Showing posts with label Too Stupid to Date. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Too Stupid to Date. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Shut Your Mouth, Try Not To Panic

Good God I am feeling so stressed these days. Totally under the gun. I have too much to do and too little time to do it in. GAH!!!!

Freak out done. My natural Scarlett O'Hara "I'll think about it tomorrow" instinct is kicking in. It is that or the coffee. I gotta get a grip. It is getting really old to wake up and realize that a month is gone and you really have nothing to remember it by. I am marking time till I can move, that is true, but I seriously need to get some balance going here. Did I mention I need a vacation?

I am still hopeful of Hawaii in April of next year. Kiddobean is clamoring to go back to Atlanta, which of course I'd love to do. Maybe shoot for that next summer. Yes I said summer. In the South. I like humidity. Sue me.

Speaking of marking time, today would be my 13th wedding anniversary. Technically it still is as the ex husband and I are legally not ex'd at all. I paid once, people. Not my problem if the child rearing as divorced parents classes were missed. I had a mom in traction and the ex is the ex. Even he admits he is totally unorganzied. So legally we are still married. Without said classes, the decree ain't gonna get signed. And now I'd have to pay again. Haven't lived together for six and a half years, but still hitched.

The upside of it is that it keeps me from doing anything stupid, like deciding to give the state of matrimony another whirl. Face it, people, if I am too stupid to date, it's a safe friggin bet I am WAY too dumb to marry. He doesn't seem to in any hurry cause it sure is a conversation stopper to any woman he dates when the whole "let's get hitched" convo comes up.

Add to that we are both monumentally lazy :p

It is kinda amusing though. But I have never been very conventional, so why should my split be any different? It's taken over 6 years but these days we get along just fine.

Miss H is thinking of setting up a blog. Would do her a shit load of good. She has too much going on and needs a way to express it. Writing works wonders for that.

We now return you to your regularly schedule lives.
