Showing posts with label Griffin Poetry Prize. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Griffin Poetry Prize. Show all posts

Friday, June 9, 2017

Jordan Abel wins the 2017 Griffin Poetry Prize!

Last night, above/ground press author Jordan Abel was announced as the Canadian winner of the 2017 Griffin Poetry Prize for his third trade collection, Injun (Talonbooks, 2016). Congratulations, Jordan! It was also an absolute pleasure to see you win the prize in person!

And, by the by, his two above/ground press chapbooks are still very much available: Scientia (2013) and TIMELESS AMERICAN CLASSIC (2017). And then, of course, there was his interview a while back in Touch the Donkey, as well...

Friday, June 14, 2013

David W. McFadden wins the 2013 Griffin Poetry Prize!

Last night, Christine McNair and I were fortunate enough to witness Toronto poet David W. McFadden [photo by Christine McNair of rob mclennan, David W. McFadden and David O'Meara] win the 2013 Griffin Poetry Prize for his poetry collection, What's the Score? (Toronto ON: Mansfield Press, 2012). Congratulations to David, editor Stuart Ross, and publisher Denis de Klerck! 

above/ground press has been fortunate enough to publish three of his poetry chapbooks over the years -- The Death of Greg Curnoe (1995), Last Chance to Hit Balls (Six Tanka and Six Haiki) (as Genmai, 1996), and A Little Kindness (starring Jean and Jane (2002). He was also good enough to contribute "THREE DUBIOUS SONNETS" to the "Tuesday Poem" feature over at the dusie blog.