated world does anyone really rememember what peace feels like? You get this really brilliant place and what happens? Either a mobile or a camera comes out for an immediate selfie or for putting up the picture in  blogs. Yeah well I do that too :) How many in todays world would really dare to leave all of the devices behind and just travel the old fashioned way. Is that also enough to find this elusive
experience.  Why travel to find peace.. Cant it be found in daily  living as well?

Perhaps I am in one of my many Philosophican moods (or is it???) but I do think its a pertinent question... Don't you?

What are the things you would do to find peace?

Come on People, Please Post your comments and links and we will come Pay you a visit We Promise!!. Oh yes Peace to you too :)


Monday 27 October 2014

Foncie Pulice - Street Photographer

On September 27, 1979 street photographer Foncie Pulice took his last picture. Foncie and his Electric-Photo camera had been a familiar sight on Vancouver, BC, city streets for 45 years, having begun as a 20-year-old back in 1934 as an assistant to street photographer Joe Iaci. In his career he took millions of photographs.

When he started in 1934, Pulice recalled that “there were six companies in Vancouver, but when we really started to go was during the war. The public couldn’t get film, you see, so the street photographers were all they had. Servicemen would come home on leave, they’d have pictures taken. Families would get together, we’d take their picture. At one time, I was taking 4,000 to 5,000 pictures every day.”  My parents had their photo taken by Pulice about a month before they were married in 1943 while my Dad, in uniform, was on leave from the Royal Canadian Air Force and my Mom was wearing her fur coat.  They were both only 22 years old.
Did he save all those millions of negatives? They’d likely be worth a small fortune now. “I never did,” he said. “I didn’t really think about it at the time. I’d keep ’em for a year, then throw ’em out. I realize now I should have saved them, but it’s too late.”

People even made appointments for street pictures! “Oh, yes. They’d phone ahead and tell us what time they’d be walking down Granville. Dr. Peter Bell-Irving had members of his family photographed every year. I have shots showing one little tyke in that family growing all the way up to six-foot-five.”
Pulice says that one of the reasons he got into street photography was because he wanted to meet girls. He had a whole wall of phone numbers up on his wall and beside every number he put a little description of the girl. He used to get calls from other fellows saying, ‘Hey, Foncie, you know all the girls--can you fix us up with dates?

Well, the wall didn’t go into a museum, but his camera did, a remarkable artifact of a remarkable career.  Made of war surplus materials, Pulice’s camera is preserved at the Vancouver Museum. It’s part of their 1950s gallery and is accompanied by a slew of Foncie’s Fotos.
All across Canada and in other countries there are thousands and thousands of Foncie’s Fotos showing thousands and thousands of people striding along the street, captured in motion in unposed moments that may be closer to the spirit of the people shown than any carefully composed studio portrait.

Foncie Pulice was the last of the street photographers. He took his first street photo in 1934 and his last on September 27, 1979. He died January 20, 2003 at age 88, but his work lives on . . . everywhere.

(Information on Pulice taken from:
You can also check out some of Pulice’s photos at the following sites:


Monday 28 April 2014

P is for Plato

Poetic people puts pen to paper printing phonically placed phrases and posting pleasing poems pleasantly phor (for) people to read politely and passionately…
Photographic people put photos to the printer properly positioning on pages…..phor (for) people to view

Philosophical people ponder philosophy to people poignantly profiling philosophy in poetry.... Phinding (finding) , patronizing puerile personalities; to, periodically perform precariously pitiful profound poetic purls.

Phew! ! ! !


Tuesday 29 October 2013


 Perhaps a pumpkin would be more perfect for "P" but that would be too obvious and too pedestrian.  Instead Protective Vests for police dogs would be more pertinent.  Recently a combined demonstration and fund raiser to get more money to buy these vests for Twin City metropolitan police dogs was held in our neighborhood.  Because some of these loyal and hardworking canines have been seriously injured (some have died) by criminals with knives and other deadly weapons, protective vests are essential.  The purchase price is costly. . . $950.00.

A wonderful young man, Jim, a beautician at Euphoria arranged for the demonstration and the Salon donated yummy snacks and refreshments as well as a silent auction, and a raffle for 6 hair appts. Jim donated 5% of his income that day toward the purchase of a vest(s). Patrons were generous and the result was fantastic.  If you  would like to learn more about this national effort and to make a tax deductable donation go here. .  .  . PRONTO!



Tuesday 30 April 2013


Today's cartoon struck a chord with me as I pondered the pandemonium going on in the world right now.  So much pain is caused by someone's religious beliefs, something that has gone on since the beginning of time.  It is "time to move on: religion has cost too much."  Take a look at this article online - it talks about how monotheism, in particular Christianity and Islam has caused so much violence.  You may not agree with it all, but it does make one ponder. I am a Christian, but don't go to church because I have to keep my personal beliefs in check.  I would end up arguing with the so-called leaders as they would consider me to be what they call a "pluralist."  From Wikipedia:

Religious pluralism is an attitude or policy regarding the diversity of religious belief systems co-existing in society. It can indicate one or more of the following:

  • As the name of the worldview according to which one's religion is not the sole and exclusive source of truth, and thus the acknowledgement that at least some truths and true values exist in other religions.
  • As acceptance of the concept that two or more religions with mutually exclusive truth claims are equally valid. This may be considered a form of either toleration (a concept that arose as a result of the European wars of religion) or moral relativism.
  • The understanding that the exclusive claims of different religions turn out, upon closer examination, to be variations of universal truths that have been taught since time immemorial. This is called Perennialism (based on the concept of philosophia perennis) or Traditionalism
  • Can we not just live in peace with our fellow man?  Your thoughts?


Tuesday 30 October 2012

P for Posting

I feel quite Pleased and Privileged to be Part of this Phenomenal Post. This Post brings so

many People to this fine space. P also stands for Parties  and what can be the greatest than

this life itself? Please do follow the rules and Policies of this blog and I am sure all of

us will have fun. In case I haven't followed what I Preached myself

Please Forgive me (Bryan Adams)

One of my fav movies, Phenomenon with John Travolta was Pure fun to watch too. It reminds me of my Peculiar ways !! Come on People lets get Posting !! Happy Wednesday !

Tuesday 1 May 2012

P is for People

I think it's really great that we have this clever Internet technology. But without the PEOPLE to connect to, it would be an empty exercise. Folks who aren't involved online tend to think it is not POSSIBLE to make friends with folks you have never met in PERSON. I PROBABLY felt the same before I began blogging. But now I find that my PEEPS are all over the world!

Here are some PEOPLE songs:

People by Shirley Bassey
People Are Strange by the Doors
People Get Ready by the Impressions
People Got to be Free by the Rascals

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Pheno is my Name and Posting's my Game

I hereby Proclaim that I am Profusely thankful to be Posting this weeks Post. Primarily because I, Pheno, as Part of this team think its a Prestigious assignment to be given an opportunity to Post again in this Perfectly Prepared meme. The Proof of my Prattle is in the Posting !! My hobbies in order of Preference always has been Photography as the first choice. I love taking Photos of everyday objects and everything I shoot is driven by Pure Passion and a sense of Purpose.  The letter P also made me think of Prancing which I do quite often...

Personally, I think this is a Perfect opportunity for all you People out there to Post today's P Perhaps? So Please do Participate. Not Posting will not be considered a Penal offence ;) Rest assured we are not Partial towards any blog and Promise to visit everyone who Posts here.....  Oh did I add, no Posts here containing any Profanity coz that could cause Problems!!Nothing Personal of course....Uh oh where did my pince-nez disappear, I cant see my Pudding!!

"P" S - This is no Propaganda !! 

Monday 2 May 2011


POLITICS! Everywhere here in Canada the talk has been nothing but POLITICS. Monday, May 2nd was our national election and there was a lot of controversy about it. The Liberal and New Democratic PARTIES overthrew the government, forcing an election, and most of the country was horrified. After all, it's the fourth national election in seven years! Usually, the PRIME MINISTER is in POWER for four years, just like the American PRESIDENT. For more information about our POLITICAL scandal click here. It's a very good, yet brief overview of how Canadian and American POLITICS and government differ. PERSONALLY, I think Stephen Harper is the best PERSON for the job right now. He's an economist and has been able to keep Canada's economic situation stronger than a lot of other countries right now. In fact, our dollar is now equal to or worth more than the American dollar. The leaders of the other PARTIES PROMISED so much, but I wonder who they thought was going to PAY for these PROMISES. Mr. Harper may not appear to be the flashiest leader, but he's an extremely intelligent, hard-working man and his PLATFORMS have helped to keep our country in a PRIME POSITION to be a force in world POLITICS. For example, Canadian soldiers have been in Afghanistan all these years helping to fight the war on terror, and 155 of our brave soldiers have died in this PUSH FOR PEACE. Time will tell how Canada's POLITICAL situation will PAN out. Even though this election has cost our country $300 million, I am POSITIVE that Canada will continue to move forward with Stephen Harper leading a majority government with his PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE PARTY!