Showing posts with label Heather Cadsby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heather Cadsby. Show all posts

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Susan Kay Anderson reviews Heather Cadsby's How to (2023)

Susan Kay Anderson was good enough to provide the first review of Heather Cadsby's How to (2023) over at NewPages; thanks so much! See the original post here. As she writes:
The prose poems in How To by Heather Cadsby are hilarious, and their titles are satisfying enough, let alone the bodies of the poems. Some examples: “How to catch flamboyant bohemians,” “How to tell if it’s different,” and “How to look at a broken fountain.” Each one offers its own non-advice and leads me to hunger for more.

I love how Cadsby plays with expectations. These poems offer surprises that are language-based without being frustrating to read. They are LOL poems, as in this line from “How to know if your venn diagram is pentimento”:

Golf is geometry as is burlesque.

These are funny and my mind creates illustrations or comic images to go with them as I read. I am challenged by this as a reader and also immensely entertained. Not a lot of poetry is funny. Many times, when poets try to be funny, they start rhyming or sound like Dean Young imitators (even though that is a good thing). Thank goodness to have read Cadsby’s inventions, I say to myself, wondering how I will manage to set this book down and get my mind back.

Monday, September 18, 2023

new from above/ground press: How to, by Heather Cadsby

How to
Heather Cadsby

How to look at a broken fountain

You see water running down the driveway. Somewhere a source gets turned off and a man in a plaid scarf tut tuts some kids who run away. You look at plaid. It could be someone’s clan. It looks like Dress Gordon. Can it be a fountain wrap? It’s a waste of time to ask. No one knows what is wrong. A girl in a plaid skirt says Huh and heads on to school. You look at a broken fountain. It has never really worked yet.

published in Ottawa by above/ground press
September 2023
as part of above/ground press’ thirtieth anniversary
a/g subscribers receive a complimentary copy

Heather Cadsby
is the author of five books of poetry. The most recent is titled Standing in the Flock of Connections (Brick Books).

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