Tuesday, November 24, 2009

One Comedic Kid.

Lately Talan has been one big comic act. He is so funny to watch! He has been entertaining us full time around here!
The other day David and I came home to find Talan wearing nothing but shin guards. A sight I couldn't have ever thought up in my head on my own! In the time it took me to get the camera he had already taken one shin guard off.

Ever since my dad came a few months ago and took Talan to Lowes and let him get out of the cart, Talan thinks that he is big enough that he doesn't need to sit in a cart anymore. (Thanks dad ;-)
We went to Smith's Marketplace the other day and when Talan saw the other kids with little carts he had to have one too. It was so funny watching him maneuver his way through the store. I was sure he was going to crash into something. Much to my surprise though, he didn't! Every now and then he had to stop to chew on the cart handle. Just working on building a better immune system!

This is a display of his latest and greatest trick. He does this all the time on his own. The other day I couldn't find him. I started to panic! I knew that he was with Bradon the last time I had seen him, but Bradon never told me he was going anywhere. I jumped in the truck to drive the neighborhood. I found Talan and Bradon on the front porch of the McKeachnie's. Talan had Qtips sticking out of his ears just like this! He had stuck them in at home and then walked all the way over to their house with Bradon leaving the Qtips in place the whole time. It was as if he knew he was being funny!

1 comment:

♥ Michele ♥ said...

So cute! I have a picture of Callie with q-tips in her ears too!! Must be the age!