Friday, September 28, 2007

Can I Break The Spell Of The Typical?

I hate the new Old Navy commercial with the *twee little beyotch singing about borrowing her sweater if you are chilly. I just hate it. I also hate James Blunt. Frankly, I hate twee. I am sick unto death of the cutesy bedroom slipper bimbos (read Colbie Caillat, Regina Specktor) and ANY sensitive new age guy with a hard on to be the next James Taylor. Just. Stop. Now.

In addition, I hate meetings that have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with my job. You know the kind where the co-worker who ALWAYS derails it goes off on a tangent about some minutiae of process that has nothing at all to do with your job and no one reigns them in. We have two of those co-workers. I know my face is a picture in STFU in those meetings. I just know it.

I also hate Everclear and Art's incessant whining about his absent father, blah blah blah. Childhood is something you live through and then spend the rest of your lift getting over. Move on Art, you ain't special.

Whew! Ok I feel better. I am working A TON this month in an attempt to catch up my bank account and my workload after being ill so much in September. So I am cranky :P

On a cheery note, our charity auction process kicks off next week. I love working on the auction. This will be my 4th year. First two I was the donation coordinator. Last year and this year I am the accounting coordinator. I love 10 Key's. Probably why I like my job so much. I get to 10 Key quite a bit. It's soothing.

I know. I'm weird.

I LOVE the song Typical by Mute Math. Go youtube it.

Oh and Greek festival is coming up on the 5th of Oct. I swapped days and I have Kidlet that day. Look for a food oriented TT this week. And now, off to work for me. It is cake day. Wooters.

** Just for Belle the definition of Twee!

'Twee" is most definitely a real word, and means, as you've guessed, "overly sweet" in a figurative sense, precious, overly-sentimental or mawkish. Something that is "twee" is so achingly adorable and cloyingly cuddly that any rational adult will feel nauseated, not charmed. The creepy and inexplicably popular "wide-eyed child" paintings popular in the U.S. during the 1960s were a good example of "twee."

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #29 - There She Goes Again

I have an HORRID song stuck in my head. Europe...The Final Countdown. GAH! Help me!! But of course it did give me the idea for this TT. Enjoy folks! Here we have some of my all time most favorite 80's 1 Hit Wonders.

Walking On Sunshine - Katrina And The Waves

99 Luft Ballons - Nena

Video Killed The Radio Star - The Buggles

Da Da Da - Trio

Mickey - Toni Basil

Word Up - Cameo

Something About You - Level 42

Come On Eileen - Dexy's Midnight Runners

Forever Young - Alphaville

I Melt With You - Modern English

You Spin Me Right Round - Dead Or Alive

Wouldn't It Be Good - Nik Kershaw

There She Goes - The La's (first in 88 then released as a rerecorded single in 90 and hands down my favorite on this list.)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Monday, September 24, 2007

What's The Frequency, Kenneth?

WTF is a sammy? Who, adenoidal irritating commercial children aside, would actual lisp out the word "Sammy" when referring to a sandwich?! Oh that annoys me. Speaking of sandwichs, I am currently addicted to Subway. Can't do Quiznos, every time I eat there I get sick. Plus ...just yuck.

99 Luft Ballons...oh my Greg at KNRK is starting me off with the flashback.

Got here early, after working all weekend. Kidlet is with me the next couple of days, plus we have back to school night on Thursday so it will be a busy one. At least I have dinner for tonight already to go and tomorrows is a peice o' cake. Greek meatballs. Speaking of Greek, the Greek Fest is coming up and I am so excited for my pastries! Gotta swap a day with Kidlet's dad so we can go for greek foodies.

Here is another WTF....WHY must people drive 5 miles under the speed limit? And then glare at me when I pass them?! Some aging beyotch did exactly that this morning when I finally got to a two lane and could get out from behind her ass. Glared at me. I was compelled to point to the sign with the speed limit posted and mouth the words for her along with fingers showing the number. And one more finger for good measure. Lord help us, there are stupid people everywhere and they are breeding!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Don't You Worry We All Float On

Ok, hang on folks we have a tiny baby rant incoming. And it is a gross one.

WTF is up with people leaving floaters?! By people I mean women. By women I mean the nasty women in my office building. Now it is huge here and there are several hundred women who work here AND the closest bathroom is also the biggest and most heavily trafficed. And I swear to you, every single frickin day SOMEONE leaves a visual gift for the rest of us. Sometimes MULTIPLE people leave a gift. WTF?!?!

Men - next time someone talks about how you all have gross bathroom habits, you point them right here to this post. Cause these women are disgusting. If they had nuts they'd be scratching them in public.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #28 - Are You Gettin' It? Armageddon It!

I am back and slack. I am positive this could be better but you roll with what the good lord is giving you. Which ain't much. Damn cold. This week my theme is guilty pleasures. Can't believe I am fessing up to some of these.

1. Justin Timberlake. Yes I know. Believe me. But white boy is funky, dammit, and I like that album. The song What Goes Around...Comes Around is just ridiculously good. It sounds so old school R& know back when there was a melody with chord changes? Not that repetitive "uh huh, uh huh, so boring, uh huh, yeah baby" shit that is called R&B these days.

2.YUM! These are so very addicting.

3. 80's Music. I totally have an excuse. Totally. Fur Shur. I grew up in the 80's so this one is a gimme. Oddly enough, there are bands that I loathed at the time that now I love. Like The GoGo's. I HATED them. I think that was in response to the popular plastic bitchy girls in Jr. High that worshipped them and having to hear Our Lips Are Sealed every damn day in the courtyard during lunch. Now...I love them. LOVE them.

4. Trashy trashy trashy! Celeb gossip! Britney is a train wreck and I find myself shouting "no way!" when I read what she has done now. Cheetoh's Y'all! Can you get more low brow? See #5

5. Jerry Springer Show. Do you people realize how grateful we should all be to Jerry? Having a bad day? Watch a Jerry show and by God you will feel so much better. There are plenty of people who think the Jerry guest are all actors. While I am willing to bet that some of them are, I think we, as a society, want them all to be actors. Cause honey if those folks are for real, Armageddon is coming.

6. B Movies. Plan 9 From Outer Space! Faster Pussy Cat, Kill Kill Kill! Pink Flamingos! Vincent Price! Hammer Films! Midnight Movies! SHAFT! Janet! Dr Scott! Janet! Brad! Rocky!

7. HGTV, TLC, The Food Network - I am a total Cable Ho. Bad. I live for this shit. I am watching Property Ladder right now. The whole food and home genre. Good lord. Don't get me started on the Food Network shows. I am addicted to Food Porn =(

8. **Looks around** ** blushes** *shuffles her feet** Um...reality tv in general. American Idol, Survivor, America's Next Top Hoochie Mama (which is on tonight!) Hells Kitchen, Top Chef - especially since they added Tony Bourdain. I think Tony is about the only guy I could ever marry. Oh and Project Runway. Which better start soon dammit cause I am getting impatient for my Michael Korrs, Nina Garcia, and Auf'ing of high strung designers. GIMME!

9. Books. Now I know, books are good. But when I say I love books, I mean I really love books. Like they are overflowing in my house. And in my garage. HUNDREDS of them.

10. CDs. I am worse with these than books, which is pretty fricking scary. I have shocked Sparky before with my totals. It is something along the lines of 800+ albums. I had to buy a 500 disc professional case and that only works cause several hundred albums live on my computer only right now :P

11. CraB puffs. (Thanks to those who pointed out the Crap Puffs! Damn cold meds!) The kind you get in Chinese restaurants. You know...the deep fried wonton wrappers filled with crab and cream cheese and plum sauce. Oh Yummers. My toes are curling thinking about them!

12. Driving. Don't hurt me Al Gore! I like to drive for no reason other than to drive. I am a bad fossil fuel sucking person. Leo can spank me though. That is another post all together :P

13. John Hughes Movies. I find it impossible to pass up Pretty In Pink, The Breakfast Club, and Sixteen Candles. But Lloyd Dobler OWNS Jake Ryan.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Wordless Wednesday 30 - Don't Look Don't Look The Shadows Breathe

Golly Jeepers Where'd You Get Those Peepers

Yes I still live. I have been awful about blogging since I got ill mostly because I have just been swamped due to getting ill. Add that to school starting and the lingering tiredness (is that a word) that I have had and I just have just been too pooped to pop.

I did work Saturday...early in fact. Got there at like 5:45. Got kidlet, and then got a wild hair to go to the beach. We had already planned on going for the afternoon just to have chowder. But I got a cheap oceanview room in Rockaway for the night so we went and spent the weekend. It was lovely down there on Saturday and all spooky foggy Cornwall coasty on Sunday. Came back to town Sunday afternoon and my Dad came over to fix my closet rods and have Chinese and watch spooky movies with us. Mom is in Cali for a family party so he is batching it this week.

Now I have a cold/migraine. I think it is a cold. I have a fever and swollen glands and the head is killing me. On one side. So either it is both, or a bad reaction to having a migraine. I have not bounced back from that Norovirus as fast as I would like to have and with kidlet going to school and bringing home all sorts of new germs...just yippy. I pretty much want to sleep all the time still. So I am not screwing around with whatever this is. Tea and naps for me.

Oh confirmed my Halloween plans. I am SO fricking excited about this. If you have seen the Stephen King miniseries Rose Red then you will recognize this place.

Kidlet and I are driving up on Halloween morning and spending the night. We are going on a Halloween Night Candlelight Ghost Tour and staying in the Master's Suite for the night! Kidlet is beyond excited. Halloween is our favorite holiday hands down and to be able to go somewhere super spooky just rocks! Click the picture to go the castles website. And check back later for WW as I will a picture of the suite we are staying in!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


There will, undoubtedly, be a great deal written and said today about the events 6 years ago. And plenty of it will political, from both sides of the fence. It always bothers me that in the debates about these national tragedies and the name calling and the blame laying, that we always seem to lose sight of the simple acts of kindness done by everyday people.

There is a grass roots movement on the rise in America to turn 9/11 into a day of good deeds. I like that. I wish more people just did it because it is the right thing to do and that it didn't take tragedies like Katrina, The Tsunami, or 9/11 to bring it about...but I will take what I can get. Here is an bit of the article on this movie (full text available here.)

"The idea of turning 9/11 into a day of service, charity, and good deeds came from the family and friends of one man: Glenn Winuk, a volunteer fireman and lawyer who worked a block and a half from the World Trade Center. After he helped evacuate his Broadway law offices, he grabbed a medic's bag and ran toward the smoke pouring from the South Tower. That's where his remains were found after the towers fell. Mr. Paine and Glenn's brother Jay had been friends for years. They decided that turning 9/11 into a day of service was best way to memorialize Glenn.
"It completely reflects the way my brother lived his life, and it also specifically reflects how he died," says Mr. Winuk,
MyGoodDeed co founder. "He laid his life on the line for other people that day."

In 2002, Paine and Winuk sent e-mails to friends and family and suggested they do a good deed, such as donate a day's pay on 9/11. Then the idea evolved, and they founded In 2004, 100,000 visited their website and pledged to do a good deed on 9/11. This year, those pledging number more than 250,000.
"A lot of people don't know what to do on 9/11," says Paine. "This hits people in their heart and their soul. It connects with something that's fundamental."

For those looking for volunteer opportunities near them, please visit

Peace out

Sunday, September 09, 2007

I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues

Well it is my favorite color =)

You Are a Blue Crayon

Your world is colored in calm, understated, deep colors.
You are a loyal person, and the truest friend anyone could hope to find.
On the inside, you tend to be emotional and even a bit moody.
However, you know that people depend on you. So you put on a strong front.

Your color wheel opposite is orange. Orange people may be opinionated, but you feel they lack the depth to truly understand what they're saying.

This was hands down (no Rosy Palm jokes, now) the single most illuminating quiz I have taken. If I had a penis what would I call it?! I gotta say....I like this one. It has depth, character, insight...

Your Penis Name Is...

Phantom Lord of Ultimate Darkness

Bubba and Me - I wouldn't let Hillary near my Phantom Lord of Ultimate Darkness, either. Oh intern......!

You Are Most Like Bill Clinton

No doubt, your legacy may be a little seedier than you'd like.
But even though you've done some questionable things, you're still loved by almost all.

Of course I am not Prissy. Hell I was just associated with a President with Kinky Cigar habits :P

You Are Not Prissy

You're the furthest thing from a princess - and you probably stay far away from any princess types you know.
You have an easygoing approach to living. It doesn't take a lot to make you happy.
And when life requires it, you're ready to get your hand a little dirty.
There's no problem you're too prissy to tackle!

Dude Looks Like A Lady! This didn't surprise me. While I think guys have issues (you do, you know it, shut up) I find women to be INCREDIBLY annoying. WTF is up with the chick games? There is no way I could be a lesbian, I can barely deal with talking with most women let alone screwing them. Except Shirley Manson. Shirley is teh win.

Your Brain is 47% Female, 53% Male

Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female
You are both sensitive and savvy
Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed
But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve

Just call me Selina Kyle! - props to those who know who that is :P

You Are: 30% Dog, 70% Cat

You and cats have a lot in common.
You're both smart and in charge - with a good amount of attitude.
However, you do have a very playful side that occasionally comes out!

Well this one is dead on. Those Celts had it down!

You Are A Poplar Tree

People tend to look up to you, and it's a bit lonely at the top.
Inside, you are not always self confident, but you show great courage.
Mature and organized, you are reliable in any situation.
You tend to have an artistic or philosophical outlook on life.
You are very choosy in love and take partnership seriously.

"That rug really tied the room together."

The Movie Of Your Life Is A Cult Classic

Quirky, offbeat, and even a little campy - your life appeals to a select few.
But if someone's obsessed with you, look out! Your fans are downright freaky.

Your best movie matches: Office Space, Showgirls, The Big Lebowski

For some reason, this one just fits perfectly

In a Past Life...

You Were: A Ditzy Executor of Sacrifices.

Where You Lived: Cyprus.

How You Died: Natural causes.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

I Am S M R T

How smart are you? - Are you dumb?

Found that fun little test over at Sparky Ducks. In addition to this one I took a grammer test found over at Desert's and got 10 outta 10. I am feeling pretty smug right about now :P

Sad Eyes, Crooked Crosses In God's Country

I have been soooo bad with both going to my favorite blogs and writing in my own. It was DAMN hard to get back into the swing of things at work. I didn't really get my appetite back until Thursday or so and I am still not up to working overtime. Tomorrow I will be going in for a few hours.

Today, though, I am just being a big old couch potato. Watching VH1 Classic Albums - U2 Joshua Tree and then Rattle and Hum will be on after that. Which make up 2 of my Top Three U2 albums. Achtung Baby being the third. Boy is a close call on that though.

The bastards need to stop jacking me around with their damn "doodling" in Morocco and GIVE ME AN ALBUM.


And for Kidlet....Green Day needs to shit or get off the pot and GIVE ME A NEW album as well.

Not that we didn't both love their collaboration and their contributions to Instant Karma, but DAMN. It has been 3 years for both of them.

LOL...apparently Brian Eno nearly blew up the tape of the original attempts of Where The Streets Have No Name as it was such a bitch to record. The man nearly blew up what Bono calls the "God Song" meaning that if the concerts are sucking and they are not connecting with the audience (which I find hard to believe) all they have to do is play Streets and they have the audience back. It is hard to imagine U2 with no Streets.

Alrighty, coffee time. And if you ever get the opporunity (Sparky, Desert) to see the Classics Album Joshua Tree definately rent it. It is a fascinating view of the making of it. Given that Mr. The Edge has the porn star mustache and cowboy hat it was filmed during the Pop era. The most interesting part is listening to the creation of Running To Stand Still. Bono came up with the first several lines off the cuff while they were running through the melody. Pretty impressive.

In other random news, I received a thank you and update on Sparky the wonder dog who was dragged behind a car and frankly not expected to make it. I am happy to say that Sparky is doing MUCH better than expected but still requiring a great deal of medical intervention. In other words, they still could use your money! They are also accepting donations for the reward fund to try to find the man responsible for this. Click on the picture to be taken to the donation site.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I Almost Fell Into That Hole In Your Life

I am still home today, released to go back to work tomorrow. This was one very very nasty illness. I made it to Dead Fred's yesterday and got my shopping and school supply list covered, and then came home and passed out on the couch for another couple of hours. On the plus side I ate *TWO* meals yesterday and actually had coffee for the first time since Aug 26th. That is how sick I was.

Kidlet started Jr High today. 7th Grade. It was a cattle call outside the school today and it was just the 7th graders. 8th comes back and classes begin tomorrow. Today is a special orientation for the 7th gr kids. Kidlet is excited and a bit freaked over the 5 minutes between classes. Her school is fairly decent sized so I don't blame her. As per usual, she looks about 4 grades higher than her classmates. Heck last year they lost her pictures sending them around the district trying to figure out who this "student teacher" was cause they didn't get that she was a 6th grader. And that was before discovered eyeliner. Forget about it now.

178 bucks in fees, pictures, lunches etc. Fees for art class, home economics and shop. Did we have fees for regular classes, for god's sake? I know we had to buy supplies (fabric, woods, pastels) but these fees are on top of those. And I love supplying paper and pens and Kleenex for the entire school. I just know in 20 years time we are going to find out about wide scale embezzlement in the Oregon government. We have damn near the highest property taxes and state income taxes in the nation, not to mention a lottery, and our public schools suck ass. Hard.

I am picking up Miss Thang after school and we are going to eat and then to see The Zombinator's version of Halloween. I think I am finally up to it. I feel fairly human today thank goodness. Tomorrow, after I drop off Kidlet, I have to report to employee health at the frickin hospital and get cleared to go back to work. Then I get to turn around and go back to my office. That is retarded.

More coffee I think, it finally tastes good again. Glad to be back!
