Showing posts with label Spring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spring. Show all posts

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

purple flowers

At the moment the main colour in the garden is purple. Don't worry, this was deliberate. My lovely old Pops would love it, he is a major purple fan so here you go Pops, these ones are just for you...

I'm afraid that I'd also like to use this post to shamefully recommend the work of some of my loved ones, I hope you don't mind. 

My little sister has just started her first blog. A super idea as she is ridiculously pretty and stylish. So for make-up, fashion, and all things cute and colourful, why not check out The Life of Ruby Moomin. For her first post she shows you how to create a 20's look inspired by The Great Gatsby and she looks flipping sensational!

Also my boyfriend Allsy has just created another side project for his music and I couldn't resist sharing. His music is truly beautiful at times and downright dirty and gritty at others, so why not check out Wou Wou and the Wormling (I know, great name right?!) on Sound Cloud or Facebook now.

And if you haven't already checked out Major Gubbins, a communal project set up by Allsy's alter-ego's (the inside of Allsy's head is a most wonderful thing) and even including drawings by little old me, why not go do so now. To get lost in the world of Major Gubbins is a most wonderful thing, full of music, illustrations, and all sorts of adventures and hijinks, it is the happiest space I know on this thing we call the web. 

Lots of lovely things to keep your eyes and ears most happy indeed...

Sunday, 2 June 2013

lazy weekend

This weekend the weather has been truly glorious yet again hasn't it?! It has been so nice to be able to sit out and just enjoy the garden, and the sunshine of course. 

I haven't done a great deal I'm afraid, other than tidying the living room and moving it around a bit last night I have been thoroughly lazy (and I've loved every second of it!).

My grass has got ridiculously overgrown but rather than mowing it (which I probably should have done) I have just been laying in it, pretending it's my own mini meadow

The lawn is full of dandelions, buttercups, various grasses and self sown Aquilegias and Forget-me-nots, it looks rather raggedy but actually I quite like it in a strange sort of way.

I must be honest and admit that the whole garden at the moment is looking rather wild, due to the fact that I've been sat outside enjoying the sunshine, rather than doing any proper gardening. There is a soft, delicate and pretty edge to it which I'm enjoying though...

I wanted to bring that delicate but wild edge into the house so have picked some flowers that to me sum up the mood of the garden at the moment. I've used some of my absolute favourite flowers (some of them picked from the lawn), using both garden flowers, such as tulips, wallflowers and Aquilegias, with wild flowers such as dandelions, buttercups and cow parsley...

Am quite chuffed with how they've turned out, they're certainly cheering up the newly tidied living room, and me for that matter, with their wildness.

I hope you're all enjoying your sunshine filled weekends.

afternibbin. x 

Monday, 27 May 2013

bank holiday weekend

Hello folks. Happy Bank Holiday Monday! I hope you've all had a lovely weekend so far. I must admit that all this good weather has worked wonders on me, I hope it has on you too.

I have done a teensy bit of gardening but for the first time, probably since last year, I allowed myself a few hours this weekend just to sit outside and enjoy it, rather than bazzing about like a mad woman. 

Before we go ahead I must apologise for the vast quantity of photos, I haven't posted in a few days and the garden seems to  be changing daily at the moment. For those who'd like to know what they're getting into before they commence on this mammoth endurance test, this post yet again contains photos of flowers, plants, pots and this post also contains exclusive photos of weeds. You lucky lucky people.

So now you're fully prepared we shall begin with the front borders...

I'm actually really pleased with how the front borders are starting to look, I've also scattered lots of wild flower seeds within these borders so they will no doubt change again shortly. I love the wild look but think I may need a bit more structure to offset all the chaos. As a note to myself for next year I'd also like to grow black elder as I think the dark foliage would provide a good contrast too. I'd also like lots more cow parsley and perhaps some grasses would look nice within these two front borders, to add yet more wildness. We'll see, it's all about trying things out and if they don't work things can always be moved around can't they.

Next up, the pots around the house...

I bought this trellis planter from Homebase Saturday night. I'd been after something like this for a while as I wanted a climber for this area but as our house is rented I didn't like the thought of drilling into the walls. Everything I'd seen so far was way too expensive so was chuffed when I found this beauty for a mere fraction of the price, all it needed was a couple of coats of paint and it was good to go. I've planted it with Sweet Pea 'Matucana'Foxglove 'Illumination Pink', Cerinthe major 'Purpurascens' and blue trailing Lobelia. Thought I'd go even more country cottage on your ass!

The borders around the lawn, and the lawn in fact, are looking rather wild...

But it's all good because my Aquilegias are out. It's most strange though as last year they were bright pink and purple, as seen here. And this year, they're very pale pink and purple but with a green edge. I know they cross pollinate easily but the green tint is quite bizarre as I don't have any green Aquilegias. 

As promised I thought I'd also share with you some of the weeds growing in my garden. Apparently a weed is just a plant growing in the wrong place and in the case of the wild flowers below I like them and I like where they're growing so maybe, just maybe that means they aren't weeds...

Although all the above so called weeds are extremely invasive they do also have their benefits. For instance, in the case of Dandelions and as stated on the Garden Organic website "Dandelion leaves provide winter food for pigeons. The flowers are a rich nectar source for insects and the seeds are eaten by many bird species." Plus to me they're very pretty so I can't ask for anything more from them really. I must admit that I do have to tame them though as I wouldn't want to jeopardise the health of any of my other plants. It's a fine balance I suppose.