Showing posts with label Friends i heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Friends i heart. Show all posts

Sunday, November 22, 2009

This is it

Talking bout the King of Pop himself, the late MJ's documentary/biography/movie which was on every cinema.I watched it recently, like last 2 weeks (entry yang lambat, i know) with Mr Mystery, Kak June and Din at Cineleisure Damansara (initially we wanted to watch 2012 but the tix were SOLD OUT!).

I'm not much of an MJ fan, not fanatic but i can sing his songs. To my surprise, watching his crazy preparations for the concert as well as the selection of musicians and dancers, i must say, he deserved it all, the compliments especially since he's dancing and singing flawlessly at his age of 50plus. Isn't that beyond ridiculous?

It was all great and all i could wish was to actually attend and watch him perform live. It could have been greater than great. But the Almighty loved him more.

You're the King of Pop, MJ. I'm proud of u!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

25 tahun sudah... (part kedua)

It was 27th sept. 2009 which marked me being a year older, wiser, maybe, maybe not. But it's supposed to be my day. so here are a few great things that happened. Let's start from early morning alright, the moment i woke up.


I woke up beside my love,....... the blurblur doll, i got as a pressie (haaa...mesti uolls ingat i woke up beside ehem2 tau. tak baik pikir bukan2 tauuuu, kitorg kawan jeee...!) in my pretty pink pyjama and i woke up with a smile. What a day to start :) and there it is tonnes of SMS-es and i love the one from Mama. She was so sweet (Ma, I LOVE U!).

The first thing that got to my mind was to call Mr.Mystery so he could fetch me for breakfast. We planned on having breakfast with his family. But due to over-exhaustion, (adekah perkataan sedemikian? any word as such?) i bet no one would be awake so early to prepare breakfast. And so he came and we bought Roti Canai and Nasi Lemak, the proud staple breakfast of Malaysians somewhere around TTDI Jaya. Filling and fattening, i must say.

As we had breakfast together, my first wish for the day was:
I wish i had many,many more happy and joyful mornings amongst loved ones; family and (insyaAllah) future family. Aminnnnn!


By noon, everyone had their water bottle filled with Ribena and "iced water with lots of ice cubes please *****," for me, as i bat my long curly eyelashes (over tau!) to tapau us for the long journey back from KL-Melaka-Penang. Wait! "Nak jalan round KL pun kene tapau ke akak*?"(Akak bukan nama sebenar) but it's a good thing anyways, cos takde la huru-hara sekampung if you happen to get stuck in the ever-famous KL massive traffic jams withnothing to eat or drink and worst still if you need to use the ladies. Seksa gila i tell you! Tahan la sampai nampak signboard petrol station.

So back to the story, when i meant US, i was referring to duhh! (do i have to repeat it again?) Mr Mystery was also going back to Penang, one reason was to accompany me cos i had to drive alone, but since when I'm so dependent? Hmm, give me a break! Kadang-kadang nak jugak bermanja and have someone to be in-charge and to get some TLC (tender,loving,care) , right?After all today's my day as quoted by Mr Mystery.

Eventually, our plan got changed as i overheard the conversation between them sisters about going to Pavillion. I was not eavesdropping or pasang telinga and such tapi ape lagi nyah tak tahan telinga mendengar, harus pergi okayy! And again while bating my eyelashes i asked "We're not rushing kan,*****?" and i got a big smile and a big YES! Woohoo!

my 2nd wish for the day:
He's just so sweet today i hope he's sweet everyday! *di sini saya rumuskan sahaja serta diselitkan beberapa lagi wish berkenaan Mr Mystery yang mungkin tidak wajib dipertontonkan. Terima Kasih*


We were still in Pavillion after our superbly-licious lunch at the Teppanyaki joint at the Basement Food Court (Ade ke food court lain?). It seemed like everything was going against me, including the chef. I was the last to get my Salmon Teppanyaki and my taugeh and sayur was so sikit compared to my sis and Mr Mystery's. No fair! I know i eat lesser than them even i'm BIGGER than them (ye, saya mengaku di sini I'm bigger :) but that does not mean you should be discriminating me and join the forces so i should diet you know?!

And so, after lunch and not much touring around or window shopping and such as i find it so blah and un-interesting perhaps i had the "jewel" in my hand (definitely not a diamond,engagement ring lah) who means more than anything as what Pavillion has to offer or perhaps i just had to stick to my budget and purchase things i NEED instead of those I WANT (another resolution in being a year wiser). OMG, did i really said it out loud? Shopping and Mr Mystery? Really? Macam dalam movie Shopaholic Diaries plak when all the patung-patung mannequins were talking to her and seducing her to buy, buy and buy!

Papa called me at about 1630, at first i "merajuk" cos Pa did not call or SMS-ed and wished for my birthday. Perhaps he forgotten, but he didn't cos Papa called me on my birth time. How sweet is that? *wiping a tear*

my 3rd wish for the day: "you're not a diamond in my heart, because diamonds make me happy for less than 24hours. You're much better than that!" Adura's quote


At this point of day, i was contented with every second i had, even when not all my family was around somehow i was still among my family, my sister. I, later, visited or more like pergi Beraya at my Aunty Nor's house located in Desa Pinggiran Putra, Kajang/Putrajaya. All these while, whenever i feel like going there, i would always lose my way even with the help of a GPS (or perhaps i didn't read it right?). Don't blame me for being bad with directions, i'm not but Putrajaya is just not my forte. So this time, i called my Aunty Nor to fetch us and guide us the way from the Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC) or "cowboy hat" as what my niece Anis would call it. InsyaAllah i'll have no trouble going there again since Mr Mystery seemed to concentrate, study, and copy+save the way there into his "memory card". Lucky me!

Actually we went there not to only visit my family but as well as to welcome our new family member Mr Muaz Azwan who was born on the 1st Syawal, 20th September 2009. Like the Malay saying "sambil menyelam, minum air". Did i get that right? Hopefully :) I got him a bag full of blue goodies, was excited to give it to him as i thought its one of my personal favourite baby gifts (mind the self-perasanness). It was a blue baby bag with a baby whale and in it was full of baby goodies. I'm so used to buying pink stuffs this year and for a change i had to buy a blur gift and boy i was excited!

Holding Lil Muaz in my arms, made me think and wonder when will i be holding my own baby instead of cousins and friends? *sigh* and i bet i was not the only one thinking as such. Well, enough of the not-so-sad story, it's supposed to be a happy entry people!

Bak kata orang melayu or simpulan bahasa "langkah kanan" or fortunate, i was, as Aunty Nor prepared such an array of food. It seemed to me like a party. Laksa, kuih raya, cakes and cupcakes, i just loved them all. Ishbir just enchants me when he sang me three rounds of the Birthday song with some extra hip shaking. It was all good.

But we had to go so soon since it was running late and "someone" had been so mind-boggling about going back to Malacca. Her initial plan was to return to Malacca with her friends and eventually her friend wanted to return the next day. And the notification came in so late in the evening i felt like a time bomb since I've well-planned my journey earlier on. Since it was a joyful day to be ruined by some mishaps, being the ever-so-loving sister, somehow made sure she returned to campus safely.

My 4th wish for the day:
"God give me patience and perseverance. Give me love, hope and faith. Give me all the good deeds and traits i should and make me in being a better Muslim, daughter, sister, friend, insyaAllah wife and mother. Dan semoga aku bertemu jodoh yang beriman dan bertanggungjawab sebagai seorang Muslim serta dikekalkan bersamanya dunia dan akhirat kelak. Amin".


This time of day, we just left UiTM Lendu, Malacca and heading back north. Problem was, it's 9pm and my tummy is grumbling and i bet the person behind the wheel is too. So we need to stop somewhere, grab a quick bite then go. I need to reach home soon as i need to be with my family on my birthday, too, you know? :) Can we make it on time? Will they still be awake? Let's just hope so, ok?

Throughout the long journey, apart from our passion for speed, it was all fun and full of singing and laughter. We were practically helping each other from sleeping and snoring. Perhaps, exhausted after a whole long day and lack of sleep throughout the weekend (refer 0800). Spare the details, i was just so happy. Happy to know that i had someone who celebrated with me for almost 24hours on my birthday. What better gift would i ask for?

My 5th wish for the day:
"It feels good to have meals with you. I wish i could have breakfast lunch and dinner with you everyday even if i was not the one preparing it myself. And God, make me a less "super pemalas" person so i could watch and learn how to cook and prepare food for my loved ones. Amin"

28th Sept 2009


We drove across the Penang bridge, and reached home safely, finally. Exhausted and sleepy we were and sad to be apart. But, i was still smiling. Because, i'm going home to my family whom i'm hoping would be still awake and the fact that i had 3 more days extra to spend with Mr Mystey. A week with him, seriously is the longest duration i'd be with him ever, to date (now i'm telling you how much i hate Long Distance R'ship).

When i reached home, my parents were still awake and i had a very big smile on my face. I just felt so lucky. What better gift would i need for my birthday?

My last birthday wish:
None. All i could utter was "Alhamdullilah". I just felt blissed amongst my sayangnesses, so people, please don't pop that bubble now.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

25 tahun sudah

It's been so long since i abandoned this page. I haven't got an excuse for that. Partially being lazy as i didn't even had the time to bake cakes or cookies for the festive season, so please excuse my laziness. Apart from that, it hadn't stop me from being lazily in love. Please LOL!

Here I am today being 25 years old, a year older and yes, being lazy. Super lazy! like Adik Azreena would call me.

Sudah sudah la tu MR LAZY, sampai bile kan ? Actually I'm just so excited to share about my 25th birthday celebration. Nothing so grand like the ones you see on MTV super sweet 16 or such. Perhaps i prefer celebrating with smaller crowds, close friends and family or just family instead of tonnes of people i hardly know. Been there, done that.That's just what i feel, we may be different, no?

So back to the topic, it was actually the day before my birthday. It was actually after Mr. Mystery's sister's engagement ceremony, kenduri/open house and all of us, everyone was tired, every drop of sweat was drained out of the system and i had no plans the whole day but to just lie down and rest. Totally forgotten that it was the night of my birthday. Seriously.

And so, he asked me out for dinner with the newly-engaged. And i thought, as normal it was. I was hungry and so was he. However, it was a little weird when we drove to some place none other than the regular. Perhaps it was a new place he discovered. Tak kesah lah mak, janji ade food i'm fine :) until we came to this lovely place that made reminded me so much of Bandung. It was Bora Asmara. (Pls, pls try the oriental chic chop, SEDAP!) Some place i would love to celebrate my birthday. PERFECT! So 100points for you,Mr Sword (Btw, don't be mistaken Mr Mystery and Mr Sword is the same person)

The moment i walked in, i thought how lovely it was to have my wedding here for close friends *berangan mode* and there it was RESERVED for ******* (Mr. Mystery). Goodness! Reserved? Means it was planned. Then, i remembered when my sister told me about her sms-ing with Mr Mystery few weeks back. "Hmm takpelah. Buatpe nak jealous kan? She's my sister" i thought. But there's seats for 10?!? He expects me to seat at one end while i'm on the other ke? No way! Jauh sangat kot, we're not like what he said dracula and vampire in an eerie mansion. Sangatlah tak romantic Miss Sayangness nih kan?. haha!

To cut the story short as well as to avoid from those reading from puking green stuff due to my corny mushy talks (who would even want to read all the details, so I'll just keep in mind what happened and spare the rest) the rest of the crowd came (Mr. Mystery's brother and the newly engaged). There it was a birthday tiramisu cake (sponsored by the newly engaged) and a paperbag full of pressies (from Mr Mystery's dad). I was practically jumping out of my seat, due to overdose of excitement. I really hoped he didn't noticed. Anyways, i think he did. But whatthehell!

To add a little bit of twist, the resident band, i think it was a 6piece band, unplugged sang me the birthday song and another two number but my fave was I'm yours by Jason Mraz. Was this all planned or did it fall in place just perfectly. Seriously dreamy as it sounds,right? But he claims himself as not being romantic, Whatever you say...

We went back after the gang left us earlier. And so the rest of the night was spent, quietly and romantically, NOT! We were so out of ideas plus exhausted at the same time hence we figured to go home and rest well would be a better suggestion. Anyways, i could always celebrate it the next day, right? Cos it's still 27th?!

So see you tomorrow to fill in the blanks _______ :)


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Eiffel im in love *part trois*

22nd July 2009

The next day started out so lousily as my topup was out. Here my head was practically screaming "I wanna go home now!" because calls were much cheaper,but whatever, i'll have to bear with it for the next 12 days. *sigh* Thankfully lil Miss ET loaned her phone to still keep me connected. Hence, pursuing our tour of the French land.

Then again it was super sunny and i was dressed lightly compared to yesterday. I just could not bear the heat. And breakfast was super yummy too. Thank you my French mama. She made the best hot choc and i had scramble eggs and croissant with peach jam and cherry yogurt. Need energy to keep me going for the whole day since food don't go cheap there, thus i might as well stuff myself where there's limitless food at the buffet table right?

the honeymooners

We first went to Musee de lourve (pronounced as musi de loo). Hehe, funny kan? Cos the train station stopped at Palais Royale Musee de Lourve and apparently Et said, Kelantanese would be the one who'd pronounce it perfectly. Here, the museum stores the great paintings of Monalisa and its bad to admit that i could not care less about it. It's just a painting. Perhaps, i would be back to stand in the line and get my pretty-self in the museum and really appreciate the painting and other treasures there.

cafe marly at musee de lourve

However, i did not waste any time there since the scenery, the people was just too beautiful for the day and it was really perfect to drink a cup of lemonade instead of a hot chamomile tea with honey (yours truly needed a hot drink since she was not feeling well) suggested by our good-looking waiter, Pierre.

don't you girls agree with pierre?

After a while, Sayangness and ET marched to Champs-Elysees where there'll be the Arc d Triomphe. It was so exciting since the roads were full of boutique and designer labels, whatever you need. And since my dear friend was tired walking in her oxford heels, she needed a gladi flats badly, urgently!

We both dined at Monte Cristo Cafe which took us an hour to get our meal. Perut dah berjoget berzapin baru nak sampai but thankfully the oh-so-sweet-with-chic-name-i-forgot ice cream came first, so tak sempat lah the both of us nak mengamuk di tempat kejadian.

my goyfy et

I was in search of souvenirs and knowing myself i would not buy a little as most of it comes in bulks. Thus, Et said the best place to shop for souvenirs is at Rambuteau (pronounced as Rambuto, i think :) It was heaven! From postcards to t-shirts to fridge magnets to keychains, this place has it all cheap and i mean it!

And here Et was so looking forward to have KFC and i'm like WTH since i came all the way from Malaysia to have KFC. But i don't complain since it was all good. We tapau-ed the KFC and had our good time eating it in our room with the magnificent view. Full tummy, sleepy eyes, tired feet and a great bed.

Goodnight, ET! *kishkish*

Friday, August 14, 2009

Eiffel, im in love *part deux*

After some cold shower and mesmerizing done through our window pane, we finally set foot on the roads of Paris. Earlier on we had purchase the 2days tickets from Metro which costs around EU18. Well, since we’ll be moving around with it, why not? Besides, it is said to be much cheaper and convenient, I suppose. But the ticket is just so small that I think it is so much advisable to let ET hold it for me, just in case I lose it. From La Tour Mauborg to Eiffel Tower is just 1 station away (Note: Trocadero: Line 6).

At that particular moment, I was actually not feeling good. My head was practically spinning, I was coughing and had a runny nose and my temperature was rather high. InsyaAllah it’s not the infamous H1N1 (Did I mention I had the influenza jab days earlier for precautions?) However, all these did not stop me from having fun, especially our Lil Miss ET was just ignorant of my sickness (She loves me, that’s why she keeps on reminding me on my medications like a mommy. Love u, Goyfie).

Before getting ourselves to the tower, we were in need of the delicious strawberry slush to cool our throats (Sorry Mr Throat) and went on a ride on a beautiful carousel joined by a dozen of kids. Yes, the little girl in me was finally unleashed!

Eiffel Tower, believe it or not, despite the heat and sickness, my mouth was wide open to stand before one of the 7 wonders. Am I dreaming? Am I really here? Et, please pinch me slowly (slapping is too harsh!) Inside, I wish he was here too. To witness and to be with me at this land of romance as well as to be my personal photographer (ET, no offence we were the greatest couple in Paris then, kaann?).

Everything seemed beautiful, and surreal. To get to the top of the tower, one would have to purchase a ticket and after over an hour, we finally got ourselves a ticket with discount for youths below 25 years old. How cool is that? So basically it was selling for EU9.90 for the elevator entrance tickets to the top floor. So if ever I’d want to go again for a tour or honeymoon whatever, I’ll have to pay EU13. *sigh*

[For more info on the Eiffel Tower Visitors Guide click on]

When we reached the top floor, the view was super amazing. Enchanted by the view of Paris and tired I was to have stand and lined up for hours from the ticket purchasing to elevator waiting. But it did not keep me from being thankful to have been there. We got ourselves a salad and cheese baguette, cupcakes and soft drinks and let the moment mesmerize us. For once, I felt better, no runny nose, no cough, no fever. Perfect!

As we went down Eiffel Tower, it hit me how sad it will be to leave but the trip must go on. We headed to Hard Rock Cafe Paris (Note: Richelieu Drouot) for some dinner and souvenirs and believe it or not, the only thing we could have was the Classic Nachos, minus Chili. Yummy still. Still we had fun, the people, the music and David our waiter. Super friendly and so cute (Mira, I know you like him so if you happen to go there, tell him I said Hi!)

So tired we were, we headed back to get some rest before a long day ahead tomorrow.
Bonne nuit, Adura!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Eiffel, im in love *part un*

21st july 2009

I watched the sun coming out early that morning, jet lagged or excited or whatever you might call it, i had it. I could hardly get some shut eyes probably it was too cold or perhaps because i had no phone to call my loved ones in Malaysia *sigh* I killed the time walking to and fro Daing's cosy apartment, waiting for 0645 as planned, to get to St Pancras International where i was supposed to get myself on the Eurostar and travel for 2 hours to Paris.

The alarm went on at 0630 and there i was with the 2 boys, Daing and Per (Cheh was still in he dreams therefore none of us wanted to interfere that, sweet dreams Cheh) pushing my luggage across the town from Liverpool St to get to the train station. I was practically enchanted by the station itself. Culture shock to see how different it is than my home country (Malaysia i love you), probably the cafes and florist won my heart.

After i got my ticket from the machine which was super-easy to use (enter the online ticket's number and your credit card and voila!), we went and get ourselves food to warm the tummy. And there it striked me that i'll have to be a vegetarian or a fish-arian for as long as I'm on this trip. Believe me, there are tonnes of super-delicious sandwiches at Pret A Manger lined up with bacon and hams and fresh salads, but i won't be deceived, therefore i settled for and egg sandwich and a cup of Hot Mocha. Burp! That'll be enough to last till Paris, i hope.

As i was chatting away with the two lads, i was also praying inside, hoping that any telecommunication store would open soon for me to get my hands on a SIMpack. I am in need of a phone, badly! And there it was a Vodaphone store, just switching on the lights across the cafe. OMG!!! Thank you.. I got myself a SIMpack for GBP5 with GBP20 topup. Super expensive. That's a good RM110 but since i need it badly, i got it anyways. Thanks to Lisa the Vodaphone lady who was so attentive and actually informed me that international roaming fees are free for summer and that to make calls to Malaysia is way cheaper like 20p/per minute (RM1.17). Mahal laa!!! Whatever it is, Lisa you were my lifesaver.

So i got on the Eurostar and tried to get some sleep but before that, i need to make a phone call. I was happiest to hear voices, again. Personally, Eurostar is such a convenient way of travelling. Cheap, maybe. But the seats are like the ones you can get on AirAsia. Comfy, it is. My heart was practically flipping over and over again, excited to get my feet on Paris and to finally meet my Goyfie, ET. It's been years, 2 years?

ET had actually reach Paris earlier than me. So we agreed to meet at the train station Paris Nord as i was not familiar with places there. Unlike her, this is her third trip there (Correction: second time). When i actually arrived, i was practically sweating. Why did i even wore a thick top? Because London was super cold but Paris was warmer? Duhh... how would i know about the weather, right? Tu la tak check weather forecast kaaannn? I'm the type that couldn't be bothered about the weather, okay.

The sight of ET made me pull my luggage faster. I just felt like jumping on her but since, i think, I'm slightly heavier than her, i didn't. Let's just save it for Mr Mystery. I hugged and kissed her and felt never wanting to let her go, seriously. I missed her a lot. A lot! The people around were looking, but who cares, right? So what if i love my best friend? Jealous la tuuu... The 2 girls then marched to the nearest Metro Station to get ourselves to La Tour Mauborg where it is supposed to be the nearest Metro to our hotel.

It was a thrill to be in Paris with ET, perhaps the first trip with her alone. But i know, we'll have tonnes of fun. As we reached our destination, to get to the hotel was a 10minutes walk. Walking with luggages, doesn't sound chic but whatevs, we're tourists. As we approached Le Jardin D'Eiffel, we were told by the receptionist that our room would be ready in an hour. Perfect! We need foooodd and gues where did we go for a bite? Starbucks! *sigh*

When we actually got our room, believe it or not, i felt like we're on a honeymoon, our windows had the most amazing view, the Eiffel Tower. Let me be enchanted for a while, and I'll continue with my trip.
Bonjour Adura!!!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

london bridge is falling down

20th july 2009
Today i'll be leaving for London via AirAsia at 1600. Everyone was asking why i hadn't opted for MAS. Unless, someone's paying for me, thank you very much but i'm paying for my own vacation (trying to prove myself independent,somehow) so i chose to fly with AirAsia. At the Departure hall was Elly, Edros and I. It was too hard to leave them, but i am going on holidays, i'm coming back so i shouldn't be too sad, right?

To say the least, it was not a bad flight since it was a no frills, low cost carrier. So what more can you expect than to pay for everything else (comfort kit, entertainment and food). Talking about entertainment, i had all the fave songs in my Sony Mp3 to occupy me throughout my 13hours flight, but i just had to leave it somewhere at my cousins place before leaving. Darn!tBuy then again, I had no complaints, the Nasi Beriyani was good (hopefully my trainer,Gary doesnt read this) and given having a chatty person sitting next to me. It was my bad to have not got his name but i'm sure he was around my dad's age. He was nice. (Uncle whereever u are, it was nice to meet you)

After 5 hours of chatting, and 8 hours of i-don't-know-what (i had trouble sleeping despite being so sleepy, maybe it was the seat,maybe), i arrived at Standsted Airport, London at almost 11pm local time (7am Msia?) which to me looked like our LCCT but i think LCCT is waaaaayyy better. The line before the customs officer was so long and i had just enough time to inform my family about my arrival. Just did't want them to worry since i was travelling alone. But i just had to miss out the fact that i had not update my new number with international roaming. Again, some silly mistake! How am i suppose to inform Daing and Per upon my arrival? Ya Allah, please guide me.

After getting my luggage, i needed to get a bus (Note: Terravision) to Liverpool St. which is practically an hour ride from the airport to town and it only cost around 9pounds to get you there. (Yup its like RM54 in which you can get a return bus ticket to KL, but they say don't convert or you'll end up not eating) On the bus, i slept but only for a while because i was too scared i missed the stop and went to somewhere else. Thank Goodness the pretty Italian girl beside me was nice enough to start a conversation. When we were heat up, we practically conquered the whole bus. Apparently, Margherita de Gennaro was also on vacation with her also 18 yrs old boyfriend. She actually asked me to add her in Facebook! Believe it or not? It was hilarious.

When i arrived at Liverpool St., i was welcomed but my dear old friends Per, Daing and Cheh (i suppose that's his girlfriend cos they make a good couple). So thank goodness for the 2 heroes, they pushed my 23kg luggage back to Daing's place where Cheh made a good cup of Tea and served garlic bread and sambal ikan bilis which i had a few bites and Per practically licked the plates. He must've been very hungry. After a while chatting and i felt like getting some rest before my trip to Paris the next day. Because i was psyched and freezing, i could not sleep. So i went online and updated my Facebook. After a while my eyes were too tired to open, and i really need some shut eyes now.

See you later,in PARIS?!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


I've actually finished packing my stuffs to bring for my long trip at 2330 on thursday night. i should've got it done way earlier like Mr M said(in short for Mr Mystery) but being typical me, i would just "save the best for last".

Baju, check.
Makeups, check.
Medicines and such, check.
Telekung, check.
PAssports n all, check.
Mr Mystery, .... nil

A lot of stuff were thrown into my luggage, almost the whole wardrobe. Well, that's if you consider 2weeks holiday is long bacause i need a lot so i wont buy much but knowing myself, i doubt that'll ever happen. What's important is i'm psyched for the vacation but at the same time, to be travelling alone, i should be prepared for a lot of situations. Let Allah lead my way and protect me from all harm. InsyaAllah.

Another reason to be excited about is that, on Saturday, i'll be amongst many Man.U fans to spectate the game with Malaysian FC. I just can't wait. However, being brokenhearted given CR7 actually went for another club (Real Madrid that is) and the whole point of going for the game was to actually brush shoulders with him was just a girl's dream. And that dream happened to be mine. But the problem lies in figuring out what to wear for the game. Jeans and Tee? Summer dress? i just dont know. It's not like you go for a football match to watch Man U's game everyday, y'know.

Well i guess i better stop before it goes on and on, endless. Nonetheless i need to get a very good rest as well as to avoid having eye bags. Nooooo...!

Sleep tight, sweat dreams my friends. :)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Al Fatihah to Mohd Shahanoor

on the 12th of July 2009, a friend, Mohd Shahanoor had met an accident and unfortunately had passed away during the accident. He was a friend, a son, and a preson that will greatly be missed. Let us all say our prayers and may he'll be in peace amongst those of great iman. Al- Fatihah

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Beautiful Mess

Beautiful mess or whatever else he calls me like Big Bird and Mok, he's just so mysterious and full of mysetery and deep words. Mind you, we are not really romantically dating just yet or are we? Let time tell as i would not want to jump head first again and hurt myself.

So at 8.36 am i was awaken by a text message saying "go listen to jason mraz's beautiful mess, its for you"

Oh great i thought, another clue to another puzzle.

I Youtube-d the song, listen to it over and over again and the meanings are still vague. Blame me for being slow early in the morning but i think i need that caffeine jerk so it'll boost up the cells to make my mind go faster and read between the lines. I don't know.

Well, i tried asking him for clues and answers but he just won't feed me with silverspoon. Darn! He's just like the professors in your university or college or classes,whatever who is just to selfish to let you get every other facts out of his mouth and demands you to search and rummage the whole campus library for answers. That's so Mr. Anonymous. Things just don't come so easily out of him, does it?

So please listen to the song, and if you've any clue please to not hesitate to break the code for me. Thank you! Really appreciate it if someone cares to help.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tagging Mynn

1. Apa perasaan sekarang?
- Happy. Sad. Confused. Ecstatic. Byk prasaan la

2. Saya nak makan :
- buah. cos tadi dah mkn chapati sedap at Lebuh Ah Quee

3. Saya tak suka :
- orang marah saya

4. Impian saya :
- Nak jadi Puteri jugak macam Mynn tapi maybe thats too impossible, so i wish i could be a gooddaughter/sister/friend/gf/fiance/wife/mother.

5. Haiwan yang saya tidak suka :
- Babi, cos it caused the influenza H1N1.

6. Saya harapkan :
- please refer Question 4, thank u

7. Jika boleh diputarkan masa :
- saya nak patah balik 10 tahun dulu for something i should hv corrected and saya nak blajar rajin2 and do my ACCA sebab cmane pun now im doing accounts and takde la pening kpale with all the numbers now and if i did pursue ACCA, i would be travelling the world now with my friends, takde la susah2 nak plan Eurotrip cmni. tapi if i blajar kat sane i wont go through whatever i did, good and bad. hmm tah la, everything happens for a reason so i'll just have to do the best of what i have now la kot kan?

8. Saya pada 10 tahun akan datang :
- Akan berumur 34/35 tahun. Hopefully, dah tercapai cita2 utk own my own home, ade family/husband and succeed in whatever im doing.

9. Handphone saya adalah sebuah :
- alat yg connect me with the ppl i care, i love, friends n family

10. Saya pernah berchenta sebanyak :

11. Saya suka pada :
- Cristiano ronaldo

12. Kawan-kawan saya :
- Sayang saya jugak even though they're near and far and they're oh-so -great

13. Pernah dikhianati?
- he should regret what he did now :)

14. Apa yang anda hendak lakukan terhadap orang yang mengkhianati anda?
- what i do now. ignore him when he's crawling back.

15. Senaraikan 8 orang untuk di tag :

- Elly

- Roslee

- Kak M

- Marlissa

- Wawan

- Daing Nazim

- Kiddie

- Mieza

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Movie review - Jgn Pdg Blkg Congkak

Last Tuesday, while my cousin Mastina was here and me bing sick with some kinda virus-shite, i planned for a movie outing with my BFF's. Mind you, not the usual BFF's but Boy's Funny Friends. They're just totally funny to be with.

So, there i was at GSC Queensbay, deciding which movie to watch. Earlier i planned on a movie marathon of 17 again, Jangan Pandang Belakang Congkak and Terminator. But problem was, i did not feel very well to sit there in an airconditioned room for more than 2 hours so i decided to watch the comedy Jangan Pandang Belakang Congkak which was so much of a rare choice for me as i'm not the type of a Malay movie frenzy, but i did this time. Why? I watched it's "the making of.. "and i could hardly stop laughing. So i thought, why not give the movie a chance and boy was i right. It was good and i give the a 5 star for tickling my belly and made my Mr Virus go away at least for the night.

So here i am, standing ovation for the line of actors as well as director Ahmad Idham as well as the producer whom actually acted in it as well. Congratulations!

Al Fatihah

Al Fatihah to the late Afham Akhimullah bin Matkhir whom passed away on the 8th of June 2009. He was a dearly beloved brother of my friend Adilla. Hopefully all of us could spare some moment to include him in our prayers. Al Fatihah

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

the skies were blue

Thursday 30th April 2009.

Perfect weather.

Hot and humid.

Three boys and i.

Loud music.

Tonnes of jokes.
It was just perfect. A perfect drive with the perfect company. It was going to be a long drive, a long journey from north to south and to be able to be accompanied by these few people, tremendous people, was priceless. My tummy could have exploded any moment due to over-laughing (if there is any term for laughing too much). I was even okay when i found out i left my pink toilettries bag. Believe me , you would not like the sound n sight if i miss that particular bag. From my soap to shampoo to facial cleanser and serum and toner and moisterizer and sunscreen. Everything was in there. Noooooo!!!!
It was the eve of Labor Day. I managed to get a room at my favourite hotel, The Pulai Springs Resort. This time around Cinta Ayu (the one we last stayed at) was fully occupied and we had to go for the boutique hotel, Anugraha, which, to me, is more for the newly weds and romantic couples. The view which overlooks the golf course looks superb in the morning. So fresh and so green! The room, perfect for the couple with a great spacious bathroom with a shower room and also a large tub. Did i mention the tub had a window, just in case you feel "sexy". Goodness, totally not good for a family vacation or anything like it. Strictly for COUPLES! Nonetheless, all of us loved it there :)

Reaching Johor Bahru at night was not normal, to us. We usually reach there by mid-day but since we left Penang at noon, we arrived late. Well, that explains. It's ok, we were not in a hurry, are we? Just some back aches due to the long sit. But with the back aches, we still managed to chillax till the late. Met my old lovely frens/couple/duo/soon-to-be parents Am and Rin with Rin's super-rocking mom-in-law, a lot of catching up and "interview" sessions with the Mom-in-law and i met a new friend as well, Achid who is Rin's colleague. Isn't it great to make new friends? It was getting late and we needed a lot of resting to do till the next day which was SR and Momo's day which is definitely going to be hectic. I so need to get my feet soaked in luke warm water a good shower and a great pillow, let's go home boys!

Monday, April 27, 2009


Last weekend was a splendid weekend. Again. Envy me for such life after being "stress-free".

It was more of an Art & Drama weekend. The fourth theatre im attending in my 25 years of life. It was about the Legend of Mahsuri. I was there to share the excitement of watching the legendary i have listened to all my life with Edros and Elly, my siblings, Kak M and her BFF Kak Reen and also my beloved cousin Mastina.

Picture taken before the show at the hotel room

Since we were staying in Subang, we had to travel all the way to Istana Budaya which took us a good hour given the traffic in Kuala Lumpur. We arrived basically 20 minutes before showtime and managed to grab something to eat and a good glass of Teh Ais. I was starving, *burp* excuse me.

(Pls note: If you're going for theatre or concert, pleas allow yourself to be early to avoid traffic jam, finding parking spaces and to eat before the show begins as sometime they do not sell any food)


The best known legend of Langkawi is of Mahsuri, a pretty maiden who lived during the reign of Sultan Abdullah Mukarram Shah the Second who ruled Kedah between 1762 and 1800. She died under tragic circumstances for a crime she did not commit. She died a victim of a conspiracy plotted against her out of jealousy by Mahura, her very own mother-in-law for her magnetic personality. Mahura bitterly objected to her husband's intentions of taking Mahsuri as his second wife and eventually agreed that their son, Mat Deris should seek the hand of Mahsuri in marriage. Since than, Mahura had grown bitterly jealous of Mahsuri for whom she bore much hatred.

In time, Mahsuri gave birth to a baby boy and he was named Mat Arus. This inflamed Mahura even more. Mahsuri was accused of committing adultery with Deramang, a young troubadour who she befriended. The chieftain of Langkawi, Dato Karma Jaya, her own father-in-law was so taken in by Mahura's accusation that, without a proper investigation, he sentenced Mahsuri to death.

As proof of her innocence, some people say, white blood was seen gushing out of her wound during execution at Padang Hangus. Others maintain there was the sudden appearance of white mist that enveloped the spot where she was executed, which it was believed was a sign of mourning of her innocence.

Mahsuri is best remembered for her curse on Langkawi which was uttered before she died. She had said, "For this act of injustice Langkawi shall not prosper for seven generations to come." The execution of Mahsuri was indeed a tragedy of dramatic proportions. And her curse? Myth, legend or fantasy? History tells us that within a few years of Mahsuri's death, Langkawi was devasted by the Siamese and Datuk Seri Kerma Jaya and his entire family were killed. Rice fields and granaries were completely set on fire.

To this day, grains that appear to be burnt rice grains are still to be found at Padang Matsirat. However, many believe the curse is now over with the numerous development projects undertaken on the island

(Taken from :
There you go. Go green with envy as i took pictures with Vanida Imran (Mahsuri), Sabera Shaik (Wan Mahura) and Adam Korie Abdullah (choreographer of Mahsuri). Too bad I did not get the chance to take photos with the rest. And below, is the gang who rocked my world!!

Our night did not end there. We continued with MU's game at Rasta TTDI and boy was it such a great game. 5-2, and what more better game would you expect? Glory glory Man U!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hello Chinta

Alhamdulillah and congratulations to my dearest friend Norashikin Mohd. Fuad and hubby Jeffri (Abg Jep i hope i got your name right!) after delivering a beautiful 3.35kg baby girl at 5.30am today on the 21st of April 2009.

I just can't wait to see you Mummy Ekin and Baby Chinta...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Super Week!

Last week was SUPER WEEK!

I went to KL for the training which i'm so not involved in but just for the sake of going to KL, i followed. I managed to make dates with friends. Slotting one after the other. I never had that much time to meet all my friends (as the previous guy was practically obsessive?) but slowly i'll meet all of those i left aside.

Firstly, i met someone i haven't met in ages. Khairul and i have always bumped into each other but to sit down and chat, never. So today it was just over coffee and we talked and talked and talked and we agreed on meeting again the very next day before i leave for Penang, and only if he was free. Cross you fingers :)

Attie and Her sayangness

My next date was at 8pm with my girl friends. there you go. Italiannies was super noisy with just 4 cute girls. Problem there was, everyone expected either one of us to bring along their camera, but none did and we had to rely on our cellphone which in my case sucks big time. Thankfully Attie's cam did magic! I had so much fun espcially when they had the cupcakes i got from Chic Cupcakes. Pretty in Pink. I just had no reason to celebrate, possibly, single-dom? Haha.

So after that girly nite out, , i met a just-married friend, Boy, just when i had to use the ladies. It was so funny as i was practically running in my dress and wedges. More like a cartoon character. We talked for a while and i had to go send Attie to her car. So, we went to pay the parking fee and all this while,I never knew the parking fee was to be paid upon exit, until a man said "You've to pay upon exit". I turned with a quizzical look on my face. Practically i didn't hear what he said and all of a sudden he was like "Adura?". It was my childhood friend, Nazmi! We were in the same kindergarten. Well so glad to have met him. :)
After Attie went off, i went for a drink with my sister's boyfie, Shafiq Iqmal at Lepaq@hartamas. Cool, so cool, the place. Relaxing ambience, open mic, just what i needed after a long day.What to drink? Apple juice with Lychee. Super yum! Edros was supposed to join us but since he was "caught up" with Dhiya, i thought maybe not today. But seriously, i was excited to meet Dhiya.
That night i came back slightly late to Royale Bintang hotel (apparently that's where i'm staying for the night), to get some rest before the next day. Geez, i'm so excited! Thankfully the bed was super comfy despite the size of the Suite which was rather small for the name "suite". I'm judging from all the suites i've been to and for the price of RM480nett, its not really worth it but since it was the cheapest room around Kota Damansara, we just had to. I'm comparing with One World. But i have no complaints as the bed and toilet just blinds me with perfection.
Moving on, the very next day, i had a "sleep hang-over" due to my tak cukup tido (not enough sleep) syndrome. But i just had to send Kak M, Roro and my brother for their Petrochemical training at Ensearch, Kota Damansara. And since i had a breakfast date with another long lost friend, i thought i should be early. Yes, i'm also excited and perhaps skip the traffic as well because i'd be driving down all the way to Taman Melawati.

I had so much fun meeting Ayyum, after 2 long years, and we even went to this place where they served the best Roti Canai and Nasi Lemak in the KL area, please minus Nasi Lemak Antarabangsa. Being the paparazzi, Ayyum took so many pictures of yours truly. I was blushing even pinkier than my blusher. God, i sound so poyo now. It felt so good to meet up old friends that you can talk endlessly over one too many teh ais or neslo ais. Later, i went to meet his mother since she tapau-ed me her ever-famous sardine currypuffs. That is super-yum! I'm definitely going to hit the gym once i get back to Penang.

Ayyum and her sayangness

After that, i had another date. Another old friend. I was suppose to meet Ain and Baby Arissa in the first place but since Ain did not answer my calls, and i assumed she had something really important going on, so i just re-scheduled my visit to some other time. And so, my friend and i headed to Sunway Pyramid for lunch. We had lunch at Nando's. Yummy yum yum. I personally love Nando's as the food's great and the chicken'd grilled to perfection and being the spicy food lover, who would resist it anyways. Truth was, i'm still full from my Roti Canai and the too many Teh Ais (i hope my trainer does not read my blog or i'll be dead meat) but he insisted i get something and i chose my typical grilled chicken salad since irdering soup made him frown. Haha! But problem was, it sucked, the salad. The iceberg lettuce was yuck! I never had complaints before over my fave dish. Well, maybe it wasn't the lettuce, maybe i was just focusing on my friend and his 1/2 chicken and potato salads. OMG!
It was almost 5 and i had to pickup the 3 trainees. :) Thank God, i had my "human" navigator and i didn't lose track and reached Kota Damansara just 5 minutes before 5pm. Oh, my friend, Khairul made it to IKEA before we left for Penang. U're great you know that? Haha. We, Kak M, Roro, Edros and i wanted to grab something to eat but in turn had a feast of food. Well, i had to eat something since the salad sucks right? Salmon and meatballs and daim cake. I was happy and thoughtless of how much resistance training and classes i'll have to attend to all these yummy-licious food in my tummy. Gosh! Now, i really, really hope my trainer doesn't even know about my blogs' existence.

The happy girls. With kak M

But as happy as i was, i can now travel home with a smile on my face that will not leave me for life because i felt loved with all my friends. Thanks you guys, each and every one of you who made my day and life felt less miserable, from Sayangless to much more of Super Sayangness!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Someone sent me this video clip. After all these years, he found out that She-ra (the princess of power) is he-man's twin sister. She-ra, the

Guess what's her real name is? Adura!!!! Yup thats my name :) Thanks Hafiz/ Jepun whichever name you like ....

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Baby Bumps

Not in a relationship.

Not married.

and definitely not pregnant.

This is a beautiful video a preggie mom gave me, thanks Rin. Therefore, i'd have to share it with the rest of the preggers out there especially my 2 beautiful cousins Masuri and Maslinda Masood who are pregnant for the 2nd time and also to the almost-due mom Ekin, all the best to you.

For my dearest Rin, i can't wait till baby meets Mummy Dura. :) Oh, i'm so happy for all of you.