
Showing posts with the label sunbird

Flowers and birds enjoy the garden in April

For multiple reasons, I have not spent much time out in the garden lately.  Life sometimes takes over, but I am so lucky to live in a climate where the garden merrily keeps on growing, all by itself....The old gazebo trellis is where I tied up a bunch of Tilladsia (airplants)  and placed a bunch of orchids in pots on the shelf below it - they are all badly in need of re-potting.  I have been noticing a bit of colour in the area lately, and the Tillandsia are really putting on a  show.  the tibouchina also love this time of year, and are continually covered in these lovely purple blooms.  These angel wing begonia struggle through the heat and humidity of the summer, and then show all their glory as the weather cools down a bit.  Even the cordeline leaves seems more brilliant.  I keep threatening to pull out all these tissue paper costus, until they flower that is......  There are always lots of birds in my garden, but a ...

Sunbird nest outside our study window

This is the time of year that the sunbirds start to build their nests again.  Our units are bing painted, and we thought for sure that the prospective Dad would get tired of dodging ladders, scaffolding etc, but no, the nest passed the test, and mum-to-be has moved in. You can just see her little head and long beak sticking out of the nest.  It is hanging on the washing line just outside our study window, so a perfect place to keep an eye on her.  The windows are tinted and clearly she cannot see in or at least is not concerned about us inside. She often comes right up to the window and peers in as if to say "Hi there, are you allright inside?" Such beautiful chatty little birds, I feel so blessed that they decide year after year to build their nests in our garden.  The male bird has an iridescent blue throat. These lovely photos were taken by my ever so patient hubby. More information:  added 21st November:  Further research at The Aus...

sunbird nest

Joy of joys! When I left a sunbird had been building a nest from the hanging pot outside our bedroom window.  I wasnt too excited as I had heard they often build decoy nests. as they had last year see sunbird nest. Upon returning from my holiday though I discovered we have little babies:  (I think 3, but one seems more adventuresome)  Look how it is just hanging by a thread!  Isnt nature awesome?

Holiday tommorrow!

Tommorrow we go away for a long awaited holiday! I spent most of last weekend putting things right in the garden - making sure everything gets a good long drink before I go. The neighbour has been asked to water if we don't get any rain. Surely we will start to get rain soon.... The tomatoes are really almost at the end, but I cant bear to finally pull them up until we get home. Then I will put them onto the makeshift compost pile where I will grow tomatoes next year. . Maybe try some green tomato chutney, with the few remaining tomatoes that never quite ripen. Slowly we will transition to plants that like the hot humid summer, but right now it is just hot and dry! Transition time is always a little untidy in the garden. Yesterday evening I went out and discovered that the sunbirds were happily flitting about the passionfruit - oh gosh, I am so glad they like passionfruit flowers. That means we will have lots of these cheery little birds. Of course as soon as I got the camer...